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Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 20 Jul 2008
by hope1
Well, Brian Bacon's marriage did appear as Item 9.4 in the University of Hawaii's minutes back in May of last year ... Minutes for Senate Meeting 07-004 Date of Meeting: May, 21 2007 at UHHSA Office.

9.4 UN Advisor

    - Brian Bacon advisor to the Secretary General
    - Going to be here in August to get married
    - Friend of mom's fiancé wants to make a peace center
    - Potential speaker
    - Justin will take care of this for end of August
I wonder who the "friend of mom's fiance" is ...

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2008
by ex-l
Well, if he is truly ex-BK, and out of the BKWSU, then its probably time to afford him some privacy and make such discussion off topic.

On the other hand, I wonder how much or if he has taken any of the BKWSU's "intellectual property" with him? And some ex-BKs, now happily shacked up with loving partners supporting them, have made the transition back into 'consultative positions' as 'contact souls'.

Perhaps the BKWSU just like keeping its hands on its best assets. That was dated May 2007, so has the marriage been on the cards for some time? The word to the BKs just arrived quite recently.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 01 Aug 2008
by driedexbk
Wow! This is awesome!

Brian Bacon and Kazemaru's wedding day celebrations

PostPosted: 29 Jan 2009
by enlightened
Please see link of Brian Bacon and Kazemaru's wedding day celebrations


Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by tom

Thank you enlightened,

Very nice website. Nice photos. I know of Brian quite well, have never seen him so relaxed and happy, laughing.

Wish them everlasting happiness. Keep up the good work folks. Happiness is the greatest challenge to the control freak BK Seniors and their fake God.

I wish the same happiness, to all BKs and ex-BKs all over the world, who have been deprived of the greatest happiness on earth bestowed from God to human beings. That is, a well-matched sexual relationship between two, who are in love with each other.

Offtopic: On the same website of Kazemaru & Brian, page Updates they give their e-mail address as:

Oops ... Same business with the BKs seems to be going on for both of them. ;)

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by ex-l
enlightened wrote:Please see link of Brian Bacon and Kazemaru's wedding day celebrations

I was almost moved to a happy emotion ... until I discovered Brahma Kumaris at the after wedding celebrations such as the notorious Miriam Subirana Vilanova. Gosh, will the thrilled BKs Ravi and corporate trainer Rowena Rolt, see below, be the next couple to fall to Maya and Ravan's call? I hope they gave the nuptial supper and drinks their stiffest Godly dhristi ...

Honestly, how are we to interpret all this?

Reflexive as the Brahma Kumaris are, it will probably be trotted out as an example of how modern, normal and accepting they are (i.e. used for service), whilst under their breath they mutter their mantra, "ocean of poision ... sword of lust ... spiritual murder ... butchery ... vice ... impurity ... lost fortune" and the rest.

Will Brian still be allowed to use the elements of BK Raja Yoga in his work ... will they work as well now he is comfortably bedded down with his belle ... what degree of purity has been lost ... will the leadership still fete upon him with privileges for delivering VIPs and microphone souls to their religion?

And if they do, what about all those BKs who have been denied such simple, natural pleasures ... the couples, marriages and families that have been jealously torn apart ... the young people brought up in the religions ... the unpaid virgin kunya handservants of the Indian BKWSU ... the single and elderly dying alone without any family?

Its all very strange to me ... can anyone explain how it fits into the bigger picture? Is it not a little early for the Golden Age ... or are we to expect them to give birth to a baby Krishna for the Brahma Kumaris? Perhaps it is just "claiming one's inheritance in practical form". I just hope they have kids so the house does not end up in the Beakies hands! ;)

BKs Miriam Subirana, Ravi and Rowena Rolt
brianswedding.jpg (14.33 KiB) Viewed 20890 times

A place where it is to easy remember that heaven is possible in this world ...
when we live in harmony with each other, our calling and with nature.

Yes, Oxford Leadership Academy and the SML was always his business despite what the BKWSU said in the Murliboard announcements. Nothing wrong in that.

Now one chapter is over ... how could someone so impure, deluded and fallen, a Maya stricken soul, have been so wise and able to have influenced and redefined the 'so pure and Godly' Brahma Kumaris? That is my quandary ... answers on the back of an original 1950 Murlis sent to the usual address please. :shock:
The number 8 is the symbol of infinity as well as perfect balance between two complete parts. According to Chinese astrology this was also a most auspicious day to wed.

Auspicious? 8 is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word "prosper" or "wealth" ... it about money. In Japanese culture it is a little different because the character for eight gives an idea of opportunity, the future opening up, not just growing prosperously, because the letter (八) broadens gradually.

In Japan, 8/8/8 was not an auspicious day. Actually, there was a bit of overbalanced 7 energy on that day which is quite different. Poetic ... very ... but as the BK within says, is it Gyani to believe in such supersitions?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by john
I'd like to say that as far as I understand, marriage is not against Shrimat.

I think the BKSWU have made it appear so because the early followers, those who are now leaders, followed that path.

The teachings of Murli are the family path, i.e. live at home and look after your family, not the sanyasi path of leaving your family. What Shrimat seeks to do is absolve souls of things that cause pain. Murli teaches how to become a diety and dieties all got married.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by bkti-pit
ex-l wrote:Honestly, how are we to interpret all this?

Reflexive as the Brahma Kumaris are, it will probably be trotted out as an example of how modern, normal and accepting they are (i.e. used for service), whilst under their breath they mutter their mantra, "ocean of poision ... sword of lust ... spiritual murder ... butchery ... vice ... impurity ... lost fortune" and the rest.

I do not know Brian personally but I first heard about his marriage from a friend who does.

It seems that when he told Dadi Janki and Jayanti about it they simply told him "It is your karma" and turned around. He thought it was not very loving ... not to mention the hundreds of thousands of $$$ that he gave to the Yagya and the wealthy VIPs he brought to them.

I do not think that they need the BKWSU to be prosperous.

I wish them well.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by ex-l
bkti-pit wrote:It seems that when he told Dadi Janki and Jayanti about it they simply told him "It is your karma" and turned around. He thought it was not very loving ... not to mention the hundreds of thousands of $$$ that he gave to the Yagya and the wealthy VIPs he brought to them.

Oooo - ouch ...

I can imagine how cold and cutting that could have been but what did he expect? The old "Its you Karma™" number ... that is about a strong a curse as you will openly get in the Brahma Kumari world. Do you mean "turn" as in turn and walk away?

I suspect they had heard plenty via the gossip vine before he came to them to tell them. The Beakies did not just lose one major asset but two ... and the potential of that beautiful healing center in Hawaii as a Brahma Kumaris Retreat center. Perhaps they could turn over their home to become an ex-BK healing retreat center now?

For me, what is interesting is the bigger picture what does this about their judgement supporting Brian and promoting the OLA? Does it make the SML tamopradhan now ... or was he just expendable, expected to leave at some point, milked for as much as they could get whilst he was inside? Another useful stepping stone. Its funny, I write about being "inside" the BKWSU as if it was a prison.
john wrote:I'd like to say that as far as I understand, marriage is not against Shrimat ... The teachings of Murli are the family path, i.e. live at home and look after your family, not the sanyasi path of leaving your family.

The Murlis do emphasis "the family path" but the reality is that those you are talking about split couples and families and encourage followers to surrender entirely to them and their businesses. In a few rare occasions I remember Lekhraj Kirpalani in the Sakar Murlis saying, "its better to marry than to burn with lust" but for the most part marriage was portrayed as an evil or failure, slaughter even, and sex impurity. Was it not why Lekhraj Kirpalani forbid followers from going and seeing movies in case they were romatically inspired?

This more metaphoric view of "the sanysasi path" with the BKWSU is something that I think we are grateful to the PBKs for clarifying. In the old days of the BKWSU, we would have suggested that so-and-so BK "had sanyasi" sanskars, believing them to have been a renunciate in their past lives. What I understand the PBKs are suggesting is that the sanyasi religion has its seeds and roots in a certain streams of the Brahma Kumari movement.

Is Brian just ahead of a trend? Should BKs be keeping an eye out for a good catch on the other side of Murli class?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by bkti-pit
ex-l wrote:Do you mean turn as in "turn and walk away"?

From what I can recall from my conversation with my friend: YES!

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by enlightened
It would be interesting to know who paid for the expenses for Miriam Subirana Vilanova to fly from Spain to Hawaii to attend this wedding. She is supposed to be a surrended BK and is the BK Head of Spain is she not.

Who knows, she may well be the next one in line to getting married judging by the interesting findings about her BK male/female admirers. Maybe attending this wedding has inspired her to get married now that she has a few businesses in place and income coming through, i.e. BK books, her own website etc.

That seems to be the pattern that these BKs are following, i.e Marneta, Brian Bacon, Kazemaru etc.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by ex-l
Gosh, you are right. Miriam Subirana - President of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Association in Spain. Remember, our actions speak louder than our words ... so what was she doing celebrating the "marriage-funeral" of two BKs?

The pictures are from a 'friend and family party' at Ulfsunda Castle in Sweden, here, afterwards.

BK Miriam Subirana contemplates marriage with "Relax Husband" Marneta 'Busty' Viegas
But Miriam Subirana to marry ... has hell frozen over? Click image to enlarge ...

Hmmn, if you want to start taking bets on which high profile BK will fall next ... I will lay my money on Aruna Ladva of The Sixth Element. She is going to get no where in the BK hierarchy, she has too much attitude for a Hindi Sister, i.e. been Westernised. She is caught in all the murkiness of post-Self Management Leadership service and making a professional life. Brian gave a good hand up into business but it is not really her thing ... she would be best using her talents to grab a good man and live out in Canada instead of spinning her wheels, as well as The Cycle, on the reserve bench. Its the red lipstick effect again ...

Corporate Brahma Kumari Aruna Ladva

Or I suppose we could play, which BK will marry which BK next?

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by enlightened
Yes why not play Which BK will get married next!

Could it be;

    Miriam Subirana Vilanova
    Mike George
    Aruna Ladva
    Ken O'Donnel
    Moira Lowe
    Wendy Farrington
    Anthony Strano
Please add more possible names.

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by ex-l
I think it might be funnier to play matchmakers. Who would make the worst and best couples, e.g.

    Sister Jayanti and, Sir Launcelot Neville Hodgkinson
    Mike George and ...

Re: ex-BKs start a new life, family and announcements

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2009
by diwali
Mike George and Anthony Strano. MMM ;)