Self-Promotion, God-promotion or another business venture!

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Self-Promotion, God-promotion or another business venture!

Post05 Oct 2007

Ciao everyone

I thought you might be intersted in these websites; Oxford Leadership Academy - Upcoming Programmes. The seminar is presented by the Oxford Leadership Academy and will be conducted by Miriam Subirana, Associate of the OLA, Phd in Fine Arts by the University ...ATREVERSE A VIVIR. Seminario con Miriam Subirana. 5-7 Octubre 2007 ... Seminario con Miriam Subirana. 5-7 Octubre 2007. Barcelona. Publicada el 19-09-07 13:38:33. Si quieres vencer los miedos, te has de comprometer a investigar Affirmations - Languages: BooksAtreverse a Vivir by Miriam Subirana (Hardcover - 30 Mar 2007). from £5.88. 10. Tu Espiritu en Frecuencia Modulada: Mensajes Para Ser Feliz ...Planetary Society
    Regional Coordination Office Spain : Pilar Quera / Miriam Subirana C/Diputacion 329, Pral 1 - Barcelona 08009 - Spain ...
This is the president of Brahma Kumaris in Spain.

Not sure what she is trying to promote here, herself, the Brahma Kumaris or what. Any commentarios.

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Post05 Oct 2007

You see I think what happens is that after a whiIe as a center or country in charge your state of consciousness become so high that there is no difference between your state of consciousness and God's state of consciousness and to promote your self IS to promote God and to promote God IS to promote your self, There is no difference ... this is the true meaning of selfless service that we have seen already elsewhere where BKs are reminded to remember the Dadis because the Dadis are in such a high state of remembering Baba and we are in such a low state so much so that to remember the Dadis is equivalent to remember Baba ... but easier.
    ... and as the Dadis leave us Baba needs other faithful children to take the business. Do you see know?
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abrahma kumar

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Regurgitated BKWSU Scrpitural Teachings

Post06 Oct 2007

Wow. Dear www browser of be you child, woman or man, you have to understand that "money-making Gyan" is definitely regarded as a no-no in the BKWSU.

I do hope that once the Murlis are made public access documents for all of humanity you will see that a lot of the oblox supporting that The Art of Imagination, The Power of Clear Intention' Oxford Leadership Academy program is really a sort of regurgitation of the BKWSU's spiritual scriptural teachings ... spoken by none other than G-O-D himself.

Boy, oh, boy we will all have so much fun and competition when we all start to make our own money from Gyan. Sort of like: The money-making business of laundering BK oblox aka How to counterfeit Godly Knowledge and make a mint in the process.

Pardon me? Did someone say, "Self Promotion or God promotion or another business venture!"?


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Post06 Oct 2007

Thanks for these links. The internet is a powerful tool. There is a lot of attachment and desire using this powerful but subtle tool. It can be used as an instrument to bring souls towards God. Or it can be used to attract others away from God towards one's personal situations.

It seems that in order for BK souls to attract other souls to God, they need to "prove" themselves worthy of their position. Who writes their biography or curriculam on their own website? The only resume anyone with spiritual practice needs to write is about God (and that of His Chariot, in the case of BKdom).

All other resumes are statements of personal ego in the "old world".


MBA, pHD, MA, MSC, FCIB, FCA, FEng, MPhil, FCCA, FRS, FBI, KGB, RSA, DBE, OBE, KBE, MBE, ex-BK, BK, PBK, VIP, PPPBK, HBK, OBK, FBK, ... ( after 3 pages) ... RnB, NME, CIA, EEG, ABC, 123, BBC, CNN, DVD, and MP3. And, of course, not forgetting, 3 O level, in Drama, History and Geography. :P (I think O levels is used UK, if not, replace with SATs or your local Secondary School equivalents).

Anyone want my business card ? :oops: :P Letters embossed in gold of course.
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Post06 Oct 2007

bansy wrote:Regards Bansy

MBA, pHD, MA, MSC, FCIB, FCA, FEng, MPhil, FCCA, FRS, FBI, KGB, RSA, DBE, OBE, KBE, MBE, ex-BK, BK, PBK, VIP, PPPBK, HBK, OBK, FBK, ... ( after 3 pages) ... RnB, NME, CIA, EEG, ABC, 123, BBC, CNN, DVD, and MP3. And of course not forgetting, 3 O level, in Drama, History and Geography. (I think O levels is used UK, if not, replace with SATs or your local Secondary School equivalents)

Anyone want my business card ? :oops: :P Letters embossed in gold of course.

Can you send me one with the "KGB" title. I've got to hire your services to finish off this battle. :-)
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Post06 Oct 2007

I find this all incredible ... remembering back to the Shrimat the SS used to fill us with; give up your careers, don't study, no talking business in the center, egolessness, no taking money etc. The last of which, of course, I still agree with.

I notice a cross-promotional link from Mariam Subirana to another BKWSU and Oxford Leadership Academy 'alumni' Marc Foucaude and a new one to me ... Another corporate consulting outfit. Have all of a sudden the BKWSU just stopped hooking up hippies and gone for middle management business types instead?

See the Godrej website for ... this is the best one yet ...
    "Shri Brian Bacon, an Australian, and Shri Marc Fourcade" !!!
Godrej website wrote:In a lecture organised by the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya,

we were introduced to Shri Brian Bacon, an Australian, and Shri Marc Fourcade, a Frenchman. These foreigners were living a life, true in its tradition of Indian civilization and heritage — a life of renunciation. They have gone through The Cycle of inter-dependency, completeness and surrender to the high ideals and co-operative endeavour to reach the stage of renunciation.

They jointly conceptualised the programme "Self-Managing Leadership" (SML).

We, as an organisation, have exposed around 500 employees to RajYoga course at Brahma Kumari’s Headquarters at Mt. Abu. We do observe a change in some of these employees. Some of them have given up acquired habits and have imbibed positive innate values. This positive change in their behaviour pattern has been responsible for a major paradigm shift in shopfloor operations from Norm culture to Touch Time/Contact Time work pattern, reduction in cycle time, multi-skilled, multi-machine operation, etc.

"Reduction in cycle time" ... well, yes, quite! Foucade also hooks up with ... and, you know who, the Bacon and George sandwich.
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Post06 Oct 2007

I nearly missed that Oxford Leadership Academy (OLA) gig ... I see there are costs; "Cost of 600 € to 1000 €".

How does this work within the BKWSU model? Obvious OLA is BK run ... does these courses include Gyan? I still really wonder HOW and when this trend started and given the go ahead by the SS. It sounds just like an upmarket BK event ... is this according to Shrimat?
OLA wrote:Nov 23 2007 6:00PM in Girona, Spain

The Art of Imagination, The Power of Clear Intention

This seminar is for those who feel there is a lot more to discover within themselves, for those who want to open the way to their intuition and their feelings, to walk the path that will allow the expression and the flow of the soul, the openness of their inner being, unblocking and overcoming inner and outer barriers.

In this seminar we will go into a journey to discover, clarify, empower and express our deepest intentions in life, using the art of imagination and creativity. Exploring the world in this way connects us with our soul and purpose of being and lets us open the way for our best intentions to take a practical shape.

Why come to this seminar?

This weekend affords us the opportunity to relax, reflect and refocus on who we have become and who we want to be. It will allow us to;

• Clearly see our intentions and understand their power.
• Understand the art of our imagination: our best friend that carries us forward and our worst enemy that obstructs and destroys.
• Explore the bank of images stored within ourselves.
• Share through dialogue and appreciative inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry asks us what is life giving and helps us to turn to a positive discourse that takes the best of the past and moves that into the present.
• Have the opportunity for reflection, meditation, exchange and listening to ourselves and to each other.
• Develop a clear intention for the next stage in our personal life and work.
• Identify, explore and let go of the barriers and challenges that get in our way.
• Learn how to take a healthy distance from ourselves and our experiences, enabling us to see things more clearly.

The topics will be explored in ways that invoke our imagination and spirits. There will be good use of the arts to take us into deeper inquiry: words, imagery, colour and silence. Through artistic creation we explore our selves getting to know the images and stories that give meaning and influence in our lives.

The seminar is presented by the Oxford Leadership Academy and will be conducted by Miriam Subirana, Associate of the OLA Phd in Fine Arts by the University of Barcelona. As an artist Miriam has exhibited in many galleries and cities in the world since 1980.

Course Information

Cost (including accommodation and food):
    Double bedroom, 600 €
    Single bedroom, 800 €
    Suite, 1000 €

    Mas del Mar
    Antic Mas Martinet
    Camí de les Goles S/N
    Sant Pere Pescador, Girona, Spain
    T: +34 659 021 336
Registration: To register for the seminar please send an email to Miriam Subirana at:

Contact details/further information: Email:
Phone: +34 609694325



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some more links

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Re: some more links

Post07 Oct 2007

vivaespana wrote:

Interestingly, that Oxford Leadership Academy promoted, paid for event does not mention that Mariam is the President of the BKWSU and a BK Raja Yoga teacher in Spain ... only that she is the "national coordinator and one of the leading teachers at several Yoga centers." I would say that was deceptive, as if it was several different Hatha Yoga type centers and the BKWSU which is folks did a web search for they might turn up some more information.

If you have written a book, you must be an expert ...
As a writer Miriam has published many articles, and two books: Quien Manda en Tu Vida (sold over 120.000 in 4 editions from 2003 to 2006) and Atreverse a Vivir (2007).

Miriam’s professional experiences have led her to develop a deep understanding of different cultures, and allow her to facilitate engagement and alignment across multiple cultures and continents.

Miriam has been both national coordinator and one of the leading teachers at several Yoga centers.

Personally, along with BK Raja Yoga being the "Ancient Raja Yoga", I think this "yukti" of the BKWSU is one of their biggest deceits. They know they are using the goodwill established in the minds of non-BK about that Yoga is and hiding what they are. I am not even sure if what they are doing IS Yoga! No mention also that of how many of those articles are service articles for the BKWSU.

Quien Manda en Tu Vida sells for about $ 12-14. What happens with the income from it? How many of those were sold via the BKWSU? Generally, an author would get perhaps 10%. An established author more. So, say, that would be an author's income of $ 150,000+ on top of a percentage mark up for the retailers, i.e. BK bookshop. $14 for a book of this sort is not entirely "not-for-profit".

These are my estimates, anyone else have any ideas where the money goes or what the deal the BKWSU offers? It is all down to the "official BK Will" giving everything to "Baba" or is there a % cut? And what does the OLA get out of? Not Brahmin enough for me ...
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Post07 Oct 2007

Should I post here and make a copy for the "BK speak" topic?

"The Sister has got good Karma with money ..."
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having a laugh with money

Post09 Oct 2007

Someone is having a laugh here, yes? A send up, no?

This is a new organisation surely, not the BKs that I am aware of. Big bucks. Where does that money go? If people have no respect unless they are paying big bucks perhaps they don't deserve The Knowledge on offer. As for those charging. :roll:

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Michael Timmins

Post13 Oct 2007


more BK reinvention and the promotion of BK meditation ... OR NOT ... into corporate environments without clear labeling. So when did Baba say it was OK to go and start up a business marketing BK Intellectual Property? Or are these individuals backsliding into Bhakti again?

"Workshops are designed to meet the needs and the budgets of each client and are delivered on the client’s premises ... Copyright Michael Timmins"

I am not sure is this ought to fit in here, into the 'making money out of Gyan', or should fit in a new topic because it documents new bounds. The BK involved not only presents his own meditation teaching services for money, products and the business of other BKs, e.g. the Mike George - Bacon sandwich but also their own legitimate business of "The world’s best non-alcoholic wine from California and beer from Germany" of which I will be very happy to sample and provide a review of ... for the small commission of a few crates.

Bakshesh moi? :shock: Of course, not. We can use them at the first ex-BK Retreat.

What is interesting is that although Michael Timmins is one of the original Western BKs (one of "the twins" if anyone remembers them) there is no obvious note of the BK connection nor that the practise may be a BK style initiation. Note also that the "Asia Pacific Global Executive Retreat" is a not listed as a BK promotion. Or at least a BKWSU/Oxford Leadership Academy co-promotion.

My questions are ... how do all these senior BKs get into business with each other, and turn to the same business model, if this was not discussed? Did it really happen without the SS giving it the thumbs up? And how do you get chosen to be amongst the chosen few of the chosen few who are allowed to go into business?

To my thinking, there must have been a period of lobbying behind the scenes ... from who or where and what was the pay off? Does the BKWSU get a commission? wrote:Michael has a calm and powerful personal presence. He is a student and teacher of meditation for more than 30 years. Based on these experiences he has developed the Masterpiece Meditation Series, an application of meditation for the corporate, health, cultural transformation and not for profit sectors.

He facilitates and hosts meditation retreats and workshops in Australia and India. In 1997 Michael initiated Peace of Mind, the Meditation Experience held annually in Mount Abu, India. He continues as a member of the development and facilitation team for this retreat. He coordinated the Asia Pacific Global Executive Retreat for business leaders in 2006 and has facilitated many other retreats for a wide range of audiences.

Michael held senior sales and distribution roles in the financial markets and corporate banking divisions with major international banks. He applied his financial services experience to the areas of sales training and management consulting while working with a leading US based sales training consultancy. Michael has worked in Sydney, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Singapore, Mumbai, London and New York.

Michael is a Director of Worthwhile Projects Pty Ltd, a Sydney based specialist consultancy that provides advisory services to business, government and community based organisations to deliver ethical outcomes in the community, the environment and the workplace.

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Post14 Oct 2007

Spin-offs from the BKWSU style Raja Yoja vine. The possibilities are endless. Would be nice to get some more info. Thanks.

ex-l, heaven forbid that your post will be cited as evidence of individuals using the www, namely, to redirect customers away from the [url=]
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Post14 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Would be nice to get some more info.

There is a pdf or follow the link above.

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