Search found 80 matches: clearernow

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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

17 Feb 2010

... I been to local centre and talked to centre in charge, they kept mum thinking that it is only a part of drama, I suppose. Thanks for your concern, clearernow I request you to come over to our place, take the responsibility of my Brother, and give us guarantee to look after him in his old age. Will ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

Hey Clearernow,

Before you go, Could you explain something to me. If you find everything to be so positive about the BK's , how is it that you are not still part of the organization. Why did you leave. ?

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

Clearernow is telling us that his/her view is unbiased, a glass half full person, and that we should look at the positive things in the Murli's. Unfortunately that very thing is a big part of the problem. The Murlis are full ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:
I had pain and anger too
Rest assured that even if I am challenged a million times by you or Ex-BKs

So what did they do? Did you feel cheated or did they deceived you, How? Please allow us to understand.

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

... friends and relatives then, they appears as enemies, you will not accept food prepared by them, you will not listen to their advises, etc. Clearernow, my intention was not to hurt you or to break your faith or positivity about BKs and their teachings and I’m really sorry if you feel so… ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

... friends and relatives then, they appears as enemies, you will not accept food prepared by them, you will not listen to their advises, etc. Clearernow, my intention was not to hurt you or to break your faith or positivity about BKs and their teachings and I’m really sorry if you feel so… ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

What I observed here is, clearernow is pretending an advocate of Bkism and at the same time making himself clear by entering into the discussion, that what would be the consequences if I go ahead following all the Maryadas. He is using ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

31 Jan 2010

OK, so if you are not following the Maryadas, you are not a BK, and you are not teaching Brahma Kumarism ... I suppose. What I observed here is, clearernow is pretending an advocate of Bkism and at the same time making himself clear by entering into the discussion, that what would be the consequences ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

30 Jan 2010

And ... how far did you and do you now follow the Maryadas, clearernow? I am concerned because you spoke earlier of the mental and emotional problems you had. I am concerned that you are just using Brahma Kumarism as a mask for those problems without ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

28 Jan 2010

And ... how far did you and do you now follow the Maryadas, clearernow? I am concerned because you spoke earlier of the mental and emotional problems you had. I am concerned that you are just using Brahma Kumarism as a mask for those problems without seeking ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

28 Jan 2010

To Clearernow, You have replied half portion, the obvious one ... what about? And then again, even when one gets ready to leave the normal living, and decide to become a part of the BKs' circle, then the real game starts, the ...

Re: An unbiased view ...

27 Jan 2010

... the BKs' circle, then the real game starts, the game of sucking. You have to give everything and then you can not have an unbiased opinion. Try it clearernow ... I sometime thinks, are they a type of Underworld DON type organisation; once you get in, can not go out. Their image will be stucked ...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

26 Jan 2010

... you might define that as either the influence of spirits, or the influence of the group spirit (we call it egregore in the West) ... or both. clearernow, what you are doing is attempting to confirm, or make real to yourself, an illusion as a reality by affirming repeatedly and in public. This ...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

25 Jan 2010

To swordofjustice and clearernow: So I am asking: are you actually doing BK Raja Yoga or is it simply your take on it? How can you dismiss the teachings on the 5000 years Cycle, including the imminent Destruction through international ...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

25 Jan 2010

To swordofjustice and clearernow: Whatever you and I took from BK Raja Yoga and whatever we made out of it is one thing. I also had the common sense of picking up what was good for me and put aside as irrelevant for my life's purpose ...

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