ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

Post14 Jul 2008

Oh Please! Whats the point of getting married and then 'following BK principles"? - the only reason I can see is that a marriage will benefit the Yagya in some way.

IF Brian Bacon is getting married, its high time he enjoyed his life the 'normal' way. But let us see if the BKWSU ADVERTISES his workshops from now or not, or if he's out on his own in the blue yonder.
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chai bhai


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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

Post14 Jul 2008

Hello everyone, this is really in response to your posting paul.

I do know for sure that there is one Brother who is old in Gyan - 24 years or something - and he really wants to get married a lot. About every 5 to 10 years he does the rounds of the Sisters! No takers so far, but he is persistent. He comes from a close lokik family and he just wants a worldly companion to share his life with. He does want to remain a celibate BK and follow the principles.

His reasons are his own I suppose but maybe some - after years of thinking Destruction is around the corner but having seen it is around the corner and then over the hill and around the bend! - just want company in their day to day life. In the West, there are not many who have the support of a partner or lokik family on the path. But ... they are just my thoughts.

Kind regards, chai
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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

Post14 Jul 2008

This may all be of course, or he just ain't a good cook!
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chai bhai


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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

Post14 Jul 2008

Oh yes! I am sure there are some deep reasons such as that, driving the hearts of things!!
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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

Post15 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:the notable Relax Kids' Marneta Viegas, often promoted at the Global Retreat and other BK events, having spread her wings and being seen walking around Willesden Green very much in love with Dadi's blessing

OK, I wrote "with Dadi's blessings" but I did not mean it. In truth, I was being a little sardonic (skeptically humorous). I cant imagine that it could go well with her at all. I mean 70 years of "swords of lust" ... "oceans of poison" ... vicious males and (yikes) ... THE ATTACHMENT TO A BODILY BEING ... and, of course, the memory of her own marriage even if her family (parents and Sister, I understand) were in Gyan too. I think we do not know the whole or true story about that.

But, for me, this whole issue raises the question about the leadership's intuition, integrity and commitment to the very principles they define and advertise themselves with.

All respect to all 3 of these leading BK followers for breaking the mould, finding themselves and flying free again. I mean that ... BUT ... why were the BKWSU using them to promote their pure consciousness, advertising them and their businesses and allow them to use the BKWSU network for the sake of their businesses? Does not it all go against the BK grain?

From the BK 'business' point of view, is not it all supposed to be ... "all dependent on the consciousness"? So what consciousness, what example is the BKWSU promoting exactly? I mean, Lucinda and Bliss were even promoted in the BKWSU teachers training manuals on how to do the course was a, sort of, sanctified approval ... hugs on stage from Dadi Janki etc.

I think there are a number of young, talented Brahma Kumari Sisters ... especially those second generation ones born into the movement ... that the leadership cannot fit into any place within their hierarchy because their hierarchy is full of unaccountable, undemocratically elected incumbents; fat bottomed middle management that have installed themselves on some guddhi, or have gained immoveable status because of their financial clout ... or perhaps even dirt dishing, dirt laundry hanging capacity. Is this really any different from medieval Catholicism or the corrupt Gelug-pa Yellow Hats pre-Chinese invasion? Should not a few be demoted, retired, sent out to work or moved around centers a bit.

The BKWSU leadership has caste the foundations for their lives but finds them redundant to demand ... so what are they supposed to do? See our chat with alanna as reference ... I am absolutely sure that there are many of them NO ONE is talking to and asking questions who are a little confused or concerned or upset. And we all know how difficult establishing and maintaining relationships can be. How real can life with a princesses' prince be?

So are the Dadis just sitting back and thinking, as BK do, "Oh, they will be back with their tails between their legs ... faces 'blackened with lust' begging for mercy at Destruction" ... or is it all just a calculated BUSINESS decision. Investment ... return ... investment ... return ... investment ... return ... And what of the Brahma Kumari Intellectual Property that all these relaxed business consultants carry ... are they expect to stop using it ... hand it back ... or pay a commission for it? Is the Spiritual Leadership of the Spiritual University not concerned by the Spiritual Vibrations that the products of vicious ... onion munching ... sweaty, panting, fornicating ex-BKs bring back into their holy edifices?

Or am I just ignorant and are the leadership such powerful enough yogis to just purify such vibrations ... when it it good for business? I have even seen them using individual, famous microphone souls with no knowledge of the actual agenda and no adherence to any principles to do their service. So what is it all about? God consciousness or market value?

And who considers the lives of the little people that just want to be ordinary that being squeezed though this bizarre sausage machine as we sit comfortably and muse over it all !?! (Oh ... hold this morning's spiritual class for a moment ... I have my accountant and solicitor on a conference call in 15 minutes time).

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