Search found 80 matches: clearernow

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Re: Experiences of those surrendered, living at the center?

30 Nov 2015

... back to first principles? It's not that complicated. I have a case study to prove my point. Look at my posts some years ago on this forum as "clearernow". That was the phase when I had not emptied the trolley but was taking the good bits - it was more of an independent BK type lifestyle. ...

Re: Brahma Kumari followers on Facebook

06 Oct 2014

We are only talking about the Wikipedia's BKWSU page. Member 'clearofBK' edited previously as ' clearernow ' and ' moreclearnow '. See topic: Clearernow Moreclearnow . Clearernow aka Moreclearnow's second account has now also been deactivated until they offer to provide ...

Re: Brahma Kumari followers on Facebook

04 Oct 2014

Member 'clearofBK' edited previously as ' clearernow ' and ' moreclearnow '. See topic: Clearernow Moreclearnow . Clearernow aka Moreclearnow's second account has now also been deactivated until they offer to provide a practical service to either ...

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

19 Jul 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues

Moreclearnow was on a stupid mission.

I asked him/her clearly, "do BKs believe in reform?". He/she did not answer at all. That sums it all up.
Pink Panther

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

19 Jul 2013

there is a difference between a reply and an answer. An "answer" answers the question ... a "reply" could just be anything. Yes, it'd be good if all respondents would "quote" any question asked of them (using the quote button above the text box) and then answer it dire...

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

People like him are good to have around for a short while just to show people what BK-types and their supporters are really like but, beyond a certain point they just become wasteful of our resources or even corrosive ... like a grain of sand in one's shoe. I think some of them do so deliberately to...

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues.

Yes, that's true. He never replied to what has been asked and on the contrary continued with his lengthy and boring justification with no logical base.

My full support to the Admin's decision of deactivating his account.

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

ex.Brahma wrote:I wish moreclearnow will get to read this, somehow ...

He/she, Moreclearnow, has never answered any of my questions.

Moreclearnow avoided the questions and the main underlining issues.

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

I am not a psychologist to tell but, personally, I feel that he/she feels indebted by attributing a recovery from a serious illness to involvement with BK meditation, and possibly moral support from them, which is another myth from the BK! A miracle for which he also refused to provide any details ...

Re: Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

I wish moreclearnow will get to read this, somehow ... Ever since clearernow/morecleanow started writing and commenting in this forum, it was evident that he/she was here in a mission! ... A mission to defend the Brahma Kumaris cult, at any cost and under ...

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

18 Jul 2013

See comment here; Clearernow Moreclearnow

For the sake of our readers, would contributors please attempt to keep 'on topic' as much as possible and where they wish to discuss other matters, start a new topic.

Thank you.

Clearernow Moreclearnow

18 Jul 2013

... you could have answered it, "NO". Instead you remained silent. You pretended that you did not understand the question but Prosheen did. Clearernow aka Moreclearnow 's second account has now also been deactivated until they offer to provide a practical service to either other BKs or this ...

Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

30 Jun 2013

... - sometimes these direct dialogs are broken because of your interefence. This is not a new observation; I had raised this few days ago and also as clearernow before, that you dominate this forum too much. Give out information as much as possible but let 2 way dialogs without the intrusion of ex-l ...

Re: Criticisms of Brahma Kumaris Info

30 Jun 2013

... be reduced. Your repeating what is being said on the BKs' forum, do you also post there? I cannot remember if you answered the same questions as ' clearernow ' (and here ) but if you just answer my simple and straightfoward questions, I think you will find I butt in far less. a) Do you consider ...

Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

30 Jun 2013

... part of a comment I made to a BK supporter who posted here called Patzcuaro . At the time, Patzcuaro was working in tandem with BK supporter Moreclearernow (as clearernow) and BK Supporter n-b/nishaybuddhi. Who knows ... those BKs could well be the same individuals and just peed off with us. ...

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