Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

Actually, I've answered this before more than once. Really your question only demonstrates how limited your intellect is, how negative your attitude is, and that you do not understand many things about either ex-l or the running of this website or forum.

You have started to talk about yourself in third person and the picture becomes clear.


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

Pink Panther wrote:In a similar vein of self-examination that ex-l asked of you, please ask yourself (no need to reply) - what aspects of your practice could you not have gained from another similar practice - whether from a group or from self-discipline?

I actually did it today - I couldn't find a better practice. Could you advise one please? I am an explorer and would give it a try.
Pink Panther wrote:]I put it to you it's the BK stuff you've let go of, or never appealed to you, that actually distinguishes the BKs from other religions and groups (yes, they are a religion by most definitions of the word - even they'll 'admit" it when it comes to claiming tax exemptions!).

Disagreed. For every BK, it's quite unique and different things work for different people. I know this forum wants to portray Destruction to be overshadowing everything else but select a 100 genuine BKs and do the following - you will know why they are there;
    1. Take out Destruction
    2. Take out The Knowledge about self
    3. Take out The Knowledge about God
    4. Take out the meditation part of BKism
With every one of these, chances are some BKs would leave the path but, in my view, a majority will leave if you take out 3 and/or 4 - 1 will be important to few and 2 as well to some more. Yes, Destruction, can be the lure in for some people of escapist nature, but the BK path is an extremely difficult path and every one who was there or is there just for the sake of Destruction finds his way out eventually. Ask yourself about it.
Pink Panther wrote:]Do you really think anyone, by visiting this site, is "counter-converted" on the basis of what they read here only? No. How many pukka BKs who read this site stopped being BKs? My guess is either none or very few.

You are right. I don't think it does and in fact I would rather have the BKs visit this site - it's a perfect "test" for them! If some BK leaves Gyan because of this website, he would anyhow be leaving the path eventually irerespective of whether this site existed or not - this is the design of the BK path. Only people with firm faith can really go along life time.
Pink Panther wrote:]If you had read this site when you were going through your crisis, my guess is that you'd have had the smarts enough to have found other ways and means of support to get through your "dark night of the soul". Don't sell your Self short by giving them the credit. That's what such "entities" thrive on.

It's like someone wishing you had never fallen in love. Do you believe in destiny? I had the best outcome possible for my life at that time and I would never ever want to wish that something else should have happened that time. During the "dark night of the soul", I saw a brilliant radiant star full of embracing light symbolizing pure love that takes out the darkness from every corner of the soul, someone is asking me whether I would have considered other stars that were around?


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

dany wrote:BITTERNESS ... BITTERNESS ... BITTERNESS ... to have been exploited, lied to and deceived ... time after time ...!!
ex-l wrote:Fair comment, dany. Individuals *should* be very angry at what happened to them and at what the Brahma Kumaris are doing to society. Righteous anger ... wrath ... is *pure* motivation.

Spreading anger or bitterness or taking revenge is no form of great service and not taught in any religion, forget BKs. It never has been and never will be successful irrespective of who it is against. Any form of spirituality encourages love and not hatred.
Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

- Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

littleo wrote:You have started to talk about yourself in third person and the picture becomes clear.

Again, you expose the limits of your intellect and understanding. No, ex-l is not me, nor just me.

Now, Andrey, you were given a last chance. This is your 'last chance plus one'.

Are you going to deliver the goods so that they can be share to all, or are you just here out of spite to poison proceedings?

The correct answer is, "Ha-ji! ... That's a great idea. I'd love to help the BK/PBK family. I'll do my best to collate a 'text only' collection of all Murlis".

Any other response and your account is deactivated until your willing to give something back to the community.

No pay ... no say ... no play.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post09 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:Spreading anger or bitterness or taking revenge is no form of great service and not taught in any religion

That's not quite true. We're not talking of revenge, we talking about righteousness and protection.

I mean, putting aside Islam for a second, have you never heard of Buddhism and the Dharmapalas ... the wrathful bodhisattvas who protect Buddhists and the Dharma? Do you know what wrathful deities mean? Likewise, the term "righteous indignation or anger" comes right out of Christianity, e.g. Jesus being angry at the Pharisees for the hardness of their hearts and throwing the money changers out of the temple.

Jesus trumps Martin Luther King Jr. We need Jesus to come back and throw the money changers out of Mount Abu.
Romans 1:18 wrote:For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
Ezekiel 25:17 wrote:I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon them.”

Corrupt religious elites have corrupt religious teachings to disempower the weak in order that they cannot rise and overthrow the corrupt elites. They teach one side of religion, or spirituality, in a manner which protects their position and keeps the weak weak.

Wrath arises against ungodliness and unrighteousness in the Western traditions and to protect those seeking enlightenment and the path of enlightenment in Eastern traditions ... both the same thing really and it arises in Hinduism too, e.g. Vishnu's incarnation as Narasimha. It's quite a different quality than mere anger.

Perhaps one could say it was the pure form of the emotion which serves and protects only that which is good?


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013


Feeling "bitter" is a natural, and I would say healthy human reaction to certain unpleasent or damaging happenings or incidents, which would also help the individual to cope with the situation and possibly finds a way to deal with it. It is not related to violence, nor use of violent actions.

Cults, including Brahma Kumaris, try desperately to "dehumanise" their freshly hooked followers, by stripping them of human emotions and feelings, thus producing obedient robots to the cult and its teachings.

When Brahma Kumaris keeps reminding its followers to remain ... DETACHED, does not that imply suppressing their feelings and emotions, in order to get to that status ...??

I recall in one of BKs' retreats, a very senior BL, an M.D. who was living in Oxford at that time, was saying in his lecture, if you see a man trying to murder another, do not react, do not try to stop him or do any thing ... because the Drama has to take its course ...!!
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:Spreading anger or bitterness or taking revenge is no form of great service and not taught in any religion, forget BKs.

What are you saying ?? That calling non-followers of BKs as SHUDRAS or KANSA SENA is act of praising people ?

Suggesting the followers not to eat the food prepared by their family members is act of spreading harmony in one's family ? I think in trying to take only positives from BKism, you have galloped all the BKism !!!!!


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post10 Jun 2013


I must give credit to Brahma Kumaris for being masters in twisting facts and looping around them, in a very tricky, yet not very smart manner ..!!

This tactic could fool individuals with low intellect, but the smarter ones would not be fooled or tricked ..!!

"Detached yet loving"... what a tricky slogan adopted by BK cult. They keep repeating it to escape the embarresement of giving an honest and transparent reply! . In my openion, this is only a reflection of the hypocricy and contradictions of BK teachings and philosophy ..!!

Away from the vocabulary ornaments and language elasticity, let us judge things from their " ënd results".

Despite the sweet talk and charming smile, BKs put on the surface, I have found them to be emotionally isolated and separated from their, family members, friends, society and the rest of the world ... !!

The whole World is calling upon Earth inhabitants to ... GET INVOLVED , and it is only Brahma Kumaris is swimming against the tide, and calling upon its followers to ... REMAIN DETACHED...!!


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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

If I like blue color, and BKs happen to wear OR also like blue color, it does not mean I like or support BKs.

Similarly, if APJ Kalam supports OR likes spirituality, does not mean he likes or supports or promotes BKsim or their brand of spiritualism or their corrupt practices.

BKs are using him to promote and market themselves, just like they do all the time with other VIPs.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:APJ was not promoting classic Brahmakumarism- he was promoting the research on healthcare and positive effects of BK recommended lifestyle/meditation on heart patients

The kind of lifestyle that you or any BK is branding as their own discovery was recommended by ancient Rishis and Munis. It is BKs habit or you can call SANSKARS to steal old knowledge and promote as their own (RAM-RAM JAPNA PRAYA MAAL APNA). They have branded ancient medition as RajYoga. They have stolen concept of Soul from ancient Holy book Gita and now claiming that Gita was not recited by Lord Krishna but their founder Father Lekhraj. They are nothing but Chinese copy cat.
Regarding food, yes, I personally believe the vibrations of the food has an effect on the mind.

Here I am not talking about vibrations of food or the effects of spices used in the food, I am talking about BKism knowledge of transferring vibrations from a family member who is cooking food to another family member who is eating that food.

You are trying OLD YUKTIS (escaping way) of BKs here by answering what is not asked :D :D :D.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

BTW, moreclearernow, you did not mention the deadly diseases you were suffering from and how BKism helped you to cure them. :D

Need some time ????
moreclearernow wrote:Spreading anger or bitterness or taking revenge is no form of great service and not taught in any religion, forget BKs.

What are you saying ?? That calling non-followers of BKs as SHUDRAS or KANSA SENA is act of praising people ?

Suggesting the followers not to eat the food prepared by their family members is act of spreading harmony in one's family? I think in trying to take only positives from BKism, you have galloped all the BKism !!!!!


Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

pawan_kr wrote:BTW moreclearnow, you did not mention the deadly diseases you were suffering from and how BKism helped you to cure them. :D Need some time ????

It was a unique case, a combination of 2 diseases that are so rare and unknown that chances of it happening are one out of hundred millions. I cannot name it because it is a well known event in some BK circles and will take away my anonymity. I considered sending this information to ex-l on PM but ... I am afraid there is no other specific information regarding my past I can share on this forum.

How BKism helped to cure? Through total surrender to divine, grace and protection due to connection with God, Power of positive thinking through Raja Yoga, practice of detachment from body, power of visualization and support & encouragement of the BK family in troubled times out of the way.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

Skipping question is the new yukti of BKs :D :D :D.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post11 Jun 2013

I tend to think it is an old one ... read Om Radhe's refusal to answer at the court, the BKs refusal to accept invitation to philosophical debates, and the censoring of all questions to their senior Sisters ... along with falsifying and exaggerating accusations against critics.

Om Radhe outrightly refused to answer when they questioned her about what went on in Om Mandli etc.
    "If you cannot baffled them with bullsh**, refuse to speak to them ..."
The BKs have made it a policy not to take a stage with other religions or philosophers were there is direct debate, and their censor every question before their Dadi gurus are asked so in case their Dadi gurus are embarrassed by questions they cannot answer ... or do not want to answer.

Let's keep on topic, with 'Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info'. How could Brahma Kumaris Info be made better from a non- or ex-BK point of view.
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Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

Post25 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:. For every BK, it's quite unique and different things work for different people. I know this forum wants to portray Destruction to be overshadowing everything else but select a 100 genuine BKs and do the following - you will know why they are there;
    1. Take out Destruction
    2. Take out The Knowledge about self
    3. Take out The Knowledge about God
    4. Take out the meditation part of BKism
With every one of these, chances are some BKs would leave the path but, in my view, a majority will leave if you take out 3 and/or 4 - 1 will be important to few and 2 as well to some more.

hmm. Unfortunately your argument is actually mine. You are agreeing with me.

Points 2, 3 and 4 can be found elsewhere with only very slight variations.

The only Gyan that has not changed since the beginning of the "yugya" is the 5000 year cycle, and destruction.

Point 2 - I am soul not body, is not unique. I am point of light is not unique. (see wikipedia even, for references to Jyoti bindu etc) This idea evolved and manifested in its current state in the 1960's BKs

Point 3 - the non-interventionist god with whom a "yogi" - or whatever term you prefer - connects to via some kind of resonance or realisation that requires super-mundane or Altered Stae of consciousness - not unique. See Christian, and other, mystical practices. The idea of non-anthropomorphic god only became BK Gyan in the late 1940's or early 1950's, but as a lingam (phallic shape) - the theory of the point form of god came later, the 1960's.

Point 4 - meditative affirmations of spiritual qualities - not unique. Slowing and calming of thoughts, not unique. Entering cathartic super-mundane "silent" states (seed stage, tapasya etc) also not unique. read Buddhist and Hindu tantra, shamanic and other practices....

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