End of The World ... One week to go !

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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post22 Dec 2012


Do you mean 'the Divine' or the object of the Brahma Kumaris' attention? It would seem the two were entire different and separate, and most religionists would reject the idea of Lekhraj Kirpalani being God. And "God" being as fallible as the BKs' god spirit.

It's fine if you are, in essence, making up and following your own religion, or your own God, but it becomes problematic if you are following the Brahma Kumarism. If you are making claims of divinity of the BK god, you're going to find most people disagree with them, so please don't use the misleading and opaque language the BKs are known for.

Are we talking "God" or the "god of the BKs"?
clearernow wrote: ... extreme [leaders] ... and their obsession with [Destruction]

Now, is that me, or the Dadis and BapDada you are talking about!?!

If 'me', I am offended by the Daily Mail style language. I know they already call us "the Anti-Party" (... wishful thinking, although flattering all the same), next you'll be calling us terrorists. No, they're the ones saying, "the bombs have been made and they will be used", no us.

Therefore, "extreme", no. Highly accurate, dedicated and persistent ... fair enough.

Few cults have managed to maintain a rolling "two to three years" prediction for the End of the World, like the Brahma Kumari leaders have, and those other cults which have had numerous failed predictions of the End of the World gave them up as soon as they accrued enough power and wealth to sustain themselves.

What you may be saying, clearernow, is that the BKs are entering into that phase now ... but I don't believe it as every indication I see is that their leaders and god spirit remains loyal to the fundamentalist view. And few cults short of the BKs, Mason Family and Aum Shinrikyo actually claim 'they're' the ones who will "inspire Destruction" let alone, "give courage to the scientists".

As ex-brahma says, they've learned it's a great way to enslave or exploit a certain percentage of every generation for money or free labor and without any other source of income, they won't give it up. They are addicted to it. I fully expect them to start re-write 2036 into something more vague soon, the more unlikely heaven on earth becomes.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post23 Dec 2012

ex.Brahma wrote:If a high dose of "End Of The World' destruction fear is not given to BK followers, every few years, how would BKWSU keep its followers under control and quarantee their loyalty ?!

Absolutely! Fear is the key to controlling the BK followers. The whole setup is very Kaliyugi...

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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post08 Jan 2013

Crazy man's feast, a parable by Swami Rama Tirtha:
A crazy man once came up to the boys of the street and told them that the Mayor of the city was preparing a grand, royal feast, and had invited all the children to partake of the feast. You know, children like candies and sweets. The children being assured by the crazy man of the feast arranged by the Mayor, ran to the house of the Mayor; but there was no feast at all, nothing of the kind.

The children were baffled; but they were put out of countenance for a while and there was laughing, and the children said to him "How is it Mr.— that you too came when you knew that this story which you told was wrong?"

He said, "Lest there be a real feast, lest the story be true and I miss it." For this reason, because he did not wish to miss it, he also followed the boys.

Exactly the same is the case of those who by their imagination, by their own benediction make flowers beautiful, make every object in this world attractive, make everything desirable by their own imagination, like the crazy man, and then they want to run after it, so that they may not miss it."

Now, don't you see that most Brahma Kumaris and Kumars, Didis and Dadis are exactly like the crazy man in the parable above? Most of them are possibly aware of the multiple failed predictions of world Destruction falsely predicted by the God Spirit Shiva re World War 2, 1950, 1976, 1986/87, and Year 2000 ... ??? Yet they foolishly continue to blindly believe and follow God Shiva like Mata Gandhari, wife of king Dhritarashtra of the Mahabharatha, who voluntarily tied her eyes, and try to influence others too in this crazy pilgrimage of lies and false hopes!!! You know why? Because they too argue:
"Even though God Shiva has lied several times in his predictions on world Destruction, we are continuing to faithfully yet blindly follow God Shiva lest the story of world Destruction come true all of a sudden and we miss the Golden Age and the real feast !!!


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post09 Jan 2013

Om Shanti

Destruction and creation takes side by side .. when you are renovating your house you do not destroy or break it do you? You work on the house part by part, till it is completely renovated.

Creation means transformation or renovation, and with the change in mindsets the transformed souls get ready. So the new army of souls with improved way of thinking are getting ready. Please note that Destruction has already started and will continue till everything is finished.

But it is a gradual process, we cannot set a date that 12/12/12 is the day when everything gets over and 13/12/12 is the new creation date .. no ...

Just like winter gets over and summer sets it, but the date is never fixed, it can be a day before or a day after.
Creation and Destruction is already taking place simultaneously ... don't worry the world will never end, the earth will never stop spinning, because The Cycle of time cannot stop .. time never stops ... The Cycle rotates to reveal the next chapter.

Hope I was able to help ... if not please ask ... Om Shanti souls:).
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post09 Jan 2013

arzu_468 wrote:if not please ask ...

When did you enter the BKs Arzu? How long have you been a BK?

What you are helpful in doing is showing how the Seniors are twisting The Knowledge again. Your analogy of the house is false.

If it was true you would have to say, "imagine a house, then slaughter 99% of the family who live there, wash away their blood ... now the BKs will take over that house". That is your "transformation".

True of false?

In the old days, the Sakar Murlis used to clearly say, "50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation" which meant Destruction would have ended in 1986. Are the leaders changing the Murlis to create a false story?

Before that your God specifically said Destruction would be in 1976, 1950, and WWII. After that your Seniors said Destruction in 1996 (Destruction would take 60 years) and Year 2000. They would teach their cult followers to think Destruction was going to happen in "2 to 3 years" and that their opinions were Shrimat.

Now you are saying it happens at the same time ... well, where are your Golden palaces?

The majority of people here have been through the course, studied The Knowledge and researched the true history and many revisions of the BK stories. We know the teachings very well.
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post09 Jan 2013

Are the leaders changing the Murlis to create a false story?
Changing a false story to create a doubly-false story? Such duplicitous complexity would be entirely in character....
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post09 Jan 2013

Dev Anand, I like your parable of the crazy man's feast.

The BKs remind me of the definition of insanity often attributed to Einstein:
to keep doing the same thing, while expecting different results


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post12 Jan 2013

Om Shanti

death n destruction n suffering r d consequences of past individual or group karmic accounts.
we cannot speed up d process by committing suicide, because dat is going against nature n we will have to pay back in the next birth, in a way its like doubling our pain.
happiness n sorrow r d results of our own actions sometime in d past either in this birth or the last births.
since iron age is wrapping up now, n we r settling all our past accounts at such a short time span, our sufferings seem to increase.
dis process of mass destruction has already started long ago, and along with it creation meaning- new consciousness or shift in our thinking patterns has also started. dis is transformation.
whether we want it or not, time will force us to change..n if we r not ready we will suffer, because time can also kill.dats y time is also called 'mahakaal"
these r all subtle and deep matters beyond the five elements.


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post12 Jan 2013

It is very hard to read your posts arzu_468 when you write in coded language.

It seems that what you are saying is a simple reflection / interpretation of BK beliefs on karma and The Cycle of time that you are trying to present as facts.

Personally I realized, after educating myself on this forum, that God had not spoken the Murlis and therefore that the BK teachings could not be held as truth.

To me, believing that "Iron Age is wrapping up now therefore ..." is similar to believing that the end of the Mayan calendar has any relevance to the current events.

Would you care to explain how death, suffering and destruction are the consequence of past karmic accounts and how happiness and sorrow the result of our own past actions?
    What to you mean by "new consciousness? Where do you see signs of it happening?
    What do you mean by "mass destruction"? Anything like the final holocaust predicted by the BKs?
"Whether we want it or not, time will force us to change ... if we are not ready we will suffer ..." All this sounds like classic fear based philosophy. Not very inspiring to me.

This however inspires me and brings me hope, Steven Pinker: The surprising decline in violence
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post12 Jan 2013

bkti-pit wrote: Personally I realized, after educating myself on this forum, that God had not spoken the Murlis and therefore that the BK teachings could not be held as truth.

A very neat summation. This is the crux of the matter, as far as BK "knowledge" is concerned. There is much to be gained from studying the teachings of BapDada, but there is also much that is misleading, inaccurate, contradictory, or just plain laughable. And, yes, much in his methods that is fear based and controlling (this in itself gives the game away). When you start from the proposition that "God speaks", then one should expect a fair degree of plain madness to ensue! Normally, people who believe themselves to be God incarnate are locked up and sedated. Only in India is such a statement unremarkable.


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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post12 Jan 2013

If the KARMA concept got recognised, spread on a wide scale, and we started hearing judges giving verdicts that criminals are innocent and are free to go, because it is their Karma that motivated them to commit crimes, then we could expect Destruction of the world to come sooner than what BK has predicted ...!!
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Re: End of The World ... One week to go !

Post14 Jan 2013

I guess arzu is a new BK and it is interesting to read from him that the BKWSU are moving towards a model of simultaneous Destruction and Creation.

Presumably, this is of internal and personal Destruction and Creation and there will still be the huge bloodbath and nuclear war at the end of it ... It's hard to imagine how the palaces of the Golden Age will be half-built as all the "filthy shudras" and other religions are wiped out of the way.

BKs crave the physical Destruction. It's the only face saving way they can escape the mental trap their religious leaders have created for them, one in which 'moving forward' or spiritually evolving further than them is portrayed at desertion or being a "traitor".

It's a very mundane mental trap, is not it? Is the voice of the Indian mother controlling her children to look after her in old age.

The Brahma Kumaris, having no children of their own to look after them in old day, have to spin a similar web around other families' children.

"Leaving your lokik family and come and look after us in our old age instead ... eat our food and listen to our stories instead of your own, ignorant, useless grandmother".

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