Leaving the body

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Leaving the body

Post01 Jul 2007

We are not thought how to leave the body in school. There we don't learn we are souls.

In the Gita it is said that on leaving the body one should concentrate in the centre of the forehead where the life force is.

Maybe there is a difference from leaving the body for to go to Paramdham, to leaving the body to take another one, but there may also be similarities. It is said that whatever are the final thoughs will be our destiny and this final thought is based, comes automatically as the result of the practice for a long period of time whilst in the body.

It is also said in the Murli that, "I will take you on my eyelids, i will take you with a glance" One can ask what are the eyes and eyelids of the point of light?

The athmosphere is also important. If it is now time to go home, then not many souls are aware and not many make effort. Many are left to enjoy pleasures and stick to the body, but the powerfull athmosphere of going home and unlimited disinterest will overcome. Maybe atmosphere of chaos and terror will also help and also spreading of The Knowledge.

Maybe we also have to make sure we have reached a safe place, because our body is our first love we would not like to leave it just like that everywhere.

Then maybe we need a guide. Someone who can go there and return. Someone who has been there, who knows the path. It is said that this one true guru is immortal. He stays till the end. Maybe he has to make sure everyone has left. If he is the host, the master of this world, then he may chase us away from here as we can chase anyone from our physical home.

Then maybe we make effort to leave and we leave, peacefully in happiness. Maybe if we can make it now, once for Paramdham, we then learn leaving the body easily in the Golden Age and Silver Age?
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Mr Green


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Post01 Jul 2007


did you need a guide to breathe? Or to sneeze?

Why would you need a guide to die?

Plenty of people do it everyday.
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Post01 Jul 2007

We don't need a guide to die but to go to Paramdham, the matter is how? Many people die in sorrow, due to catastropy etc, untimely death. Now we learn to leave the body willingly. For this our way of life is essential. It is said if you give sorrow you will die in sorrow.

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