Search found 80 matches: clearernow

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Re: BKs participating on this forum

09 Jun 2013

... so I have no idea what you are talking about ... except I do. It's just another twist and turn against what you have been explained. Your account clearernow was deactivated so that you had to go back, read who and what this forum was for and about, and agree to those codes/terms. In addition, ...

Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

08 Jun 2013

... ... A mission which has lasted over 3 years, is becoming increasingly irrational and personalised at attacking me and my integrity (as usual) ... clearernow , an unbiased view ... (came into Gyan around 2000, he claims 5 years in BK, now 8 years out of BK) ... and brought about the following resolution ...

Re: BKs participating on this forum

06 Jun 2013

... however, we do de-activate accounts to make people have to agree to our code of ethics again. I cannot even remember what your previous account ' clearernow ' was de-activated for ... moreclearernow. Obviously some BKs and BK supporters just come here to argue, create a bad atmosphere and spoiling ...

Re: Notice to BKs

30 Jan 2013

I found clearernow's logic and last attack illuminating. I can believe that he's and Patzcuaro are no longer 'regular BKs', and that we should give them time to decide on which side they stand, but their way of thinking is still ...

Re: Notice to BKs

29 Jan 2013

The BKs' presence spoils all atmospheres. I am sorry to know that ex-I is also hurt by the illogical justifications, BKs(especially clearernow) are making on the forum. I request Admin to be firm on the BKs involvement on the forum, and prepare a questionnaire for them before proceeding ...

Re: Notice to BKs

29 Jan 2013

... everywhere. The BKs presence spoils all atmospheres. I am sorry to know that ex-I is also hurt by the illogical justifications, BKs (especially clearernow) are making on the forum. I request Admin to be firm on the BKs' involvement on the forum, and prepare a questionnaire for them before proceeding ...

Re: Notice to BKs

28 Jan 2013

Clearernow's response was typical one such excuse doing the rounds of the BKWSU ... one that we have heard before ... the belittlement of any criticism or exposure as being the problem of the victim not the religion, of merely ...

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

27 Jan 2013

... as a "detached observer" and wish you use your time more creatively as you are a very intelligent person but it's your choice afterall. Clearernow

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

27 Jan 2013

... non-BKs and exiting BKs. Lastly: Another technical glitch? I saw a post from n-b that seems to be removed while you answered Your sarcasm is noted clearernow but I reported what happened ... and what would happen if I was in control ... with 100% accurately in the post your refer to . Unless you ...

Re: Banning BKs from this forum

25 Jan 2013

... and protect their knowledge by their baseless justifications and clearly avoiding the obvious questions related to Gyan. It is not for you clearernow, who is not yet pukka and in the midway of BKs and non-Bks.

Re: Janki: Biggest Trophy or Biggest Hypocrite?

24 Jan 2013

Clearernow, the BKs wrap their religion in ideas and activities that they think appeal to traditional Hindus in order to catch them. They steal women and children from families and don't give a damn what happens to elderly ...

Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

23 Jan 2013

... property using false predictions of Destruction. People come here when they are ready, want to learn the truth of the BKWSU, or want out. Firstly, clearernow, answer the questions above ... What is your relationship with the BKWSU, how much of a pukka BK are you ... etc? I cannot properly respond ...

Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

23 Jan 2013

... them. No one even thinks of it before becoming BK. It is a tool to keep the people hooked within the organization. What are you doing here, Clearernow? What is your purpose or intention? I think you're abusing our hospitality now. In an open internet world, you cannot expect people to remain ...

Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

23 Jan 2013

Clearernow: They does not exist, "positive views about the BK cult". It is a cult.

For me, it is as if I had been raped and someone else is insisting to explain to me how wonderful the rapist personality is and, plus, getting annoyed when I say WHAT!!??

Re: Are you shocked to be on this forum?

23 Jan 2013

... Seniors and other adherrants I think you spelt that wrong, it should be " BK Seniors and other aberrants ". What are you doing here, Clearernow? What is your purpose or intention? I think you're abusing our hospitality now. Anyone that is that brainwashed enough to be giving over ...

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