BK attitudes toward charity and emergency aid

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Post25 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:Africa ... I have some impression peole are very happy there, somehow carefree.

Yeah, especially those in Darfur :roll:.
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Post25 Jun 2007

zhuk wrote:Yeah, especially those in Darfur :roll:.

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Post26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, Zhuk,
    What do you mean by Darfur.
Dear alladin,

Yes, now on the posters and billboards there are bodies without heads, only legs. Head is not important part of the picture anymore. Also propaganda in the magazines and tv.

It was not always like this, but these customs now take over the whole world. It is not strange. With internet, media (tv, radio, newspapers), mobile phones, globalization, intence travel, the whole world becomes very much one and the same everywhere. The difference is that for some this is natural, they themselves propagate this way of life, they have created it; and for others it is external, alien influence, they used to live differently to this influence they unwilingly submit and are not happy with it. This can be called degradation.

For others it is natural, ask anyone today. Everyone knows something is wrong but don't know what to do. That's why the Supreme Soul comes to give ideas, new ideas. Now all old traditions, ideas, customs have failed. Then later those who degrade forget how it used to be and adopt the new custom, imbibe it, feel it natural as a habit as if it was always like this. Then there has to be a change due to the propaganda of the Supreme Soul of moral laws, ethics etc.

Some change and some don't like to change but all have to change, the world has to change. But definitely in Middle Eastern contries, the customs surrounding relations between male anf female are much stronger. Still there, it is not common to have a girlfried before marriage. In Western countries, during school times, one has to have at least some.

These veils are that no one else can watch the girl. Here man and woman communicate freely, watch, talk, touch. And in film stories, books, because they come from the same source, this way of life is propagated. Bollywood also is influenced by Hollywood. You know, the image of the loser who is not interested in girls. The nice guys who are the bad guys. All these cliches.

Unity of the Muslims, as Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says, is also that wherever in the world they are their attention is focused on Mecca. Everyone thinks he has to go there at least once.
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abrahma kumar

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Post26 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:Dear Brother, Zhuk, What do you mean by Darfur.

What do you mean by Darfur, indeed!

Google it Andrey and see for yourself. As so called students of a Godly Universe-ity (poetic licence taken) oughtn't we to realise that there is a world 'beyond' all of this stuff we talk about here? If not, who are we serving? Ourselves or just a selected few? A world into which Gyan must consider or else it just might become an elitist pastime.

Please don't take this as a personal criticism, Andrey. You will see on the Young, Gifted and Black in the BKWSU Poll topic we are starting to open up some rather interesting discussions.

I see a stunning relevance in your question to some of the stuff I said on that topic. Your sincere question is like a bit like cherry on top of those nice little cakes my mum used to bake us as kids. Hi mom, trust that you are shanti.
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Post26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother abrahma,

You have put me in an uncomfortable postion where i have to play the stone hearted one as i did not know about Darfur. Yes, i searched Google and saw.

You know these sufferings exists even without me knowing. I mean that what an atmosphere we live in, what a world we live in! That's why Baba says, from one place you say Destruction stares at us and on other haven't you played songs? We should behave appropriately to the situation of the world.

Our interactions here should also correlate with the situation. And more such things are to happen. We are to experience them ourselves. But why aren't such pictures and information resctricted for kids? Why is not their mind protected, so that they not see suffering etc. because they are delicate, sensitive, easily impressed and can have nightmares afterwards? Now what happens is that the supreme Father protects us the unlimited children. He makes some transfromation that whilst we see, we don't see.

Yes, indeed maybe even prior to carefree, association of Africa are hungry children.

There is also this part of a poem that ... when a man sees a child under the wheels of a cart, he will help him get out. Everyone would do. It is something natural. One does not become better with this. Even if he just passes by he won't become worse than he used to be. Something like this.

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that with giving donations to the poor heavin wil not be created. When someone sees sorrow there is a feeling of disinterest, that everything is temporary, my fortune, my health etc. Today im' OK tommorow i may become the same. This feeling comes also on the graveyard, on the brying ceremony, or when birth takes place also such moe important churnings take place, or maybe even on maryin ceremony. Thi is it birth marry death. These three are three main points in life. so wene we see suffering, we have to know what to do.We don't just shed tears in desperation. We have to know a solution. We have to help in a way. We can do with our mind.

And if we believe in teh Law of Karma it is not to say...you see this childrem must have been bad in the past, taht's why they suffer, but we just believe in some organisation, law, order of the play, the drama, thet these children must have had their happy days too, now they suffer, we all play happy firstly and then feel sorrow. There should be some laws, some explanation, otherwise, who will explain me, why it happens like this, why there they have no water to drink, and here i have plenty of water. Is this justice. Where is the explanation.

Nowaday one can find everything through google.Maybe even God.

Dear ex-l,
Males are duriodan dushashans. Those who wage wicked war and does bad acts. woman has to suffer out of this. No other man can save. Only Supreme Soul Shiva comes to protect and uplif woman. Now you see sense in his coming don't you. He says mend will not leave their nature. I have lost hope in them.

But see, why don't westerners on going to middle east, why don't they adopt their ways, but it happens the other way round? Do they do like you say they do, because they like to, but they cannot do there, or do they just do like this because here they see there is nothing wrong with it. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that first time a thief steals and his heart bites, second time it bites less, then he gets used to this profession. So here it is normal, does not mean it is right. it happens like this because if you take for example a pile of cherries if there is one rotten cherry it will spoil the rest. It does not happen that others cherries that are OK fix the rotten one. It is easier to adobt the bad habit, then a good habit. That's why the part of the Supreme Soul is unique. To make the old new, no one else can do.
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abrahma kumar

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Classic post Andrey Bhai

Post27 Jun 2007

Andrey, thank you for sharing.


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Post27 Jun 2007

Not knowing about Darfur ...

One of the weekly tasks the BKs used to do was to send out instructions to the centres so that an area of the world which was suffering was given attention, and either on Thursday or Sunday, special sakash (good vibrations), were sent to that region. Usually, it went around the world each week, whether rich or poor countries, since floods, hurricanes, famine, wars, bombs etc are happening everywhere.

In this way, being a world benefactor, a BK who may not have easy access to the internet or even a television, would be given some news of how to do service to the world by trying to create positive thoughts for those in need. At the same time so of the less educated got to learn about some geography. I recall when the Asian Tsunami happened, every BK had to bring their thoughts to the affected region.

Does anyone know of this? Is it still continued?

Do the PBKs do such coordinated service?
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Post27 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:One of the weekly tasks the BKs used to do was to send out instructions to the centres so that an area of the world which was suffering was given attention, and either on Thursday or Sunday, special sakash (good vibrations), were sent to that region.

In this way, being a world benefactor, a BK who may not have easy access to the internet or even a television, would be given some news of how to do service to the world by trying to create positive thoughts for those in need.

No offence meant to your personal sweetness bansy, but this kind of stuff was at the heart of why I lost faith and left the BKWSU.

At that time it was said very outrightly by the top leadership, and in the Murlis, that BKs did not do "social work" or lokik service/charity.

The belief system that genuinely equated "service" to being taking real money and free labor in and giving "positive thoughts" or "virtues" out as "God's true charity" turned my stomach. I could name names here but it would be pointless. We all know who there are.

Did sending positive thoughts make any difference? Not as much as bags of rice and medical equipment.
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abrahma kumar

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Post27 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:...I recall when the Asian Tsunami happened, every BK had to bring their thoughts to the affected region. Does anyone know of this?

I can confirm this. Not only thoughts but an express request that we contribute $. Around where I am you should see the students queue up to stuff the envelopes and boxes full of cash.
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Post27 Jun 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Not only thoughts but an express request that we contribute $.

I'd love to see a properly calculated set of accounts for those donations.

Did they go in special, separate boxes? Who were the end recipients and how was it spent?
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Post27 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:I'd love to see a properly calculated set of accounts for those donations. Did they go in special, separate boxes? Who were the end recipients and how was it spent?

... and how much this is lauded by the BKs, the only time they have given away money.
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Post27 Jun 2007

Yes, probably because it was too political not too. I would still like to see the actual accounts because I did not see the news stories. I saw they gave away a lot of second hand blamkets, pots and pans ... can someone fill me in here?

I think they care more about and PR disasters, where they are the victims, than natural disasters where non-BKs are the victims.

Its a shame, because if they were honest enough, it would be great to have a non-corrupt network of aid managerment that did not take a percentage from the aid given. That is why I want to hear about the accounting. One for the India Times, may be ...
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Post27 Jun 2007

Hi everybody! Since the tsunami was mentioned, I remember also how the BK became involved in aid to the victims of the powerful earthquake that shook Gujurat a few years ago.

I did not go to Madhuban that year, but I remember Baba saying something interesting and sensible in Murlis that season about the role BKs should play and the attitude they should have in such crisis. Sorry, but I totally forgot in which year that happened. So I cannot tell much more.
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Re: earthquake

Post27 Jun 2007

alladin wrote:powerful earthquake that shook Gujurat

2001? 20,000 dead. 5.5 bn US Dollars worth of damage.

I think the BKWSU will always be limited in what they can do BUT the possibility of a corruption free conduit to channel money and material would be a very good practical result of 70 years of theoretical spirituality. They would still need somene with genuine emergency aid expertise though.
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Post28 Jun 2007

Maybe if we feel ourselves responsible for the events of crisis where we like to help, then probably we are also responsible for it to happen. IT is said that when the nature of human being changes then nature changes. We contribute, with thoughts, words, actions. We sometimes can have tsunami,earthquake, vulcanoe in us then it happens practically. The big world is a mirror image, hunger etc, first happen in an unlimited way in the Brahmin familly, food is of Yaad, water of knowledge earthquake means shake of faith of the mothers that give suppoprt like earth etc. It is also fine idea that there are living souls that are sun, moon, stars, earth, rivers, Whatever happens with them happens with the phisical ones.

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