Search found 80 matches: clearernow

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Re: An unbiased view...

25 Jan 2010

Interesting observations submitted by clearernow…. I have complete faith that if BKs are true, God will pull me there ... If they are not and another institute is better than them, he will pull me there ... I do not say I believe them 100%. ...

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

20 Jan 2010

Dear clearernow, You are also a future deity as you also got this Gyan and identified GOD. People starts taking the superficial things of knowledge which they can do easily, like positivity in thoughts, avoiding discussions, ...

Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

19 Jan 2010

clearernow hello, You are calling yourself clearer and your posts seems to be full of doubts. In one post you are saying in favour and here your are raising doubts. First make up your mind, because.parmeshwar is absolutely ...

Re: An unbiased view...

18 Jan 2010

Hello clearernow and welcome I do not say I believe them 100%, I do not say what they are doing is all wrong, I do not say one needs to really prove they are wrong or right. In my view, if you like something accept it, if you ...

[Admin] User log; Cautions, Suspension, Bans etc

16 Aug 2007

... to provide supporting evidence for the more serious allegations against the BKWSU. 'Off forum' topics quarantined to own topic . De-activated • clearernow - status: de-activated, required to accept terms and conditions again • quantum - status: de-activated, required to accept terms and conditions ...

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