BKs in our school systems and outright deception

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Sister Denise, Surat, the Brahma Kumaris Educational Society

Post02 Oct 2006

The 7 Days Curse to become a permanent part of the curriculum at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.

This is a new one on me, "Brahma Kumaris Educational Society", the BKWSU "Sister organisation" with its own school badge!
Is this going to be the bail out name is the "Spiritual University" title is pulled, or just another cover name?

http://www.valueducation.com/ - (highlighting below is mine).
BKs wrote:Values and spirituality are central to the moral philosophy of human civilization and its legal institutions. Traditionally, values and spirituality are considered to be the prerogatives of the religions and they are viewed as being embodied in the family unit. Yet, for 25 centuries the great and the little known civilizations have been struggling with the issues of human frailty. Our collective inability to live up to our espoused values and moral principles, with the exception of a few outstanding individuals, has paved the way for a long slow moral decline.
    • Formed in 1996 to impart holistic education and integrated knowledge and training in the art, philosophy and science of living beings.
    • Emphasises justice, honesty, integrity, tolerance, and responsibility.
    • Encourages regard for the human individual, universal love, non-violence and the preservation of the environment.
    • Offers integrated and holistic education in moral, human, social, administrative, cultural and spiritual values in a non-competitive atmosphere.
    • Stimulates a person to resolve inner conflicts and face the challenges of life with enthusiasm, peace and happiness.
    • Promotes a scientific temper and a spiritual vision and experience.
    • Re-evaluates current concepts in order to make the world a better place.

I hope that they will not mind having the light shone back on themselves ... cue the usual UN honour roll etc ... zzzzz! What with their "Certificate Programme in Education in Values and Spirituality", "Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality" and "Post-Graduate Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality" the BKWSU really are attempting to become an educational institute of sorts. They are attempting to pass the courses through all the necessary committees for final approval including the Senate and Governor of the State of Surat. Then they will become a permanent part of the curriculum at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.

But ... it looks like the same old 7 Days course in yet another, albeit classy, watered down, Westernized guise, e.g.; Module 3; Perspectives of the Major Religions in India. [The Tree]. Module 4 Unit 2; Perspectives on God, the Supreme Power, Source of Values.[Lesson Two, "Values" have replaces "Power"]. Module 5 Unit 1; How to Meditate.

I wondered who was behind this and it looks like "Change Leader" - well, thank God she has the humility to skip the "Spiritual Leader" stuff Mike George carries - Sister Denise has been camped out in Mount Abu brewing all this up. Gven her dates, I wonder if she was cut in on the 1976 Destruction predictions. I hear quite a few of the original Westerners were not told about it and the Hindi Sisters used to edit the Hindi only Murlis on the trot. Or Guddi. See: www.accelerating.org
Change Leader Sr. Denise Lawrence
Advisor of Academic Affairs, Certificate Program in Education in Values and Spirituality, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization

Bio: BK Sister Denise began her spiritual practice with the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation in London in 1974 at the age of 24. She worked in Television News Researcher with BBC and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in London between 1971 and 1975. She soon decided to dedicate her life to spiritual practice, study and service with the Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. She traveled extensively in India visiting the BK Headquarters in Mount Abu and its centers in major cities throughout India.

She took intensive training with our Additional Administrative Head, Rajyogini Dadi Janki and served as coordinator for the Brahma Kumaris centers in Frankfurt, Germany, Toronto, Canada and in several cities in USA Between 1975 and 1983. She coordinated the Los Angeles Brahma Kumaris Centre from 1983 to 2000. During that time she co-produced and directed 100 TV programmes on Raja Yoga as well as several video documentaries on a wide variety of spiritual subjects.

She spent 2001 to 2005 at Headquarters at Mount Abu to prepare the text books for the Post-Graduate Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality. The programme was piloted at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, J. Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre. Two hundred and fifty trainees were developed as facilitators during 2003-2005.

For over 30 years she has traveled extensively throughout the world lecturing on Raja Yoga and Spiritual Knowledge specializing in the development of moral and ethical values, addiction issues and rehabilitation, and the cultural interface between Indian Spirituality and the major religions and cultures of the world.

Sr. Denise is at present advisor of academic affairs for the Brahma Kumaris Educational Society.

Read Aheads:
Certificate Program in Education in Values and Spirituality
An innovative new program developed by the Brahma Kumaris Educational Society.
The Actor, the Entertainer, and the Ego, Retreat Magazine
Denise Lawrence describes the emergence and the influence of the self indulgent actor who resides in all of us.

The "J. Watumull Global Hospital and Research Centre" is, of course, theBKs hospital in Abu. So lose marks there for careless labelling. Who was J. Watumull anyway?

From memory, Denise was one of the shining lights of early BK Western service who had intelligence - a psychology degree or something - and a degreee of integrity rather then just subservitude. I remember when she rocked the boat by openingly identifying and questioning the use of female sexual energy in service and Brahmin life. BK Sisters and sexuality ... it just could not be. She also pioneered and set the mould for guided meditations to suit Western sensibilities. If anyone else can fill in or correct details, please do.
Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality convocation in Surat

Forty professionals, college and university lecturers signed up for the pilot run of the Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality at the Department of Education at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University in December 2004.

On Sunday October 23, 2005, 28 graduates received their Diplomas from the hands of the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Rameshchandra G. Kothari. The unique programme was conceived, written and delivered by the Brahma Kumaris Educational Society. BK Sister Denise, the Coordinator of the Diploma programme explains to the audience of Members of the Syndicate, Heads of Departments of the university, the graduates and their families.

The dignitaries on the dais take a few moments of silence to start the programme ... The students make their way to the dais to receive a white shawl from Rajyogini Brahma Kumaris Sarla Didi, Zonal in Change of Brahma Kumaris Gujarat ... They accepted their Diplomas from the Vice Chancellor of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Dr Ramesh Chandra Kothari and mementos and prasad from Brahma Kumar Mruthyunjaya, and Prof. Prem Sharda, Sr. Denise and BK Ranjan ben.

The two Distinction Students Mehulkumar Thakkar, Lecturer in the MBA programme of Srimat Raj Chander Institute of Management and Computer Application, and Pankaj Gandhi, Post Graduate Lecturer and professional in Management, receive special mementos from Sarla Didi. Vice Chancellor, Rameshchandra G. Kothari, expressed his full support and cooperation for introducing the Diploma of Education in Values and Spirituality.

It must now pass through all the necessary committees for final approval including the Senate and Governor of the State. Then it can become a permanent part of the curriculum at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University.

I find it interesting how the Sister or Sr. monicker has developed or is used by way of religious status, e.g. linke a nun or Reverend priest. I guess it stop guys trying to chat them up when they are out on service.

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Post03 Oct 2006

Spin, spin and more spin - it is as endless as it is poetic, clever and articulate. One has to be attracted to it. But I wonder when any of these spin doctors are actually going to impart knowledge of the Kalpa? And tell these family units that sex is bad for them. And that we have to listen to this same dogma every 5000 years - honestly its about time one of these divine Sisters took one for the team! Post coital bliss would be the nearest any of them have been to happiness in their entire lives!


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Post03 Oct 2006

religious status

Yes, this diploma-certificate lark is very bewildering ... Well, maybe it will be useful, trying to get all Dadis and Seniors and Centre-wassis get the certificate first before their students. Or simply don't attend a "non-certified Dadi" or "non-certified class" :shock:

Which human soul is qualified enough to give out certificates on morals and virtues and ethics ? I'd like to meet him or her. No, I am not satisfied with a certificate, I prefer an Master, or make that a PHD or make that a Nobel or ....hey, rosaries are up for grabs.
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Post04 Oct 2006

bansy wrote:yes, this diploma-certificate lark is very bewildering ... Well, maybe it will be useful, trying to get all Dadis and Seniors and Centre-wassis get the certificate first before their students. Or simply don't attend a "non-certified Dadi" or "non-certified class" :shock:

Interesting point of view ...

Of course, just another step towards the BKs creating a laity of certified followers. And is there not something corrupt about fitting into someone else's system, misleading students and faculties that they are getting something general when in fact they are receiving intiation into the 7 day course.

Its a further step in something that was once spiritual, amorphic, creative and flexible becoming fixed, concrete and worldly.

And, frankly, does it cut it academically? Was the world really a more moral, ethical and evolved place 2,500 years ago when, according the the BKWSU, the newly Copper Aged souls were apparently killing off or running from dinosaurs. I actually don't think so.

A quick read of real history says otherwise ... murder, rape, incest amonst rulers, widespread genocide, constant internecine wars, Bhakti, no science, no democracy, not even in Athens yet ... have the BKWSU told them of the 5,000 years limitation?
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abrahma kumar

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Post06 Jan 2007


I would never have guessed at all of this sort of stuff. Is this factual? A part of me is really baffled. If there is an ounce of fact in this then what a BKWSU world there is and I have been in blissful ignorance all of this time. I would love to say more but I will wait see if anyone else picks up on this post.
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Mr Green


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Post06 Jan 2007

The BK Seniors hold constant meetings regarding what their 'students' are worthy of being told and at what angle their poor little intellects can cope with whatever info they are so privileged to be given.
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Post06 Jan 2007

Education is at the essence of BKWSU. It is only a matter of time before they are in the schools and places of education. I can hear the Sister in charge's nails scraping down the blackboard as we speak.

I am all for it, I wish someone had informed me that I am in fact a spiritual being when I was younger. That is the most important thing. Whether those who administer The Knowledge are perfect, well, most classrooms will chop you down sooner or later if you are too squeaky.


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Post06 Jan 2007

I wish someone had informed me that I am in fact a spiritual being when I was younger

In Madhuban, I roomed next an Indian couple who were in their late 70s. The husband could speak some English, and they were loving. However, they had only been in Gyan for 1 year. Never too late to start.
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Post06 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:In Madhuban, I roomed next an Indian couple who were in the late 70s. The husband could speak some English, and they were loving. However, they had only been in Gyan for 1 year. Never too late to start.

I think that may be one of the better times to start.
primal.logic wrote:Post coital bliss would be the nearest any of them have been to happiness in their entire lives!

I think perhaps you are being hard. There are some happy BK teacher-sisters. Unlike Siddha Yoga (I've been reading about them at http://leavingsiddhayoga.net/) most BKs seem to believe in what they teach. Last time I talked to her (years ago) Denise did seem to be content with herself and her life.

Is advocating BK education that dark and ... ah ... sinful that all teachers must be unhappy? There are happy advocates of all crazy self-repressing religions. (Anyway society needs self repression for people to divert their energy into shopping, wars, etc.)

What about Lee James? Does he seem happy to you? In Tokyo he was working as a counselor to AIDS patients and their families at a time when there were few counselors working with this group at all, and hardly any able to relate compassionately.

How is the faith of BKs any worse than any other repressivistic religion? Or BKs unhappier than other missionaries?
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abrahma kumar

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Post07 Jan 2007

sparkal wrote:Education is at the essence of BKWSU. It is only a matter of time before they are in the schools and places of education. I can hear the Sister in charge's nails scraping down the blackboard as we speak.

I am all for it, I wish someone had informed me that I am in fact a spiritual being when I was younger. That is the most important thing. Whether those who administer The Knowledge are perfect, well, most classrooms will chop you down sooner or later if you are too squeaky.


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Post07 Jan 2007

joel wrote:most BKs seem to believe in what they teach.

But not all BKs are happy with what they have been taught. I mentioned about Lee James and Sister Denise in the "Lee James thread".
What about Lee James? Does he seem happy to you? In Tokyo he was working as a counselor to AIDS patients and their families at a time when there were few counselors working with this group at all, and hardly any able to relate compassionately.

Does he feel his work is complete there. If you ask him, he couldn't handle the language and the cultural differences, without having to always ask someone to translate for him or interpet, exposing his inadequacies, so in the end slowly abandoned such work in a foreign land. Why, with such skills in AIDS counselling maybe he can do the same in Australia ? Or it has nothing special back home. Maybe he is doing so, maybe not. I am not suggesting that it was not a good thing for he has tried and has helped others, but sometimes things have to be seen to the very end. Otherwise it's just an example of going to a country and than making a run for it.
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Post08 Jan 2007

joel wrote:How is the faith of BKs any worse than any other repressivistic religion? Or BKs unhappier than other missionaries?

End of the World now ... mainly. The millenarianist stuff.

From what I have read, they are slipping in Yoga with whatever it is they are having Yoga with and The Cycle covertly, without having academically discussed or proven it. In fact, the covertness is what makes it wrong.

If they came out and said, "Look, this is what we believe ... a, b, c ... ". Fine.

But they are not. And we know what they are up to. That is what makes it wrong. That is why I highlighted this inroad.
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Post08 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:If they came out and said, "Look, this is what we believe ... a, b, c ... ". Fine.

But they are not. And we know what they are up to. That is what makes it wrong. That is why I highlighted this inroad.

Exactly. In the recent Sunday Mail article the BKs were compared with the Moonies. Now, I know next to nothing about the Moonies, but I do remember a similar cult who were active in the UK at about the same time. They called themselves "The Children of God" and were a "Jesus saves" type evangelical group. Some people from the college I was at in the 1970's joined the group, and they tried to recruit me. Among the first things they said was that you have to come and live with them and give up all your own family, no contact allowed. They were straight and up front about it.

The BKs start by offering "Free Meditation Classes" and then work on you gradually in their wily way according to how "ready" they think you are. (They call it "Taking the temperature" ). One of the most insidious ways they work is to tell people that food cooked by non-BKs has "Bad Vibrations" (Ha! have you ever been in a BK centre kitchen when two or more Sisters are cooking and arguing at the same time?). This means you can not eat with your friends or family. This is the start of the process of breaking up families. Eventually they will tell you to give up all your non-BK (Lokik) friends and family, burn their photos etc.

If they came straight out with it at the beginning and said, "We are an exclusive religious quasi Hindu cult and we want all your energy for ourselves", then I could at least respect their honesty. But no, they are worse than the Moonie type cults, they lie to draw you in then hypnotise and bully you to get you onto their real agenda. I am so glad I am not a BK and do not believe in the 5000 year cycle. Imagine having to spend 1250 years in their fascist set up. Yoooh! What a nightmare!
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Mr Green


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Post08 Jan 2007

Yes proy, I too am glad I have left. After about 4 years now of de-programming I am at the point where I can look back in amazement that I really believed all that twaddle.
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Post09 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:Yes proy, I too am glad I have left. After about 4 years now of de-programming I am at the point where I can look back in amazement that I really believed all that twaddle.

It takes longer than that. Also, We must consider that we may have been party to creating the path and principles in the previous life, we never know.

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