End of The World ... One week to go !

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End of The World ... One week to go !

Post13 Dec 2012

At least the Mayans are people of principle. Thousands of years ago they made a single prediction date for end of the world, and they adhered to it.

Unlike BKWSU, who kept making false prediction dates for end of the world, time after time, but none of these dates materialised!


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post14 Dec 2012

That is why they are number 1 destructive cult in my book. The most dangerous of all my friend ex.Brahma is no other than these ******* BKs.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post14 Dec 2012

Yes, the BKs have a far more clever game plan that keeps the money, free labor and properties pouring into their coffers ... a rolling prediction of Destruction in "two to three years".

Can anyone honestly say that by now they are not fully conscious and aware of how good for business the "End of the World" is?

NASA: Why the World did not End Yesterday ...


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post15 Dec 2012

This is exactly what BKs' "END OF THE WORLD" is all about ... MONEY !

Their message : The end is near, so why keeping your property and saving your money for ? Give them to us and we will quarantee you a distinquished position in the "Golden Age", after the soon to arrive World Destruction !

A particular person (to them) is as important as the money he donates, or the social/important position he occupies, so whenever needed he is there to help, or gain reference from!

What is really surprising, how would followers still believe in BK, after the so many failed "World Destruction" predictions !?


Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post15 Dec 2012

Hello ex.Brahma - I have as such no interest in the topic of Destruction as expressed earlier on this forum many times but you have asked a very relevant question about what makes the people go on with the BKs. It's not difficult to understand but for this, one must come out of the fascination with the interest of the doomsday / Destruction which I think is very hard for some of the forum members, as I have seen many times in the past. I expect few usual reactions on Destruction but enough has been said on that in the forum.

The practical benefits of the BK meditation and lifestyle are many and the experiences of the divine connection are so subtle, sweet, loving, empowering, pure and deep and that's what keeps them going and growing. It's a subject of personal choice and experience. I have benefited immensely in all aspects of life myself and that is what will keep me going personally. As the problems in the world increase, this is bound to attract many more no matter how much is said against them.

It's like the Mayan Calendar - Priests of the Mayan philosophy actually don't believe in Destruction on 21-12-12!!!! For them it's a start of a new Mayan Cycle but look how some of the followers, media and the world has (mis)interpreted their philosophy!!! Have a look at this CNN video.

So, in that sense, are Mayans then a Destruction obsessed civilization or is it the doomsday lovers, media, filmmakers and some followers that have misinterpreted and created a hype that is certainly going to fail a week from now! And do you think all the Mayans will run away from their faith on 22-12-12!? - I am sure that will not happen though the world will try to prove their predictions failed totally and Mayans will still keep to their philosophy - some may leave may be and then blame the whole Mayan Civilzation for the failed prediction!

This is precisely what has happened in the BK world - the people obsessed with/wanting Destruction have focussed on only that aspect whilst for many what is more important is the lifestyle, meditation, the divine connection and other aspects which bring lot of benefits to mind, body and spirit.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

I cannot remember, clearernow, did we actually clarify how much of a BK you actually are? I would find it hard to accept your manmat as an accurate or official view of the BKWSU unless I knew that you were truly pukka.

Too many demi-BKs have come on this forum defending the BKWSU but what they are really doing is defended their half-hearted adoption of BKism and, in a sense, shielding themselves from the realisation that they are not follow the Maryadas (principles) and so, hence, not very enlightened or having a low status within the Brahma Kumari hierarchy and in the future heaven on earth to come.

In short, they're nothing but servants or grave diggers from a BK point of view.

Look at what you are doing here, a typical Brahma Kumarism of ... blaming the followers.

I think you're misrepresenting the BKWSU, and if you are going to carry on, it's time for you to go.
clearernow wrote:... So, in that sense, are Mayans then a Destruction obsessed civilization or is it the doomsday lovers, media, filmmakers and some followers that have misinterpreted and created a hype ... This is precisely what has happened in the BK world - the people obsessed with/wanting Destruction have focussed on only that aspect ...

It's bullsh*t because the whole Destruction hype at the core of the Brahma Kumaris has and is been driven by the leaders. It was pushed even *BEFORE* they first introduced the current object of your infatuation, the god figure of ShivBaba sometime around 1950. Wasn't it was Lekhraj Kirpalani's visions of a great Destruction which shook him to the core and inspired him?

BK supporters want to distract from the fact it was their god spirit and leaders who have been pumping Destruction down their followers throats for 75 years and blame the failures of the predictions on them and their misinterpretations. Well, we know that is not absolutely true ... and the BKWSU is 25 years past their god's previous failed prediction.

Why the BKs, particularly in the West are now seeking to distract people from this is, partly, because they are preparing already for the next big failure ... of heaven on earth not being established by 2036 ... and, partly, because of the unacceptability of the idea of an infallible "God" making failed predictions. In the West, people have higher expectations of God and enlightened intelligence. Doomsday cults are jokes, and not cool at all.

It's, however, fair to point out that newer-BK have little idea how Destruction obsessed the BKWSU was ... as the Murli messages are being so re-written as to hide it ... but, still, what goes on inside the BKWSU is much difference than what they like to present to the outside world.

To the best of my knowledge, no, the Maya leaders did not, like Sister Jayanti Kripalani and others did and do, constantly encourage followers to believe Destruction is in two to three years ... and we know even just last season, the BapDada was asking whether he should 'hit the button' to enthusiastic yesses from the audience.

It strikes me you must be following some other religion than Brahma Kumarism.


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

Clearernow wrote:This is precisely what has happened in the BK world - the people obsessed with/wanting Destruction have focused on only that aspect whilst for many what is more important is the lifestyle, meditation, the divine connection and other aspects which bring lot of benefits to mind, body and spirit.

Clearernow, request you to read this carefully.

As said before, that we were neither obsessed nor wanting Destruction to happen before joining the BKs. It is only in BK we learned about the concept of Destruction, going to happen and that too in very few years. It is only in the BKs we got the introduction of GOD and learned that he is ocean of truth, Father of all souls, ocean of knowledge. Now, we accepted him as GOD and started believing whatever is being told by him without raising any questions or doubt. We started believing the figures given by him.
    The age of Kalpa= 5000 yrs
    The equal 4 quarters of all yuga,=1250
    Population in the four yugas
    The establishments of other religions
Now, your post is indirectly accepting the failure of BK knowledge at least on the Destruction part. This is giving us the clear indication that all the above said figures will also proved to be failure with time. As on this forum you are correctly identified that you never been a pukka BK and trying to defend your half hearted acceptance of knowledge. But what about those who have thrown away their lives for the false cause and now no other place to go? It is ridiculous to put the blame over the followers for the failed predictions.

When they say The Knowledge is complete and truth then at least the supreme Father should know the correct number of his children, or he don’t know how many children has he produced?


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

Appreciate your comment Clearernow. To me, a particular faith/religion is like a complete structure. If a single column supporting the structure failed, the whole structure would collapse!

In the case of BK, Destruction is not only a supporting column, it is the core of BK ideology, and it can not be ignored nor given a blind eye.

When various Destruction dates given by BK fail to materialise, would not that give a solid proof about a misleading and false faith, irrespective of any rituals, meditations or other aspects, which have led to nothing but wasting lives, dismantling families and producing hypnotized followers.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

You're right to focus on the victims, ex-brahma and I thank you for reminding us.

How many lives have been lost, family split apart, properties donated under the influence of a soon to happen End of the World? Now tell me that it all really happened just because of the nice feeling they were having ...

I also agree with your logical equation but I have found with BKs it does not matter at all. If one pillar fails so badly, the entire edifice is suspect, or will fail too in time.

Somehow, for them, if "God" is found to be wrong it is acceptable ... their Baba is "teaching them a lesson", "testing their faith" and failures are re-interpreted to be encouragements, encouraging BKs to make efforts. For many will it does not matter if the length of the Kalpa Cycle will be changed tomorrow as long as their addiction is fed.

In terms of the religion surviving, its wealth being replenished and sustained it is a successful strategy. But I don't think it is very moral or admirable and I don't think revision is honest or truthful.

If the BKs ever become honest or truthful, it will be because of external forces making them have to.


Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

Thank you ex.Brahma and I also appreciate your view. Many long existing religions and faiths do talk about Destruction as such so it's not a proprietary of BKs - many others believe a change from negative to a perfect world is possible. What I meant about followers' mistake is basing the entire faith because of Destruction - it needs to be based on the understanding of God and connection with him. And if you do not believe that to be true, that's fine too - it's a choice. We cannot fight over individual choices and if you believe BKs foundation is false and it will collapse, then let's wait and watch. Truth, in particular when it's regarding a religion or spiritual practice, cannot be proven merely by arguments - it will unfold in the scheme of the divine - falsehood can not survive for long.

I have only tried to address your question on why BK world goes on with my view when the outside world thinks they are failing. Sorry but I knew very well the typical reactions of the key leaders of this forum including some extreme ones on anything to do with Destruction and their obsession with this topic - I have no interest or time to carry the debate, defend it or prove it. There are probably more than 100 of such posts already on this forum. As I have said earlier people won't be able to appreciate any benefits gained till the time they evaluate everything with the eye for Destruction.

And what some call an addiction, for me it's the most beautiful experience ever in the company of the divine and happy with this addiction. Faith is a matter of choice and people have a free will to choose it.


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012


The more I encounter BKs, the more I appreciate and understand the true meaning of what the prince of spiritualists, M. Lamar Keene, once said:
"No amount of logic can shatter a faith, consciously based on a lie"


Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post16 Dec 2012

ex.Brahma - you are right - it's just a matter of perspectives
Saint Augustine wrote:Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.
B. C. Forbes wrote:He who has faith has an inward reservoir of courage, hope, confidence, calmness, and assuring trust that all will come out well - even though to the world it may appear to come out most badly.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post21 Dec 2012

Well, of course, it hasn't happened ... the "Mayan end of the world". It seems that the Mayans did not believe that anyway - for them it is merely the end of a cycle, and the start of the next, just as it is the winter solstice is the end of the "nights drawing in", as the days start to lengthen again in the next annual cycle.

Which begs the question: why is the BK "cycle" so different from any other cycle in the manifest universe? Any other cycle waxes then wanes (or vice versa). Cycles do not build (or descend) to a climax, and then "reboot" all shiny and new. Winter fades slowly into spring. The seedling grows big and strong long before the parent tree dies. The child grows up before the parent dies. I am unaware of any other phenomenon that behaves like the BK cycle.

ps: Message to clearernow: you don't have to be with the BKs to have Yoga or to be with God, or to have a relationship with God. If it works for you, then fair enough, but you are being programmed/brainwashed to their agenda with every passing day. Is it not better to be self sovereign?


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post22 Dec 2012


You are right, BK cycle is different from any other cycle in the manifest universe, and for a reason .

If a high dose of "End Of The World' destruction fear is not given to BK followers, every few years, how would BKWSU keep its followers under control and quarantee their loyalty ?!
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post22 Dec 2012

Well, it's 22 December now and the world did not end, nor did the north and south pole switch and, surprise, surprise, there were neither any cataclysms nor any mass initiations into enlightenment.

The authorities note that less people than expected turned up at the appointed places, to the disappointment of all the stall holders who had set up business to sell the tourists supplies.

Someone quipped of the New Agers who bought into the Mayan stuff, "what they seem to forget, is that when an old calendar runs out, one just goes out and buys a new one". You could say the same of believing in the BK. Of course, the same thing happened during the last "Planetary Alignment or Harmonic Convergence " in 1982 and 1987 too; predictions, hullabaloo, nothing.

The great thing about intangible things like "shifts in consciousness" is that they are so vague, and open to confirmation biases that even when they don't happened, a) you can sell books about them and play the wise guru and b) you can claim they did even if they failed.

It's too early to see what all the 2012 gurus and websites make of the non-happening.

I saw a few BKs waving the Mayan flag as a sign of a possible Destruction, and a few centers were exploiting it for extra meditation on the day ... the idea is supportive of their mental conditioning ... seemingly there an official mention of it ...
हम महावीर आत्माएँ, मायन कैलेन्डर का नज़र अंदाज़ करनेवाले, माया पर जीत पहननेवाले, स्वदर्शनचक्रधारी हैं...

We, the Mahavir souls brushing aside the Mayan calendar, are the spinners of the discus of self realization victorious over Maya...

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