Miriam Subirana and Enrique Simó Kadletz - BK co-prosperity

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Miriam Subirana and Enrique Simó Kadletz - BK co-prosperity

Post03 Nov 2008

This link is almost the same as arunaladva.com/sixthelement.com etc

Miriam Subirana also known as Mira is supposed to be a surrendered BK as well. So where are the proceeds for the sales from this website and the many books she has written for the BKs going to?


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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

Post04 Nov 2008

Ah ... "my wallet is Baba's wallet and Baba's wallet is my wallet"? Who knows?

What I notice is that Mariam has retained all the copyrights to her works. Which means she owns it and has control over who gets the money from it. See, http://www.miriamsubirana.com/copy.swf.

Its a joke. This is the Brahma Kumaris "Lioness of Spain" ... who is she promoting? The Brahma Kumaris or herself? Did the Brahma Kumaris give her a platform or did she give the Brahma Kumaris a platform? What is going on in there? Do all the senior Western BKs just want all the time and money they poured into the BKWSU back ... are the Seniors allowing them to do so in order to keep them

    ... or have the Western BKs just sussed this is what the game was always about anyway.

    Build yourself a kingdom on top of the "Godly Knowledge", collect followers ... and live off it.
I mean ... honestly ... what else have the Nirwairs, Shetty's, Jayantis and Jankis done? Being signed up for the Brahma Kumaris (surrender) is like being signed up for a football team now ... with sponsorship deals, international travel, your picture on posters, fan clubs etc ..

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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

Post04 Nov 2008

Yes, this is worth documenting as she has copyrited it in her name '© Miriam Subirana Vilanova' of http://www.miriamsubirana.com but to any BK, it is obviously BK theory, BK service ... Miriam profile at the previously BK follower Brian Bacon's Oxford Leadership Academy includes acknowledgement as, "the creator of two international Art Museums based in India".

International Art Museums? Ha. Don't we mean Brahma Kumari service centers? Her book "Quien Manda en Tu Vida", which was published by the Brahma Kumaris alone sold over 120,000 copies, which at $15 each could equate to $250,000 income (10 to 15% being the usual commission). But let us she what she, as the national President in Spain of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, writes in her own name;

    "The threat of Destruction" ... "our natural state of peace" ... "the 5 vices being the root of all evils" ... "mind, intellect and sanskars" ... the "tree of humanity" leading to the futility of clipping a feed twigs and branches (Kali Yuga cults, politics or movements like environmentalism) and the attention to "the roots" meaning the Brahma Kumaris ... "inner space, power of silence" and "not thinking", a Dadi Jankism if ever there was one ... the "Father and child" metaphor ... "values" ... "soul conscious".
It is the pure unadulterated siren's song of the Brahma Kumaris. She says, it is "not the governments that will bring about change, not spiritual or religious leaders, politicians" but THEM ... GIVE OVER YOUR POWER, GIVE OVER YOUR MINDS, GIVE OVER YOUR MONEY. Note the leading question, " ... we need a new world but Who will bring this change in practice?" Well, Baba, of course!

From what I hear, loads of people have left Gyan (the Brahma Kumaris) just because of her fanaticism and that was before anyone raised any questions about the financial ethics. Ah, but that would be their karma ... their choice ... their weakness ... their role in Drama obviously and, of course, they will have to come back with their tails between their legs.

How could she be at fault? She is sticking to the Kripalani Klan's script exactly, even if Spain is her franchise of the business. Note on the Xing.com profile her membership of two BK run corporate consulting businesses and the use of the BK service for personal gain; Augere and Oxford Leadership Academy. She "offers coaching, support strategic development seminars staff using the tools of art and coaching along with spiritual wisdom" ... "combining leadership skills with the use of art and creative meditation techniques".

What is The International Centre for Art and Spirituality and how did it fit into the master plan? A BK retreat or a personal business ... or both? A "CEO" no less? A CEO of one. Most folk would say 'self-employed'.

Today the human family faces a potential disaster, the threat of destruction of our home land.

In times of crisis tend to unite divided families. Now more than ever is when we need to unite to respond to the global environmental crisis. The need immediate change in human activity is undeniable. The attending this call or not depends on the principles and values that sustain and are the basis of our decisions and actions. We must recognize that the root of this situation is values and attitudes that we have inadequate. It is these that determine the quality of human activity. We must transform these values and thus transform how they think. Reconsider our priorities. Attitudes, values and lifestyles more careful in the face of ourselves, to others and the environment. No ending the pollution of nature until we put an end to the pollution in our minds and in our hearts.

We need to ask some fundamental questions:
• What are our spiritual and moral obligations as individuals, communities, nations, to our environment?
• How to understand the natural law of interconnection and its link with the sustainable development?
• What is the lifestyle that we live if we want to help with the planet's resources and reduce the imbalance?
• How can we create sacred space in the world for what it is address is resolved and we can return to our natural state of peace?

The planet earth is a sacred space, but because of our greed, selfishness and violence have forgotten to live in that awareness.

Our thoughts affect the area, others and ourselves. The thoughts also affect the environment.

When you see involved in a train of negative thoughts that takes you into spiral down, remember that you can talk to yourself and get you out of there. If you decide to do an action motivated by anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred or resentment, recalls that's what you will return to you. Doing something nice for your enemy to help Dissolve the situation between you and them. Keeping an aggressive posture toward another fuels the situation and intensifies the conflict. If you refuse to maintain a posture aggressively toward the other, he or she can not keep it to yourself. It requires two for create and sustain a conflict.

The destination is a personal level, a level of relationships and communities and also at of nations. We see it constantly in the news. We see it among the States U.S. and Middle East, between India and Pakistan, between Israel and Palestine. When fails
peace process and increases aggressiveness, the account is worse among nations and scale. With demands hostile, creating more enemies, and following violent ways, it was aggravates this collective destiny. When greed, economic control, racial hatred.

Religious attitudes and fueling the conflict between nations and groups, the potential devastating is incalculable.

It's easy to talk about the need for a new world order, but Who will bring this change in practice? Bring this change economists or politicians? Do Wars will bring change? Are the environmentalists will change the world? The only real basis for this new world order is the transformation in our consciousness, a spiritual transformation involves rid of the anger, lust, ego, greed and attachment. Until this happens, will send the present world order awash with violence, suffering and arrogance.

The shortfalls caused greed that comes from spiritual emptiness, the lack of fullness. As we act based on these human weaknesses, the result is suffering, sorrow and pain. If we act according to the values, virtues and qualities human and spiritual, the result would be cooperation, solidarity, happiness, joy, peace, welfare and, finally, the fullness.

Where there is selfishness there is greed. We want to have and possess more, which leads to a state of anxiety and expectation. This causes imbalances in oneself, in the relationship with others and between man and nature. We are filled with objects, properties and things. Then we are afraid to lose them. In general, go, consume more of what nature can give, and pollution more than it Nature is capable of recycling. We generate all sorts of expectations and, if not met, we reacted with anger, frustration or disappointment.

Greed, selfishness and attachment units are the roots that cause a large imbalance on a global scale and also on a smaller scale (local and family).

Greed works on several levels: personal, interpersonal, at the level of the performance of the companies and national and international level. For many companies and their greed managers are unwilling to modify certain aspects in their business to be reduce the emission of gases that pollution and the environment that are destroying environmental balance. They are endangering the planet, our existence and the lives of many animals and living beings, but because of their greed, not

Our greed leads us to consume so lopsided. The companies prefer pay a penalty to reduce toxic gases or pollution to the rivers to lay and atmosphere, to be able to continue producing at the same pace with minimal costs economic, but involves costs to another level (pollution, global warming and environmental imbalance).

In short, what all this tells us? Greed that leads to a lack of respect towards ourselves, others, animals and the environment. Greed generates lust for power and fear of change.

To reverse this trend, we have to go into ourselves and realize that this greedy need arises because we did not care to be. We have Gutted. Learn to take care of being, realize our ability to give and our potential for love. If our mind thinks too fast and hit one thought to another, our intellect and certainly is not decided, our past affects us and our habits and traps make us worry endlessly, without a doubt we touch us again and again by the circumstances that surround us.

To prevent this from happening we have to regain our power inside, be alert and pay attention. So we will not allow the situations we absorb and slowly destroy our calm to sink into a river of concerns. We need to have a greater mastery of our inner world: in our mind, intellect, tendencies, and conditioning habits.

If we try to prune a tree by removing some sick leaves or branches, not will achieve nothing. If The Tree is sick and we just some branch or remove some leaves, the disease remains in that tree. What we must do is to look at the roots, and when we see what is going wrong, we'll see what we have to do with the disease of The Tree. Are the roots that need healing.

When we look at The Tree of humanity and all the diseases that are flooding the society today, we realize that if we try to put patches on the different problems here and there, in the long term is not a solution to be function. But if we look at the root of society's problems, we will see that everything is has become very artificial and materialistic.

Instead of recognizing our spiritual identity, we think of ourselves as matter, and we connect our identity and our attention on the subject. As result, there is much fear. In the culture of fear and violence, people we act based on our ego, greed, attachment, anger, lust, sloth and arrogance. If we want to change all this, the answer is very simple, yes is the only answer: change the paradigm. Away from the materialistic paradigm and enter a spiritual paradigm.

Returning to a spiritual paradigm, we return to the values that underlie our civilization and we return to truth, peace and confidence. It is not the governments that will bring this change, not religious leaders, spiritual or politicians who will bring this change. Who can do? You and me. In fact, every one has to do for himself. I can not do it for you. All I can do it for me. When a person changes, his change has an impact on around them. A return to spiritual awareness is our responsibility. When we do, we see that our world is changing and we began to live the kind of life we could and we should live: awake, fully conscious and responsible.

On one side is a matter of controlling our thoughts, to have clarity in our decisions and not allow our unhealthy habits dominate us. On the other aside our internal power lies in not thinking a thing, feeling another, and another saying finally act differently. We must listen to our conscience as it is the tiller our life, and if we hear our decisions will be based on what keeps our integrity and our strength. So in our actions we will express our potential to help us and others. When we act with a clear vision, with self-esteem, confidence and serenity, we have the ability to after our purposes successfully. In doing so, we will be satisfied.

When, on the contrary, what we do is not what we think or what we say, our words are losing strength. When a Father tells his son that you do not do something, but he himself does, those words have no force and not carry the power of example. The son listens to advice from his Father but he did not see what follows. That seeding a doubt in him: why did this but I advised him not practicing?

On one occasion when the speakers were preparing to participate in Sao Paulo, in the panel discussion on the threats of environmental pollution and potential solutions, the Minister of Environment smoked in a way that resembled a fireplace living. One cigarette after another. On the one hand spoke to propose solutions to pollution, and on the other side lived like a chimney living. This lack of integrity between what one thinks, says and does cause loss of power in action, lack of consistency and reduced confidence.

What happens is that sometimes our conscience tells us to go in one direction but our habits lead us to another direction, then Who rules? Does the conscience that is nurtured by our values or our habits? At that time we have to ask ourselves what do we really want? Listen to the voice of our heart, the center of our being. So connect with our inner wisdom and our innate strength to help us overcome the habit.

To be creators of change that this entails and build a better reality, we have to do so from the authenticity, love, courage and power inside. The other attitudes (complaint, anger, guilt, greed, dependencies) weaken us and prolong the creating environments and situations of stress and violence. In all areas of life we have the freedom to use our immense creative power. Doing so is in our hands.

Meditation helps us to cleanse the mind of interference and thereby accumulate energy needed for the transformation and to become creators of fate we want for ourselves and the world. Many have good intentions but they lack the power and energy to put them into practice.

As well as to strengthen the muscles need exercise with body regularity and discipline to regain the power we have inside of disciplining the mind. Exercise of positivity and silence. The less we think, more power, light and every thought and clarity will therefore carry a greater impact on our reality. The practice of meditation helps us to soothe the mind, focus attention, Drop wounds of the past, being fully present, and heal the heart completely thus achieving a great liberation.

It is entering the inner space in which there are no boundaries nor borders. It what are usually looking away from us. When you've reached that Heart-being, it's like to have arrived home, your real me. To get there you realize you have everything you really need to be happy, ending the state of your feeling victim and constantly needing, wanting and depending. In this when you're a free spirit, and are fully available to give to others.

The regular practice of meditation allows you to get in touch with the essence immutable of your being, with the best of you, with the body of your pure essential nature. It is an experience of serenity and concentration essential to the construction of an authentic self-esteem, security and confidence in yourself and in the others. Meditation helps you recognize and understand your true identity, original and authentic, as a metaphysical energy, a spiritual energy, which is the base high thinking.

© Miriam Subirana Vilanova - http://www.miriamsubirana.com - Feb 14 2008
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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

Post06 Nov 2008

For those that are too young in Gyan, or non-BKs, this will explain our feelings about the recent commercialisation of the Brahma Kumari movement. A benefit for the privileged few it would seem. This is taken from a copy of the "Maryadas" (a word take from Sikhism meaning spiritual disciplines or principles) that used to hang in ever BK center and bhavan (shared accommodation for followers).

When the Oxford Leadership Academy, Augere etc, of which BK President of Spain Mariam Subirana is a business "associate" ... a "separate company set up" to handle corporate requests from Self Management Leadership courses (according to the Brahma Kumari leadership) but in fact the private company of then BK Brian Bacon ... went through the movement cherry picking all the best and brightest of brains ... how did they manage to do so without breaking the principles that every Brahmakumari follower prior had dedicated their lives to and given money to support?

    So ... did the Brahma Kumaris throw out 'all of the Maryadas for some', or 'some of the Maryadas for all'? Or is it a special privilege only for the inner circle? If so ... whose inner circle?
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Post06 Nov 2008

Sad, is not it?

Any "old BK" could confirm that these were the laws and teachings (perhaps even now, but not as strict, and certainly they never applied to ALL) and you would get punished and despised if you broke them. In the same way that people who hadn't been following Shrimat for 6 months or so, were not allowed to enter the kitchen, cook etc.., BK should not discuss worldly affairs and start up any, even insignificant business with each other. To protect the center's holy atmosphere and souls from getting entangled in karma with other BKs.

BKs feet and minds should be kept well above the ground: no gross talk, interaction or motives. This is what attracted many of us. An elevated path. :sad:

I think that if you look at the new,undeniable and not concealed commercial trend of the BKWSO whilst considering it a non-profit meditation school, you will smell betrayal, for which the no. 1 responsible are their leaders, a total derailment. If you set aside this illusion, if you abandon the romantic story of spirituality and changing the world through that, and look at it for what it is proving to be, a corporation, than it makes sense and all explanations are the same that would commonly apply to enterprises, same rules and tricks, ads, the market ... nothing new.

If you sell your soul to the devil and belong to the "Inner Circle", you can profit from the pie, otherwise, once the aura of purity fades. It is very boring to hang in there, unless you are a committed masochist slave or a zombie stripped from any self esteem!


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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

Post06 Nov 2008

How come the movie "The Matrix" comes to mind?



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Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post08 Nov 2008

I have found another person in Spain, Enrique Simó Kadletz, who is apparently the vice-president of the Brahma Kumaris in Spain and also may be selling the BK knowledge.

Here are some websites;

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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz- mas BKWSU - co prosperidad

Post08 Nov 2008

Great work friend.
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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post08 Nov 2008

Surprise, surprise ... more 'BK pork pies' (rhyming slang for 'lies'). Read below for the presentation of leading BKs Brian Bacon, Mike George and Ken O'Donel as if they are all seperate and a hush-hush presentation of all his BKWSU service for his professional benefit. I'd say you have just scored a direct hit, vivaespana.
Enrique Simó Kadletz

Consultor, coach y formador en el área de desarrollo personal y organizativo. Representante en España de la Oxford Leadership Academy, dirigido por Brian Bacon.
Consultant, coach and trainer in the area of personal and organizational development. Representative in Spain of the Oxford Leadership Academy, led by Brian Bacon.

For over 12 years taught throughout Spain and especially in Andalusia, courses, seminars and conferences on the themes: Values in Education, Human Relations, Communication Skills, Emotional Intelligence, School Coexistence, mobilization centers, Stress Prevention, Role Directive, Self and Emotions, Dialogues appreciated, Self-leadership, Relaxation Techniques and Conflict Resolution.

Wasn't Miriam the Sister that was madly in love with Enrique? Is he is managing the centre in Madrid now? Folks might remember there was a little controversy because she was seen, or photographed, kissing him. May be the Latin centers have difference Shrimat ... may be she gets to make the Shrimat up now as senior Spanish Sister!?!

In many people's opinion, Miriam seems to enjoy having BK Brothers around her most of the time and it is questionable if the dynamics she uses, within the cultic environment, are psychological manipulative or not. I know followers were too frightened to discuss these things because they are frightened of her. Others have said that she plays a similar game to Janki and Jayanti Kripalani and obviously enjoys favour with them.

If it is any saving grace to those individuals Miriam has trodden on, apparently she has gotten really ****** off with the Spanish cult watch organizations for listing the Brahma Kumaris as a cult. I have spoken to one of the directors of the organization about them and her.

Who first called Miriam, the "Lioness of Spain" ... was it Janki? People in the system seem to feel obliged to run after her, to cook and clean for her while she promotes her own self and secures her future. I wonder if she will do a 'Brian Bacon' at some time (leave the organization with some other BK) now that she has some alternative life to step into?

In order to be free, and protect others, people have to share the real truths about the likes of her and the other psychological manipulations that goes on within the organisation. There is something in the mentality of many of the people who have been given the centre/co-ordinator positions worldwide that is psychologically manipulative ... I know it from my own experience at a small center. I realise now, looking back at it, that the Sisters were basically using, or riding on, "flirting energy" to enthuse their favourite submissive "Brothers" to "serve" them ... which can mean carrying her hand bag. When you are new to the cult, you realy do not know what going is on but now I see how wrong it all is.

All respect to the senior Western Brahma Kumari that pointed out that some BK Sisters use their sexuality in service. Who has witnessed Miriam out walking with an "entourage" of BKs following her?

it is not necessary to have 'hard evidence' to give to the world, your experience or your opinion if valid enough. We need to build up an overview before identifying specific cases. Usually they become very obviously WAY before the hard evidence appears ... but it usually does. Like with that other Sister, who is still running centers, that married secretly within Gyan for the sake of a visa and carried on a sexual relationship despite it ... and all the criminal "attachment" ... being entirely against Shrimat.

Evidence to that is in public records, the Seniors know about ... they have more than two faces. And there was another center-in-charge that ran a full on sexual love affair right up to the altar and only to ditch the man right before. Apparently, she even wanted the Seniors to give her the center-in-charge position back afterwards ... who knows what else goes on inside?
In other countries has given numerous lectures and seminars, always on aspects of education and human resources, such as: ... Course for business executives on "Ethical Values in the Organization" ... His concern and interest in human psychology has led him to investigate and disseminate methods and techniques to improve personal development, and development of organizations.

He also spent part of his time to cooperate and coordinate projects for peace so disinterested, for more than 18 years. Some of these have been: Global Cooperation for a Better World, Culture of Peace, Awakening Human Dignity, Values to Live By: An International Education Initiative. By collaborating with institutions such as UNICEF, UNESCO and various NGOs.

Enrique Simó has acted with consultants from prestigious European and American companies such as: Brian Bacon and Self Leadership Management, with whom he collaborates in the leadership program "Oxford Leadership Program," Ken O'Donnell in Self and Quality of Life, Mike George at Stress Free Living. Recently conducted a training course with David Cooperrider, Professor at the Case Western University in Ohio, USA in the methodology of Appreciative Inquiry.

He is the author of the book "The Gift of Peace: Thoughts for a Better World" (October 2002) published in English, German, Catalan, Italian, Vietnamese, as well as a reflection to ponder CD called "The Gift of peace. "

He has written articles for education journals such as "Self and emotions" Classroom magazine, "The importance of interpersonal relations in the teachers' magazine Outlook (center of Teachers of Andalusia) and also for various newspapers.

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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post09 Nov 2008

Let us be careful not to mess around with this Miriam ... she is one of Janki's protected favorite!
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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post09 Nov 2008

driedexbk wrote:... she is one of Janki's protected favorite!

Ha. In my opinion, that can only mean that she has money ...
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Re: MiriamSubirana.com ... more BK Prosperity

Post09 Nov 2008

From myspiritradio.com;

Asked about "detachment", Miriam fumble about trying to explain it. Please tell me if any of this sounds deep to you, folks. She says it is not taking a step away from people and is heard giving some weird advice, from a BK point of view, about focusing on one's breathing and visualising a landscape in order to change negative thoughts into positive ones. Back to Bhakti by BK standards ... surely?

Elsewhere there is the usual superficial sampling of history and "famous people" to make a point.
Ananta Foundation: What is freedom? What is slavery?

Miriam Subirana: ... Another example is Mahatma Gandhi, who managed to release an entire subcontinent of a superpower like Britain through non-violence.

Well, actually Gandhi alone did not. The revolutionary movement for Indian independence had been simmering for 100 years before India's final independence. The British Empire's weakness after WWII and the advancing rather non-non-violent Japanese Army during it probably had much influence. A leaderless defiance, deviating in many ways from Gandhi's principle of non-violence; Surya Sen, Bhagat Singh, Batukeshwar Dutt, Udham Singh, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sukhdev, Rajguru are all notable revolutionaires whose acts weakened the British hold, not to mention Subhas Chandra Bose's organising an Indian National Army.

Indian underground organisations carried out bomb attacks, government buildings were set on fire, electricity lines were disconnected, transport and communication lines were severed, there were widespread acts of sabotage, many riots and the odd murder or two. The British responded with mass detentions, over 100,000 arrests were made, mass fines levied, torture, demonstrators were subjected to public flogging and so on. If there was peace in India towards the end of the Empire, it was because the entire Congress leadership was incarcerated in jail for 3 years. But, oh, yes, Gandhi liberated India single-handedly according to the Spiritual University director.

Asked, "what is the slavery of this century?" Miriam answers;
Miriam Subirana wrote:We are in a period in which humanity has become very selfish, because we have not cultivated the spiritual and human values and this has led us to some deficiencies that cause dependence. In my book, Living in freedom, I mention some of these shortcomings, as of consumerism, you always have the latest model of car, mobile phone, but then neither does not know how it works, which on the one hand it is an extraordinary medium of communication but depending on how you use it, you can enslave.

So no mention of the estimated 27,000,000 slaves held today, annual estimate of $9.5 billion value of human trafficking. Somewhere between 400,000 to 1,000,000 humans are trafficked every year, mostly women and children. In 1850, an average slave in the American South cost the equivalent of $40,000 in today’s money. Today a slave costs an average of $90 sometimes just a few dollars.

Typical of the BKWSU's position ... "its their karma ... nothing can be done ... ignore the problems, its the end of the world" ... So, instead target the aspirant and wealthy middle class consumer societies, their "enslavement" to comfort goods and dissatisfaction with their lives.
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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post09 Nov 2008

I saw the picture of her kissing her man. Yes, it is time now for all the tinpot controllers to fall.
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Re: Enrique Simó Kadletz - mas BKWSU co-prosperidad?

Post09 Nov 2008

ex-l wrote:People in the system seem to feel obliged to run after her, to cook and clean for her while she promotes her own self and secures her future.

I was one of those people in the system. That is exactly what I did during the many years I wasted with this cult. That is what everyone else under any of them is doing.
ex-l wrote:I realise now, looking back at it, that the Sisters were basically using, or riding on, "flirting energy" to enthuse their favourite submissive "Brothers" to "serve" them ... which can mean carrying her hand bag. When you are new to the cult, you realy do not know what going is on but now I see how wrong it all is.

Indeed! However, they use that sort of flirting energy not only on Brothers but very much on Sisters, too! Talking about carrying her handbag (at least these are not heavy) ... gee, I carried all her bags. This person was served like if it was a god. She has a kingdom of her own, as everyone (except those who are in conflict with her) lifts her up to a high pedestal. I, too, helped to make a Narayan out of her. What a disgrace! I did not have any self respect.
ex-l wrote:Who has witnessed Miriam out walking with an "entourage" of BKs following her?

I haven't but I know the Sister under her was just like one of those "people in the system" who are there only to serve these arrogant individuals. Once in Madhuban 'The Lioness' got very sick and her servant was constantly there serving and protecting her.

Oh, even Janki and her entourage, all went to her room to serve her.

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