BKs in our school systems and outright deception

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BKs in our school systems and outright deception

Post18 Mar 2007

I am going to change my name to Mama tiger! I am beyond furious. The underhanded duplicity and outright lies. The majority of the society here is Christian-based and to find out that the BKs are recruiting and teaching my children the first basics of BK-ism is intolerable.

Example of outright lies, check out; livingvalues.net

and note this little bit of fabrication
Living Values Education Programme wrote:The Directors of ALIVE, and their countries of residence, are:

Luca Campana, Swizerland
Pilar Quera Colomina, Spain
Rokhaya Diawara, Senegal
Chris Drake, China
Benoît Duché, France
Mirian Ginzo, Paraguay
Neil Hawkes, UK
Rula Kahil, Lebanon
Gayatri Naraine, USA
Ruby Pardiwalla, Seychelles
Diane Tillman, USA

The Articles of Association (English/French) of ALIVE provide that it is a non-profit, non-governmental organization and shall not have any particular or exclusive political or religious affiliation.

ALIVE has an International Advisory Committee, the members of which, and their countries of residence, are:

Geri Branch, Lebanon
Cyril Dalais, Mauritius
Dadi Janki, India
Bart McGettrick, UK
Derek Sankey, China
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Spain

What a hide, what arrogance and these are the people that are leading the way to spiritual fulfilment?
    Could anyone tell me besides Dadi Janki if these other people are BKs?
I just checked with my kids and luckily they havent been to this ... heads would roll ... or will. And on top of it ... the university (a genuine one) is using MY money as a taxpayer to fund a research team to;
Research Project

The research team from the University of ********* are attempting to see if there is any interest from schools in participating in a research study that will seek to evaluate the implementation and effects of the Living Values Education (LVE) in primary schools.

What is this?
DET Approval

The study has received ethics clearance from both the Research Directorate of the Department of Education and Training and the Ethics Committee of the University of ********* to conduct the study in two (my home town) schools.

I intend to find out a lot more about who and how this 'ethics clearence' is supposed to have happened. I also will get a copy of the curriculum and have a good hard look at anything that can be (I can almost guarentee they wont be hard to find) linked to BK practices.

On the very same official website where it states there is no political or religious affiliation it states that the facilitator Ruth Liddle;
Ruth currently co-ordinates activities for Brahma Kumaris in South Korea. For the past six years, through her association with Brahma Kumaris, Ruth has also been involved in planning and facilitating programmes designed to empower individuals through positive thinking, self-awareness and the practice of Raja Yoga meditation.

My God! how blatent are these people!!!!!

Who's with me??
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Post18 Mar 2007

I am sorry and glad that you are starting to see where the BKs are really at, and that they do have a secret agenda. This is the most sinister aspect about them and one they continuously avoid.

The fact is they do believe they are instruments for recreation of a new world and they're main objective, despite what you hear them say, is recruiting members for this to take place ... everything else is, firstly, a smoke screen and, secondly, a method to penetrate the innocent public.

I would bother fighting them any more as I understand how fundimental their beliefs are, I think they only way to stop them is through public exposure ...

Chris Drake and Diane Tillman are definitely BKs, the others I don't know.
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Re: BKs in our school systems and outright deception

Post18 Mar 2007

Firstly, the registrant and contact details for Livingvalues.net are at the BKWSU's UN offices; 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 436, New York, NY 10017 USA. The contact email address is Shashin Shah shashin@bkinfo.net.

Shashin Shah is Director (Information Technology) - BKWSU International.

Luca Campana, Swizerland - Representative, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Pilar Quera Colomina, Spain - Confirmed. BKWSU center Barcelona
Rokhaya Diawara, Senegal - Unconfirmed
Chris Drake, China - BKWSU IP (international laywer) Representative to the UN, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, chris@BKWSU.com
Benoît Duché, France - BKWSU Representative at the UN
Mirian Ginzo, Paraguay - contact for BKWSU event with Martha Kostianovsky who has put LVEP into school in Paraguay and credits BKWSU
Neil Hawkes, UK - Very probably but he and the BKWSU are very careful to keep any association covert. Head Teacher of West Kidlington Primary and Nursery School in Oxford implement values education contributor to 'The Times Educational Supplement' [TES], performs regularly with other senior BKs
Rula Kahil, Lebanon - Unconfirmed
Gayatri Naraine, USA - BKWSU representative to the UN
Ruby Pardiwalla, Seychelles - Unconfirmed
Diane Tillman, USA - leading BKWSU follower

Geri Branch, Lebanon - Unconfirmed
Cyril Dalais, Mauritius - Leading originator - Unconfirmed but LVEP contact is same for BKWSU center on a street named after them! Central Flacq, Harmony House, Brahma Kumaris Street
Dadi Janki, India - Chief administrator of BKWSU
Bart McGettrick, UK - Professor University of Glasgow, states he has knowledge of core teachings but has "no formal connection"
Derek Sankey, China - Unconfirmed. Senior Lecturer at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Contact for China is via BK Chris Drake.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Spain - Probably not. My guess is token VIP (very important person) whose cooperation with, they probably hung the whole on. From 1987 to 1999, Mayor served as the director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). President of the Foundation for a Culture of Peace, Barcelona. Has spoken along side Senior Sister Dadi Janki.

Note, in Israel the Ministry of the Education has introduced the program officially in the schools. Through Mauritius they are making heads ways via UNESCO into Africa. It has been a VERY succesful covert service front/programme for the BKWSU.
"This key concept formed part of an initiative at West Kidlington Primary School, north of Oxford, where head teacher Neil Hawkes introduced a programme of cross-curricular values education (Farrer 2000). Interestingly, here we have an instance of the values of a New Religious Movement, namely the Brahma Kumaris, being applied in a school to the warm approval of the Establishment, as represented by Office for Standards in Education, England [OFSTED]."


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Post18 Mar 2007

Thanks guys, calmed down slightly now. I want to know:
    a) how is it they have managed to be known as a civil organisation and not a religious one?
    b) how they have managed to infiltrate into our global and government infrastructure so successfully without challenge?
    c) how this has been going on in my own backyard and I had absolutely no knowledge of it?
    d) how has this extremest religious cult been allowed to create programs to be implemented in our school system without challenge?
    e) why we (the parents and general public) have not been given full disclosure as to the nature of these programs so as we can make and informed decision. On only slight investigation it is full of BK-isms from the pictures of the star to the 'relaxation' exercises.
    f) I ask this in total ignorance, so please do not laugh. If the BK institution gain mind control over its recruits through the self hypnotic path, drishti and meditation and do it so insidiously, to what extent, if any does the BK gain a 'cord', psychic control or opening into our children's minds through 'these relaxation and visualization exercises'? These are undeniable introductions to BK style meditation that they use in the 1st step of recruitment and mind control when a person steps inside their doors.
do not get me wrong, I agree, a value system should be implemented in the education system. Our young people need guidance and sets of values. But please, not the BK value system!! How has it gotten this far? Its worse than Asian Bird Flu or AIDS.

My whole problem with this is lack of disclosure, and in typical BK style, they cant tell you upfront what it is about because no one would tolerate it. Any background information will be gratefully received. If you prefer to email me, please PM me and I will give you my email address.
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Post18 Mar 2007

In my opinion,
di wrote:a) how is it they [BKWSU] have managed to be known as a civil organisation and not a religious one?

a) LVEP is an almost entirely covert operation until they need to roll in Dadi Janki as a token Indian guru type to zap the VIPs with Dhristi. Jayanti usually plays the feminist spiritual techer card. Then one BK plays the independent "straight man" and introduces the holy Hindu teacher of ancient wisdom.

The BKWSU a civil organization when helps them, or a religious one when it helps them ... or the BKWSU can say they are not religious because they are spiritual ... and not a cult because they are a University ... and when they are not a university because some country complains, then the Brahmakumaris are an organization or an association ... and in some countries they are a charity too, a charity that promotes Hinduism and religion funnily. Oh, and in Indonesia, (may be elsewhere) they are registered asa Hindu religion although their God and teachings say they are not. Do you get the picture?

Legally how do they do it? No one has challenged them.
b) how they have managed to infiltrate into our global and government infrastructure so successfully without challenge?

b) they have not bombed anyone and everyone else is too busy to check them out. On the surface they are very nice and make the right noises. They channelled being instructs them to go and grab VIP, or sometimes specifics like, go for secretaries instead of politician because they stay and politician do not. They have been at it for a long time.

Its a universal problem with all cult-like organizations, unless you have been stung by a cult in your family, you cannot see and believe what the problem is. We hear the same story from the families of Sai Baba members, Scientologists, etc
c) how this has been going on in my own backyard and I had absolutely no knowledge of it?

c) women upfront, free classes, no loud music
d) how has this extremest religious cult been allowed to create programs to be implemented in our school system without challenge?

d) too many ex-BKs are too confused, afraid or damaged to confront or expose them. They make the right noises.
e) why we (the parents and general public) have not been given full disclosure as to the nature of these programs so as we can make and informed decision. On only slight investigation it is full of BK-isms from the pictures of the star to the 'relaxation' exercises.

e) in this politically correct, multi-cultural society; it is not good for one's career to challenge other ethnic races over their faith. You are right about the subliminal preparations they are using and making, such as this one below, which to a non-BK is just a nice kids drawing but to a BK is a picture of a BK sitting on Baba's rock on Mount Abu having BK Raja Yoga with God Shiva who is the little star above. Perfect!

© original artist
f) I ask this in total ignorance, so please do not laugh. If the BK institution gain mind control over its recruits through the self hypnotic path, drishti and meditation and do it so insidiously, to what extent, if any does the BK gain a 'cord', psychic control or opening into our children's minds through 'these relaxation and visualization exercises'? These are undeniable introductions to BK style meditation that they use in the 1st step of recruitment and mind control when a person steps inside their doors.

f) I would say yes they gain a psychic cord to the children and individuals. It specifically states that they God Shiva uses BKs to speak and act through in their teachings. Just how or when he does this is not made explicit.


If it helps to imagine it, I would say that it is a bit like a hacker hacking your computer with a virus, implanting a program that he can activate remotely, leaving a back door to your computer open so that he can come and use it any time to send spam out, communicate with or hack other computers. "As is above, so is on earth."

Now, if Shiva is divine and benign, then no problem ... If he is not, then big problems ... but I think what you also have to factor into the equation is the Brahmakumaris, or elements within the Brahmakumaris, whose influence might also factor into this. This is what I actually hold my hands up and say, I do not know who or what Shiva is or is not and make no judgement. We do not really know if the problem is with Shiva or Lekhraj Kirpalani or the BKs. All I can say is we do not know about Shiva but I personally would stick well clear of certain elements within the BKWSU. Unfortunately most of them seem to be in leadership roles.

Here is another example of a cover image. To you, a nice blue star ... to the BKs a recall to Yoga with Shiva, the Ocean of something. From a marketing man point of view, subliminal, Pavlovian, preparatory advertising to prepare you for the realisation you are going to have that this Shiva is God and it some how seems familiar to you. Like you have seen it somewhere before.

Shiva the shining star ... I have half a mind not to put it here because it still works for them.

© original artist
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Living value

Post21 Mar 2007

OK, as usual Living Values is a "cover up", or we could say a way to make God's knowledge reach everywhere and let small children take benefit from the "purer" lifestyle BKs offer in the corrupt Kaliyug society.

Many BKs put a lot of energy in it. One may see a hidden agenda or bigger project behind it, but for some BKs it is just a way to get recognition and fame; to keep them busy away from temptation, to stimulate their intellects out of Murlis, to socialize, to fly for free around the world for conferences etc ... to feel useful ...

In the meantime, it's a good way to make contacts with schools and school directors, "serve" teachers or ministers of educations, pull them in through a harmless project. Networking.

Outside, or without the BKs, there is no morality! We are the best! Actually, there has been some negative reaction already in some countries.
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Alternative schools 1: Sudbury method

Post07 Apr 2007

Schools, even without surreptitious BK influence, tend to be authoritarian places with rigid rules and unbending stuctures, despite the excellence of many individual teachers.

People have experimented with a variety of alternative school organizations: Montessori, Waldorf (Rudolf Steiner) and others. Here is an article about Sudbury Schools an unstructured democratically run system, in which a 5 year-old's vote counts as much as the vote of a teacher, and students are free to pursue whatever they want.

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