Psychological games and tricks

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Psychological games and tricks

Post07 May 2007

Are Jayanti and Janki aware of everything that is being written on this site? They're not communicating as usual. Maybe they're starting to feel a bit embarassed and fear the worst. Or I guess they may just say 'there is benefit in everything that is happening' as usual and just hope that things are sorted by 'Baba'. Or maybe they'll say 'those who defame the Brahma Kumaris will receive great punishment as is said in many of their classes.

I think that everything has gone a bit too far now and it's high time they woke up to the reality of the damage done to everyone's psychic and personalities. Come on BK management, you've got to wake up to the reality now!! Please don't freak out any more people and damage their lives like you have done with all of ours.

What the Brahma Kumaris management also say is that when you leave the Brahma Kumaris, you will neither feel that you belong to this world nor that world. They are such 'trained psychologists' that they use this as a method to threaten people that if they leave the organisaton, then they will suffer the consequences by not fitting into normal society etc. It's no wonder that we don't fit into society because of all the spooky stuff you have brainwashed us with in every aspect of our lives. It's like we don't have freedom of expression anymore. We are so repressed, surpressed, cannot show our emotions, cannot express ourselves for who we are!!!

Come on BK management, get a life and stop destroying others lives and stop making money through your members and people who attend your centres. Go out an earn the money for yourselves like we all have done and don't take advantage of others wealth and others lives. The psychological games you have played with all of us to give you all our money including savings, to give you our posessions etc. is no longer going to work. They're are purely all psychological games that have now reached a point of breakdown.

I wonder how many senior Brahma Kumaris as well as their helpers have already secured their pension and future with all our money. The millions of dollars/pounds/euros etc of our money that has been donated to the organisation. What guarantees do you have that that money has not been stashed away by the likes of some of your senior management, country co-ordinators, centre in charge, etc.

Whilst you have played psychological games in taking most of our wealth, many of us have been left with nothing and had to start from scratch whilst you all are enjoying the lives of king and queen, getting free tickets to fly all over the place with accomodation paid for, free treatments, free massages, free medicines, eating the wonderful foods donated to the organisation, receiving the best of clothes and accessories all free of charge.

It all sucks!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe how blind I have been to accept all this rubbish for years and years and allow you to play all these games with me and many others. But hey, that is the game that most sects play and the Brahma Kumaris is no different even if you state that you are different. You use the same tactics as any other sect.

I even know of situations where Dadi Janki has asked for someone to get married to another person within the organisation so that they have the right to stay in a country. And in some cases Dadi Janki has asked some people to marry one of their so called 'surrender Sisters/Brothers' possibly for their wealth and possesions or for some other trick they have up their sleeve. etc. It all sucks!!!!!! Dadi Janki and arranged marriages, I thought that marriage was against the BK disciplines.

Come on what kind of right do you have to do all these things to people!! You're human just like the rest of us and you don't have a right to do any of these things to anyone. Time to wake up and not take people for granted.

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Mr Green


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Post07 May 2007

Here, here ... when are these kooks going to open their eyes to the damage done.

The Yagya and the damage done ... Neil Young anyone.



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Post17 May 2007

mr green wrote:Here, here ... when are these kooks going to open their eyes to the damage done. The Yagya and the damage done ... Neil Young anyone.

Thank you Mr Green. I was just wondering why there is only one reply/comments to this topic and so few replies to the Spanish ones. Is it because my emails are too strong/bad or that people are really busy, or maybe there are more juicy emails elsewhere?

Kind regards
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Post17 May 2007

vivaespana wrote:Thank you Mr Green. I was just wondering why there is only one reply/comments to this topic and so few replies to the Spanish ones. Is it because my emails are too strong/bad or that people are really busy, or maybe there are more juicy emails elsewhere?

Hey, not at all. I don't really read the Spanish section as I cannot read Spanish. No, I think your views are very good 8).
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Cultural differences in Latin speaking countries.

Post18 May 2007

It takes a while for a new forum to pick up speed.

I think the entire BK, post-BKWSU family is in a bit of a trauma about this forum. Most seem to be reacting by denial or pulling the shutters down to pretend it is not here. Which is nuts really because, of course, the whole of the rest of the Western world will be reading it and learning what the BKWSU is about.

I am very concerned about the Spanish speaking world especially Latin-America. There is a lot of poverty there which means that ordinary BKs might be full Brahmins but never have the chance to travel to Mount ABu or the West and discover what is going on.

I also do not speak Spanish and have no connection with Latin BKs but am watching it. You also struggle under triple translation, from Hindi to English and then Spanish. It seems as though the same model is being exported to the Latin World, the Management Leadership stuff, the books, they all look the same. Culturally, you do not have the same connection with India and so I guess that and the food is a bit more of an issue. As will be the strength of Catholicism. What is it like on the ground there?

I was thinking the other day about "the business" of the BKWSU. I think its a lot more discrete than just banking the cash. So what is happening as all these Sisters get old and the wolrd does not end according to schedule ... which we know it has failed to.

Their standard of living has increased. They came here with a suitcase and now they have the comforts of central eating and attractive retreat centers. They get fed, and ferried around in big cars and airplanes. Its not a bad little Golden Age for them. Who needs the worry of money? The interesting question for me is who is going to pull the money in after Dadi Janki goes?

Is this true about the arranged marriages? I did wonder about how some of the Hindi Sisters manage to stay in foreign countries. My guess a lot goes on in Hindi that we Double Foreigners do not get to hear about.
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Post18 May 2007

vivaespana wrote: I was just wondering why there is only one reply/comments to this topic and so few replies to the Spanish ones. Is it because my emails are too strong/bad or that people are really busy, or maybe there are more juicy emails elsewhere?

Hola Vivaespana, just to say Hi and welcome, we are reading your posts so please don't lose heart, you are needed on this forum! If there are no responses its probably because we've all heard similar things from everyone else too over the past history of the forum but please know we are reading your posts and you'll soon hear if someone disagrees with your viewpoint!

Your posts are certainly NOT too strong/bad - its just that we ex-bks have been through exactly what you are experiencing too and I for one am always thinking about the forum and how I can add to the 'healing' of its members who may need or desire such ...

Please continue writing and also perhaps you can add some of your viewpoints to existing posts/viewpoints, there are literally thousands of hits on this forum so it means that not everyone who's reading is also posting notes. But people are reading it and so each and every persons truth will reveal itself as we go along. Your posts ARE read so please add to the forum as often as you feel inspired to do so.

Perhaps you're one of the first Spanish speaking ex-BK to have the courage to formally speak up on this forum, if this is so, remember that it took a big horse to carry El Cid (alias Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar) into war...
Although there are several South African BKs and Ex-Bks listed on this forum, I am so far the only one who posts regularly but I know the others are reading them so take heart, soon you will not feel alone in your Spain ... So keep riding with us OK? Have Courage and stand tall in your beliefs ...

Con amor ~ Gracias!
xx P
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Re: Cultural differences in Latin speaking countries.

Post20 May 2007

ex-l wrote:It takes a while for a new forum to pick up speed. I think the entire BK, post-BKWSU family is in a bit of a trauma about this forum. Most seem to be reacting by denial or pulling the shutters down to pretend it is not here. Which is nuts really because, of course, the whole of the rest of the Western world will be reading it and learning what the BKWSU is about.

Yep, they will. I cannot remember if I posted it elsewhere on the forum but the other day i typed the word 'yugul' in the google search engine and an article from this site came up; and it was the only page returned. So the more topics we get encouraged to post about the greater the possibility will be that the reach of this site will grow.

Keep posting vivaespana, your existence can not be denied.

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Post03 Jun 2007

So, are the BKWSU going into the dating game? I wonder if they could fix me up with a click?

And, welcome senior.

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Post03 Jun 2007


Very well written! Of course it's another side of the coin, "how could I buy all that stuff and be so blind that I believed in all the stuff I was told, and that all the Seniors were so pure in their hearts otherwise they wouldn't still be there", etc, etc ... I think we all might feel a bit like dummies every now and then because of that ... Oh well ... Indeed we believed in that because WE were pure in our hearts, and WE were the innocent ones. I still believe God can talk with one, can choose us for great things, can give us answers, strength, Light, Love. I just don't let another human being come in the middle any longer.

BKs are a sect, based in BRAIN WASHING like so many others. They probably won't stop existing just because we write here, but if this page can save some human souls of the same trip I went in, than it's absolutely worthy!!!

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