BK does write up for BBC

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BK does write up for BBC

Post10 May 2007

The BKs must be on a real PR push after the Wikipedia debacle. Another article and links, this time on the BBC site; A Commute to Inner Peace.

In any of our UK readers are concerned about their taxes and license fees being used by BK followers to promote their own religion's business front, 'Inner Space' AND service front 'Just a Minute', they might like to contact the BBC and draw this to their attention. (See quote and link again below).
BK Trushar
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What might not surprise well seasoned BKWSU watchers is that Trushar Borat attended a United Nations World Summit on the Information Society as a "media journalist" for the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (See link).



For those used to playing "Hunt the Closet BK", BK Trushar also spoke at the BK An Inclusive Information Society: Wisdom, Vision, and Values reported not as a BK as a broadcast journalist for BBC Radio Five Live, along with;
    leading European BK Jacqueline Berg, reported not as a BK but as a "freelance journalist from Amsterdam and initiator of Journalists for Tomorrow Network", and
    leading BK Chris Drake, reported not as a BK but as a representative for BKWSU front 'Living Values Education' (See named above).
The BKs at the UN state it was an 'Images and Voices of Hope' seminar "is convened by three partners" by "3 partners";
    the BKWSU,
    the BKWSU spin-off 'The Visions of a Better World Foundation' and
    BK Raja Yoga meditator Judy Rodger and supporter David Cooperrider, the Case Western/Advance Institute of Appreciative Inquiry folk. (Rodgers has certain done the trip to meet God in Mount Abu. I do not know what Cooperrider knows.)
So, excuse me but who are the "Three partners" then?

If you look at the the VBWF website it says it was,
The Visions of a Better World Foundation wrote:an outgrowth of a United Nations Project entitled the Global Cooperation Project which asked people all over the world, " What is your vision of a better world?". The result was a book which collected visions from people in 129 countries.

It was not a UN Project. It was a BKWSU project. So who are the
"collaborative of people who are committed to using their skills and resources to foster change at an individual, organizational and societal level. Our aim is to engage all segments of society to transform their visions of a better world into action ... [who] believe that every person is a visionary with the capacity to construct a better environment. We believe that the visioning process allows people to change their thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs which can then alter their behavior. We believe that when we transform the world within us, we are able to transform the world around us. "

The BKWSU of course! So, why does it not just say so? Why all the running around and hiding all over the place? I wonder if BK Trushar has told his bosses he has stuck two links up there for the BKWSU?
BBC News wrote:A commute to inner peace by Trushar Barot BBC News

It's hard to find a way out of the trudge of the daily commute, but some are finding meditation can help. And, don't worry, the lotus position is not a must. Crowded, noisy, smelly, boring. Those in the rat race put up with this on their daily commute to and from work. We are spending longer - and crossing greater distances - than a decade ago. The UK tops the European league table for having the longest average commuting time at 45 minutes.

No wonder commuting is seen by many as the most stressful part of their day, an activity hardly leavened by Dan Brown's latest or a sudoku puzzle. But for some, having a regular slot away from the pressures of home and work allows them time out to meditate.

Amisha Bhavsar, 30, does precisely that. She works at the Inner Space meditation centre, run by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, in London's Covent Garden. As well as using the Tube to get to and from work, she uses public transport to travel around the city in the course of her working day. "It's one thing offering people the opportunity to take a break from the working day when they come to us. But I've found that the quality of my experience at work is largely being set by my state of mind during the journey from home to my desk," she says.

Inner peace

Research for the RAC Foundation has found similar benefits for those commuting by car. In a 2003 study, it found that if a driver gets into the right frame of mind, they can finish their daily journey in a more serene state than when they began it.


Listen to light music or meditation commentary ... Take slow, deep breaths ... Imagine a relaxing place ... Accept noise and confines of your journey ... Write positive affirmations ... If standing, put bag down and relax body and mind ... On bus or overground train, take in the view ... In a traffic jam, shift mind into neutral and relax body ...

"The type of thought that occurs when driving is actually very similar to the type of brain activity that takes place during meditation," says Conrad King, who carried out the research for the RAC. "The logical part of the brain tends to disengage leaving a lot of people driving on mental 'auto-pilot' and the driver is then free to contemplate all matters, from the meaning of life to the reason why traffic lights seem to always turn red against them."

Tim Malnick, founder of Meditation at Work, a consultancy that works with individuals and companies, says that many people have a misconception about what meditation is and so don't understand how it could be used while commuting. "A lot of people think it's all about sitting down cross-legged and closing your eyes. But if you look at the meditation traditions from the East, they clearly demonstrate the importance of transferring this state of mind into all your daily activity. It's about becoming more aware of the environment around you and feeling comfortable with it."

Time out

Part of the reason that commuting is seen as such a stressful experience is because we feel we have so little control over that environment, says meditation teacher Matthew Earl, who used to clock up 40,000 miles a year in commuting for his job as a sales rep. Then he moved to London and started using public transport.

Tune out distractions

"I used to quite enjoy driving, it was personal time that I valued and it was an environment I felt relaxed in. Having to trade that in for the bus or the underground was really difficult - I couldn't stand the commuting experience." While reading a book or newspaper kept his mind occupied, he found even that to be draining. Now, he uses meditation to relax mind and body.

"The first thing is to just mentally relax. With your thoughts, step away from what is around you and gently allow your awareness to go within yourself and emerge a sense of stillness and peace. Slow your breathing down and try and let your thoughts settle. Listening to light music or even meditation commentaries has been really helpful too." It all sounds very soothing, but does it work? As a seasoned, though not season-ticketed, meditator, I thought I'd give it a go.

Ticket to inner peace

I get to the bus stop in plenty of time and wait. And wait. And wait. After 25 minutes, the 220 to Shepherd's Bush arrives. Not one bus - but three. The usual commuter chant in such situations would be unrepeatable here, but instead I plant a different thought. "Wait. There's nothing you can do, so calm down. The boss will not shout if you're a few minutes late."

My heart-rate drops almost instantly, but jolts on hearing the dulcet tones of 50 Cent, which a kindly school boy at the back is treating his fellow travellers to. Too much of a coward to ask him to lower the volume, I realise this is the perfect test of my meditation techniques. I don't usually seek inner peace to a hip hop soundtrack, but it's surprisingly easy to turn the volume down inside my head. I pass the rest of the journey with a serene smile on my face. It's enough to have me looking forward to my return journey home.

Amisha Bhavsar and Matthew Earl will give a talk on Thursday on meditating while commuting. Details on the Brahma Kumaris website - see Internet links on right.
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BBC Update

Post11 May 2007

I see that the BBC have removed the two BKWSU links and the plug for their Inner Space lecture now. I wonder how and why that happened!

Someone must have let the BBC know how BKs work and what the BKWSU is really teaching.. (But the ability for comments to be made has also been closed off for readers).
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Post11 May 2007

Good work.

Bloody weirdos :lol: imagine seeing a freak like that on the train :lol:.

I informed BBC London about the activities of the BKWSU after hearing Jayanti's voice on a trail for a late night spiritual programme. That too was removed.
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Post12 May 2007

The BBC? NOW the BKs are getting in about one of the major sources of scum and darkness in the world.

The more we know/think we know, the more repulsive it all becomes when we watch the BBC or other news. If people could only see what is being done to them. Fear mongering comes to mind, through disinformation and distorted truths, about other lies, we really need to get shot of these people and fast, it is truly disgusting.

Bragging to the world via the news of your sacrificial conquests out of limited pomposity, relying on the punter who is already brainwashed to think "they would never do that", well, that is the point. People do not consider in the first place whether they would do this or that. It only happens in fictional dramas and not in the "real" world. All nicely partitioned off into controlable lots.

The BKs are not a patch on this lot. Evil, no matter what their agenda. The Gordon and Tony show? Brown? The castle in Transylvania of Dracula fame is "Bran" castle. Is the name Brown derived from this? Kenneth BRANa made yet another remake of Franky-boy-stein. I won't go into the events in Portugal, the mind boggles. After sniffing around the biggest school massacre in US history, can we expect the Q.U. to drop off in the Algarve for a quick game of golf?

Wakey Wakey, rise and shine ... The TV lives in the cupboard most of the time, and I don't get angry every time the news comes on.
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Post22 May 2007

AS this is a thread about "the news", I thought I would cook up some fabricated lies and disinformation. So, remember, this post is all fiction. :roll:

Here is the news ... the graphic symbol of the globe with some large beaked red monster curled round it slowly fades, and on comes our reptilian news reader.

Let me take you back to when the little girl went missing in Catholic Portugal. Within a couple of days of the girl going missing, the "news" (most of their "news" is months and even years old) took us to a small local church (don't know which denomination). The distraught mother in pieces in the front pew but the news was more concerned with the minister/priest, Mr Hubbard, an American, who had taken over this parrish around the time the girl went missing. Within a day of him taking over I should think. While they glorified him, the cameras panned to his gown, which had a "Babylonian cross", which is even, like a red cross and not the usual Christian Cross with a longer middle stem.

Was this the BBC glorifying and celebrating human sacrifice in the faces of the nation? (This is the news remember, so it is all lies). Does your TV ask you to take part in celebrating repulsive murder of innocent people? :shock: Who are they offering these souls to? :evil: I want answers to these questions. Who are they offering the souls to and who is the soul who is accepting this most unacceptable extreme behavior/ religion?. If you wear human dress, you must surely adhere to human laws.

"But ... but ... they would never do that!" Of course not. This is all fiction remember. In fact, these evil *astards would never do any of the things they do. If people would only wake up.

And, of course, it is not British secret service agents who set off the bombs daily in Iraq (or in London during the feelgood vibes among the G8 protests, I think we have celebrated the twin towers enough now don't you?) Come on, "they would never do that". Divide and rule the various factions in Iraq by murdering people ... getting them at each others throats? (no comment about vampires) ... no, of course not. They are nice people, right?. You are not answering, hmm.

It is amazing what you can get away with by wearing a suit and telling lies while being polite. Or better still, by wearing a religious garment. A BK garment even. Of course, humans don't like trouble. They just want a peaceful happy life, which is what they will be getting in the next cycle. It is all senior BKs and the lower grade scum?below them want surely.

The girl's disappearance is now being turned into a global campaign, to celebrate the sacrifice on a wider scale? And there is the money being collected. 'Hey, a little girl has been abducted, lets collect money'. For what? Nah! nah! naw! ... "they would never do that" (yawn).

So, lets all shout together, "we want more cameras on the streets" and "we want more police and army", to protect a very small number of pricks with reptile genes. They are now very busy trying to create a cosmopolitan world so that they can get lost in the cultural mish-mash. Don't bother, we will smell the reptile ****. Their ways are very distinctive and tend to stand out like a crocodile in a heard of buffalo. Or a senior BK abuser in a crowd of peaceful BKs. (Don't waste your time trying to put out fires all over the place, instead, head out the door).

Money will not serve them in future tests to come. They have not even built their houses on sand, they are built on money, or GENES. When you are ready, God ... (why do I get the feeling that that one has a rebounding echo from God?).

Anyway, here is the cute, fluffy "end of news" item. We will show you someone being tortured and sacrificed, hung drawn and quartered. All in fun you understand. Just a little religion among friends and family you see. Well, it is the Beeb after all; death, depression. "We are masters at it, here at the beeb".

"And that was the News (lies) at 666, and now on BBC1 ..."
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Post24 May 2007

We interrupt this thread and go over to the news room for a news flash:
    The word "reptile" should never mean evil, sinful or negative. There may, of course, be certain types (?) who are more predatory, aggressive, competitive and lack basic compassion.

    And the words "senior BK" should never mean anything negative either, although, there may be those who are more predatory, aggressive, competitive and lack basic compassion.
... that's all for now, we now hand you back to the forum.
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Post26 May 2007

So, some news items may be fake or exagerated to divert :arrow: minds from the likes of the evil actions going on in Darfur and The People's Republic of Congo.

The little girls parents mood became far too light after a few days and still is (sorry if this hurts). I only hope I am correct about her being returned after a few days (I can see this coming back on me). Or indeed, the whole thing being fake. But the authorities wanting to milk it to get cameras everywhere in Portugal/Europe, among other things. (The UK is the most "big brothered" place on the planet, proportionally, with 4.2 million cameras ... though that is the official figure from "the news" . What/who on earth are they looking for/ at? Both the girls parents are doctors (a friend of mine said) which in this world could be rather suspicious. Are they highly payed consultants?

They may well find some "mind controlled" individual to take the rap as always. If it is genuine, the culprit may well have been "mind controlled" anyway. So, they mentioned Darfur and PR of Congo on the news yesterday. Alas, only to give us the phone number for giving money. How much would go to the actual cause and how much in Admin?

How much money do corporate companies give to these situations? Or is it only common people who should give? So, the corporate co's are the front to go in there and rape and pillage, no doubt using local people of their "gene type". Are they impregnating women with THEIR gene type? I just hope to hell that there is no oil or valuable minerals under MY flat or the boon spender will be round any day. :|

Murli: the stomachs of the wealthy will touch their backs. Were these poor souls the vile greedy rich in past life? Do the newer vile greedy rich deal with the older vile greedy rich? Can we expect therefore, more vile goings on to more ex vile greedy rich? Does that make it any easier to take? Being rich does not make you vile, but it can do. People can do vile things to become rich due to denial of wealth in the first place, wealth and abundance is the natural birthright of all souls.

I could write here till the deities come home about all the wrongs in the world. As BK.com says, there is no end to misery in the news (in Ravan's kingdom of illusion - who in hell is Ravan?) I will now shut it all out and focus on silence power. The gloves are coming off :idea: 8) . The TV is not going back in the cupboard, my sideboard cupboard has informed me that it refuses to contain such negative vibes. So I think it will have to be the bin, as with the vile greedy wealthy.

Some souls don't seem to understand the true gravity of having profuse wealth while others are starving or simply unhappy, pressured, bullied, abused. Once they realize, it is easy to see how they may start throwing money at organisations such as the BKs. There are only a few profusely wealthy people around, the rest have little or nothing, which is itself VILE. It will be too late for them by then I suspect. Where IS that too late sign anyway? Has the sign department made it yet? Is it being designed? by the actions of souls?. Are some of us too soon? Peace can never come too soon for my liking, but we must consider others.

I am observing the old souls of this world getting nowhere. I am also observing that few/ some of the old souls in question, are not serving others. Is there a link? And, how do we serve others truly? (Another thread maybe).
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Post26 May 2007

sparkal wrote:I am observing the old souls of this world getting nowhere. I am also observing that few/ some of the old souls in question, are not serving others. Is there a link? And, how do we serve others truly? (Another thread maybe).

Hi sparkal, your reference to "few/some of the old souls" refers to who, or which group of souls? Thanks. It is interesting to see these goings on, looked at with a gyan-opened third eye.
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Post28 May 2007

Perhaps I don't mean the oldest as much as, souls who don't seem to be getting anywhere because their "karma" has seemingly run out. Such a soul may be in their second life for all we know.

Otherwise, we get a feeling for souls and whether they have been around for a while or not too long. Perhaps in my mind when that one went to print were souls who have been to the centre and took a little and have rejected spirituality all together because of the taste left in their mouth, or have simply given up on life. Serving others may not be a bad thing for them. Selfishness, subdued, no confidence, it is going on.

I could ignore all others and base it on myself even. But things are and will change as time goes on I feel. The tide has to start turning at some point, doesn't it :?: Or is that just another thing we have been told :?:.

In relation to my previous posts in this thread, I will make a post in the blah blah and silence power thread.

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Re: BBC Update

Post30 May 2007

... And then in typical BKWSU numerous e:mail boxes throughout the world were decorated with:
Meditation for Commuters with Matthew Earl and Amisha Bhavsar

Seminar Room, GCH May 10, 2007 7-8.30pm

This talk was featured as the main story on the BBC website's News Magazine that day: A commute to inner peace.

Also as a result of this programme there was another interview on News Talk Radio in Ireland for the Moncrieff show with Sister Amisha News Talk Ireland probably about 10 mins with live meditation commentary and then I gave out the details and tel no. for the BK centres in Ireland.

Radio Scotland also requested a short interview with Sister Amisha on how to meditate whilst commuting: for Gerard Kelly's SummerTime Thing - on air between 0930 and 1100am. The format of the show is very light hearted and so the interview was short, sweet and funny. It was a 4min chat with 1 min live commentary and then I gave out the details and tel no. for the BK centres in Scotland.


Meditation for Commuters was a very experiential evening, backed up by research and personal anecdotes, with practical methods to follow. Matthew and Amisha talked about the pitfalls and possibilities of commuting in a light, clear and very down-to-earth way. Matthew started by emphasising the practicality of Raja Yoga meditation, being an open-eye meditation, with no need to chant, which you can do anytime, anywhere, even when you're driving or on a packed train.

He had some interesting statistics about commuting and its effects on society. The average commute in the UK is an average of 45 minutes each way (the highest in Europe) and it's increasing. Psychological research found that the blood pressure and pulse rate of people during rush hour were greater than those of a fighter pilot going into battle or a riot policeman! Another piece of research found that 44% of people cited commuting as the most stressful part of their day. So there is a wide problem, which meditation can help to address.

Amisha suggested that, rather than disliking our commute, and focusing anxiously on getting to our destination, we should see commuting as 'me time'. We should enjoy the journey, observing life around us with curiosity and humour and doing things that we wouldn't have time for otherwise. Yes, she admitted, the environment for commuters is often 'challenging' and one over which we have little control. Meditation, she said, enables us to create a 'buffer zone' between ourselves and what is happening to and around us - and also between 'work' and 'home'.

The evening was spent exploring and experiencing four main methods with which to experiment:
    1. Relaxation - relaxing the mind and body
    2. Concentration and Visualisation - choosing and holding a positive thought, then
    creating a beautiful scene
    3. Meditation - centring the self, anchoring in one's true qualities and then plugging
    in to the Source
    4. Sharing - being a lighthouse and making a positive contribution to the
Each of these elements was discussed and illustrated, followed by a short guided meditation, in which the audience participated readily. Some novel tips were given. For example, to slow down your thoughts, imagine each one as a coach of a train, with spaces in between; step off the train and let them just pass by. Or use visual prompts round you to help you in your meditation - such as a picture of an ocean or sun in an dvertisement - allow the ocean to cleanse and refresh you or do some spiritual sunbathing!When it comes to sharing with others, try seeing everyone in the carriage around you as a little child.

The point was made that, if we are peaceful and happy, we will be able both to cope with - indeed positively enjoy - whatever challenges our commute to and from work brings us. We will create a positive vibration that will benefit people around us - and, according to the law of attraction, inspire a positive response as a result of our own positivity. In marketing parlance, meditation is truly a win/win situation.

Amisha stressed the importance of starting and ending the day - before travelling - with meditation, so that you set off on your journey in the right state of mind (something that was backed up by recent RAC research). She finished by saying that it was all a matter of attitude: our attitude is our choice, citing a favourite slogan, 'As is my attitude, so is my experience.'

Om Shanti

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