False Gods within and outside the BK Family

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Post19 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:In some way the splinter groups are better after they at least offer an alternative God.

Hi Andrey,

This is an interesting pont you make. Do you think that it is an alternative God on offer or the same God with a different angle?
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Post19 Jun 2007

False god.


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Post19 Jun 2007

paulkershaw wrote:This is an interesting pont you make. Do you think that it is an alternative God on offer or the same God with a different angle?

This is an interesting point. Though off topic, I'll leave it here in order not to disrupt the flow, but will shift it to relevant thread later.

If we are, after all, God's children, then whatever the children believe, is it not the SAME God, even if it is from a different angle?

We know that water is water. Whether you are in the North Sea where the water is cool or whether you are in the Mexican Gulf where it is warm. Water is water whatever angle you look at it in a bottle. The Sun is the same wherever you are in the world. So is God not the same for everyone, or have we become entrapped into "groups" (call it religions/cults/spiritual practices/philosophies) that we need to DEFINE God but God is not really definable; otherwise you are simply redefining yourself.

But back to we are all God's children. The trouble it seems with "groups" is that everyone thinks their own definition of God is superior to another, which goes back to are we God's children and does God see in his children some who are superior to others.

(And thus my other thread : Did God make Man, or did Man make God?)
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Post19 Jun 2007

I think we're really off topic here (sorry Aimee ...) and I am happy if 'Admin' moves this post somewhere else ... where relevant
andrey wrote:False god.

Hi Andrey

That's a very quick two word reply from you ... I don't suppose we can discuss the point that to many people around the world, their god is simply their god? Surely, each and every religion claims that their god is the only god and that they, and they only, speak the truth? Does this not give that religion or organisation specific power?

And what about people who worship the earth and see her as a living conscious breathing organism? Are they worshipping false gods simply because they choose to work with earth energy?

As ex-I has pointed out in other posts, wars and huge human suffering have been caused for centuries by this ego and judgment. As a supposedly enlightened spiritual person, I don't feel it correct to tell anyone that their god is false but would rather honour their belief systems unless they were 'suffering', of course. Even then, is it right to tell them that my 'god' is more than their 'god'?

I do feel that we shouldn't confuse someone's belief and/or value systems with 'godliness' either. I know so many people that I consider Godly and are deeply spiritual yet would not even look at BK/PBK Gyan as it just is not going to support their own spiritual journey. I would agree with you that Gyan is not for everybody, of course ... and I suggest that we don't need to go into the lesson of The Cycle/Tree here.

After all does god not (or supposed to) represent the whole truth? So if someone doesn't agree with Gyan are they then worshipping a false god?

These points can make interesting discussion and I look forward to you sharing your viewpoint ...
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Post19 Jun 2007

paulkershaw wrote:After all does god not (or supposed to) represent the whole truth? So if someone doesn't agree with Gyan are they then worshipping a false god?

Good thread, yes, please split.

Not so long ago, a little Tribal God with a few hundred worshippers called Jahweh had ambitions to expand his influence. 2 Millenia later, he or his emissions prevail over, what, a third of half of the world's consciousness? Now another Tribal God taking the name Shiva has the same ambitions ...

It was Joel in the thread "What was that? ( ... Meeting in Madhuban with BapDada)" that wrote, "A spirit that believes itself to be God, perhaps.". I wanted to add to that thread, "or a spirit that it is willing to use the "God Programming" within to achieve his ends". They could be good, mad or ugly ... we wont know until the End comes of folks tire of predictions of Destruction and go off looking for another god.

I think the biggest trick the BKWSU play is the subtle overlay of their god onto everyone else's God. I am not yet convinced the two, or many, are the asme thing. Especially when they god might just be Lekhraj Kirpalani/Brahma receiving the fruit of his Bhakti.
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Post20 Jun 2007

bansy wrote:But back to we are all God's children. The trouble it seems with "groups" is that everyone thinks their own definition of God is superior to another, which goes back to are we God's children and does God see in his children some who are superior to others. (And thus my other thread : Did God make Man, or did Man make God?)

That's what is so great about Buddhism, (which supposedly doesn't actually define itself as a religion, although of course there is also much Bhakti within its followers ... as in the BKWSU too). The general Buddhist take (I don't follow Buddhism by the way, so I am open to being corrected if need be ...) is that we make effort to master ourselves on many levels and that total enlightenment is achieving the 'Buddha' stage, with other levels needing to be mastered before we get there. And that it will most certainly take more than one birth to achieve same ... I realise this posting opens up another category of discussion altogether ...

My recent take on the G-D question is that God did not made man and Man did not make God, but that we all are born out of the same light and that our journey (search?) is to return to that light, or enlightened stage of being.

Next question to post then would be: "Is this light Conscious?" BK take on this is that this is not possible 'as G-D is not omnipresent' ... so here we go ... (!).


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Post20 Jun 2007

The Admin forum is protected. So can Admin move the past few posts in this thread into a topic something like "Oustide Raja Yoga Gyan, other gods are fake". Or use a better title. And then delete this post, thanks.
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Post21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother John,

No, no, basic knowledge is correct, but it is basic knowledge. This is not criticism. Like the difference between school and university. Basic knowledge is not denied, it is clarified in depth. The difference comes in the clarifications, the explanations, the teachings of the Murlis.

Criticism comes about when the Murlis are overlooked. Then there cannot be even be a debate because there is no common ground. Some just don't take the Murli into account. When it is taken into account, the different interpretations emerge. We believe that it is only the Father that gives knowlege, meaning he teaches the study of the Murli, clarifies, explains like a teacher; and devotion arises from other human gurus.

We are not gurus to guide people, we just teach what he teaches. Benefit is not with any of us. Benefit for all of us, and for everyone, lies in one only and until this idea comes to the fore then certain people will remain thinking that "Only I am the best, this one is better then that one" ect. There is one for all. It is not that there are many for many. It can be one if first we have one knowledge of him, what he is, where he is, what he does, when he comes etc.

Dear Brother ex-l,

yes, reality is hard because it is hell now. It is not heaven on earth now. It is the old impure world. It is not the new, pure world. Murlis are like guidlines for establishing this new, pure world. They are not put into practice. That's why it is still the old, hard, unpleasant reality. Knowledge of the arrival of the Supreme Soul and The Knowledge he teaches has not even spread.

Dear Brother paul,

Yes, God is one, but who is he, what is he? If 10 people have 10 different ideas, then they make him different. Will he become what human beings think of him to fit their ideas or will he come in one form, that everyone will recognise? He is the Father of all but if we don't know him, we are orphans. It is a matter of adoption based on knowledge. That we hear the knoweldge and say, "yes, this is my Baba" and he says, "this is my child". He teaches what he teaches. We cannot have any complaints there. We can correct ourselves. Until we receive the correct knowledge, we have false knowledge. Correct knowledge of him can be given by him for himself and not anyone else.

Yes, in Buddhism, it is said so and at other places human gurus also say like that. Human gurus are like enemies because they attract people to themselves and don't let them go to the right place. It is said that we receive enlightenmebt later in subsequent births, but when are these births? It is now that it is the final birth and there will not be more births where we can receive enlightenment.

We receive enlightenment now. It is a resulf of our efforts from the past. Those who have done most devotion receive more knowledge. Enlightenment does not come through some present effort of penance we have to do. We receive easy knowledge for Easy Raja Yoga as our birthright from God. This knowlegde brings enlightenment. It is said that knowlegde is light, day, and devotion is is darkness, night. He tells us the pasts, present and future.

When visionaries can visualize the future, then this future is already fixed. Even an ordinary human being without special talents can forsee the future looking the present condition, taking examples from history or just following some intuition. We now receive visions of the future that we understand with the intellect what will happen. Visions with open eyes. It is called knowledge, light, enlightenment.

Ideas we have about God comes from human beings. We are ourselves human beings. What we think about him is only an opinion that is not knowledge, but a theory. Knowledge means, truth means information about what is truth this is spiritual knowledge about spiritual matters – soul - Supreme Soul.

Like the advocate has knowledge of laws, only the Supreme Soul can teach spiritual knowledge. This knowledge is not given after study, like every human being comes to know after study. One is just knowledgeful and teach others. He seems to have very clear ideas and perfect plan, that we sometimes don't know or understand. So far it has not happened, that he submits to someone's ideas or suggestions. He seem, to know very well what he has come for. It is place for someone to study and not a place to go and teach and share his own ideas.

One instinctively likes that ideas I share are correct but there is only one truth only one bunch of true ideas, that if you adopt you become knowledfgeful, otherwise you are in ignorance of different type falsehood. That's why this knowledge is not disputable. It makes no difference if you like or not, accept or not.

No one likes to prove his own ideas here so that to gain name fame and respect like every human does with his ownself, ideas, religions, opinions and create dispute with others, because no two people's opinions can match.

The Supreme Soul does not come to do it like this. He is the benfactor, these ideas are good. They are supreme ideas. Through them a new world of peace and happiness is created and the old wold of sorrow destroyed. There cannot be peace where there is fight of opinion. The human beings' ideas about what is spirituality has lately became very popular. Sects, cults multiply, meditation shops and spirituality for sale increases. This is free knowledge in comparison to all other, because the giver is altruistic. Since he has no body, he has no bodily interests, like name, fame, or money for clothing, food, concerns all human beings have.

That's why all human beings are selfish, because they have bodies to think about and their love is also limited and conditional. There is only one source of true selfless, knowledge, love etc. From the incorporeal God. He has come to give and not to take he cannot take anything from us.

There is no need to keep the protective instinct. Yes, he can take our rubbish, provided we like to give it. If we are not interested in him, he is not interested in us either. We take the first step of courage. Yes, of course, he is responsible for everyone, to uplift everyone, but how? This is the main point. He tells the right, easy, light, path that brings happiness to us and others. If we don't follow we deprive ourselves but because it is only one path for salvation, and only one bestower of salvation, only one shop this path is compulsory for everyone. Because he has to fulfill his duty, and he is supreme, it means no one can stop him from doing it nor influence him to change his mind like we are all like this.

That is why though rememberanc of one, or through punishment, the soul has to become pure and return home. This is the information we have received and share. The task will be fulfilled when everyone has received it and has started to make effort or not – it is in their own hand. The knowhow of what has to be done and what one will gain from this is open. It's an open offer. The goods will be sold and bought anyway. Why not buy?
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Post21 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:Dear Brother paul,
*** We can correct ourselves. Till we don't receive the correct knowledge we have false knowledge. Correct knwoledge of him can be given by him for himself and not anyone else***** ***human gurus also say like this. Human gurus ae like enemies, **** they don't let them go to the right place. It is said that we receive enlightenmebt later in subsequent births, but when are these births? It is now that it is the final birth and there will not be more births where we can receive enlightenment. We receive enlightenment now. It is a result of our efforts from the past. Those who have dome most devotion receive more knowledge. Enlightenment does not come through some present effort of penance we have to do. We now receive visions of the future that we understand with the intellect what will happen. Vision with open eyes. It is called knowledge, light, enlightenment.***
**** We are ourselves human beings. What we think about him is only an opinion that is not knowledge, but a theory. Knowledge means, truth means information about what is truth this is spiritual knowledge about spiritual matters – soul- Supreme Soul. *** only Supreme Soul can teach spiritual knowledge. One is just knowledgeful and teach others. *** that we sometimes don't know or understand. *** It is place for someone to study and not a place to go and teach and share his own ideas. ***but there is only one truth ***, otherwise you are in ignorance of different type falsehood. *** this knowledge is not disputable.It makes no difference if you like or not, accept or not. no one likes to prove his own ideas here so that to gain name fame and respect like every human do with his own selves, ideas, religions, oppinions and create dispute with others, because no two people's opinion can match. ****** This if free knowledge in comparison to all other, because the giver is altruistic. ***** bodily interests, like name, fame, or money for clothing, food, concerns all human beings have. Thst's why all human beings are selfish, because they have bodies toi think about and their love is also limited and conditional. There is only one source of true selfless, knowledge, love etc.from the incorporeal God.He has come to give and not to take he cannot take anything from us. *****If we are not interested in him he is not interested in us either. ********Thats why though rememberanc of one or through punishment the soul has to become pure and return home.

Wow Andrey, thats a lot more than the two-worded reply received earlier from you. Your answers seem pretty defined in terms of your lifestyle. I do however find many contradictions in your posting and have highlighted ONLY some of them but I am not going to reply per se on every point. :roll: We would get nowhere fast I feel as your responses are simply your own churnings of your own perceptions which seem to be deeply coloured by The Knowledge you are learning and hold in such obvious high esteem as to be The Truth.

However I would like to ask you: "Do you not think that many people would question your concepts of truth and what knowledge really is?". Who would these people be? After all, is it not the internal APPLICATION of knowledge which brings about inner transformation? Surely, a spiritual person is a spiritual person regardless of their chosen path?

Perhaps you would also agree that not every BK/PBK understands the 'knowledge' in the same way even though each one has received the same knowledge? Or would you answer that its a case of an individuals intellect not understanding what the real world is all about?

Do you, yourself, for instance differentiate between what is the real world or do you choose to say the real world is the Brahmin way(BK/PBK) or world? Its about a choice one makes as to what one will believe, surely?
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Post21 Jun 2007

andrey wrote:No, no, basic knowledge is correct, but it is basic knowledge. This is not criticism. Like the difference between school and university. Basic knowledge is not denied, it is clarified in depth. The difference comes in the clarifications, the explanations, the teachings of the Murlis.

Dear Brother Andrey

Your response is pointless and shows you have failed to grasp anything I wrote (again).
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Post21 Jun 2007

dear Brother paul
As i understand spiritual - spirit means a soul. all are spiritual people, all are souls. One becomes more spiritual the more he thinks about the soul, look as others as souls and things about The Knowledge that is given by the Supreme Soul that is knowledge for application.
Real world changes in time. Is past less real then present or future less real than present. Past becomes future and present. Souls are good and bad both. Yes, we choose what to see and according to our vision we create a world.

dear Brother John,
OK, then please make yourself more clear. i thought that you think PBK knowledge bases itself on critics, that's why there is separation, whilst i think advanced knowledge is given by the Supreme Soul and it is for understnding the basic knowledge better. Critics are there when something goes agsinst the Murli. You think that PBKs are BK splinter group with their different knowledge, whilst we think that PBKs are direct children of God. Please, confirm if i have understood well.
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Post21 Jun 2007

andrey wrote: Souls are good and bad both. Yes, we choose what to see and according to our vision we create a word.

Does Gyan not teach us that each soul is inherently good and beautiful and it is the ego that then colours the soul's perceptions and makes it do 'bad' things ...??? So who is good and who is bad?
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Post21 Jun 2007

Its amazing ... you press a button, any button, and you an endless spew of a BK style Gyan.

No, actually "he" is not the Supreme Soul and it is not all "The Truth" Andrey. You can say that you believe he is YOUR Supreme Soul and this is your, or his theory, but there is no solid evidence yet to suggest who or where or what any soul is and plenty to suggest "The Knowledge (tm)" has many faults, omissions and human excrement floating about in it.

You seem to think that either we have not heard or do not know all this point of view, and that just by repeating and repeating the same old garbage that it will somehow be forcibly drilled into our heads. But that again is typical of a BK mind, they are so wound up like a spring, that when you press the wrong button they go off for hours on end like some clockwork toy ... you know, the bear that claps its cymbals together or the Duracell rabbit that sqeaks and jumps cartwheels.
paulkershaw wrote:Your answers seem pretty defined in terms of your lifestyle.

Although I agree on the contradiction front, I disagree that what Andrey has written in his own churning.

In my opinion, it is almost perfect copy and paste Gyan that every BK has as their base understanding of life and I am grateful for it to be documented so well.

On some hypnotic level, the regurgitation seems to rewards them a pleasurable mental exerience when they writes or repeated it. Perhaps because it psychically connects them to its source. This would seem to be the stimulae that encourages them.

I remember the mental pleasure of just repeating things time and time again in a tiny circle until I got them right, almost completely sounded like a replicatoin of the Murlis. I am sure it not much different from the pleasure a child gets from counting numbers, doing its "times tables", or talking to itself.
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Post21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother paul,

yes, souls are initially pure and good and what is bad is the rust that comes to them as external influence. When soul is colored by the one company of Supreme Soul it is purified. Then when it is coloured by the company of different human gurus - Abraham, Buddha, Christ - it causes dualism in the intellect - impurity. These sanskars does not belong to the soul.

Souls have different level of soul-conciousness. The Supreme Soul makes that they all reach their own peak. There is only one generator for all the batteries like souls. When there is connection with him, there is charging. When people connect amongst themselves, there is discharge of energy of the soul through mind, words, body, actions, money, objects etc.
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Post21 Jun 2007

The other interesting thing that Andrey displays so well in the post immediately above is how the BK mind is firmly programmed to ignore and dismiss any input from any other source ... as it is mentally programmed that all other sources other than the BK source (on basically ANY topic) are impure, vicious, evil, wasteful.

This filtering and dismissal goes on constantly ... indeed the subject of such mental conditioning is even programmed to mentally reward itself for dismissing any other input, even if that other input produces immutable facts and evidence to contradict the BK.

The BK becomes an automaton and their mind runs a simple programme like a sci-fi robot. You can watch the programme run;
    "does not compute ... does not compute ...
    engage checking ...
    not from Baba ... do not compute ...
    not from Baba ... do not compute ...
    switch off mind ... do not think ...
    engage Yoga programme immediately ...
    wait for break ...
    produce Murli point ... produce Murli point ...
    Baba is Supreme ... Baba is Supreme ...
    everything else is false ... repeat ...
    engage Yoga programme immediately ...
Folks don't realise where they are talking to BK types that the BK is not even listening to them ... they are just disappearing away into the ether somewhere in Yoga and waiting to hear a key word that will trigger some automatic response based on Gyan they have heard from a "reliable source" such as a Dadi or Virendra Dev Dixit, a way in or a chink in the non-BK'smental armour.

No disrepect for what he has done or created but Virendra Dev Dixit is not always God, not ever uttering is "off God" and the BKs, especially Indian BKs, used to be so unsubtle in their Yukti / methods that you could see them coming a hundred miles off. Anyone with any experience in being a BK can see these so clearly in other BK types. Anyone with any experience in populist Hinduism can see the roots of them.

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