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Re: Carl Jung

04 Feb 2009

Jung was neither naughty nor a bore (although he was Swiss :D ) - he was the real deal the and the perfect antidote to Dr. Fraud. He could bring psychotics down just by speaking and listening with them - this as a trainee. His autobiography "memories dreams reflections" is a must-read - yo...

Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

04 Feb 2009

The BKs would say the contradictions and inconsistencies etc are due to "God" needing to work "through Brahma's old sanskars", e.g. why "God" originally seemed confused on the difference between Judaism and Islam. Presumably this also explains why they originally taught...

Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

04 Feb 2009

Phew! "Sticky" situation narrowly avoided :-?.

IMO, just about anything from Bill Shakespeare makes the best Murli look like a kindergartener's finger paintings.

Re: The Brahma Kumaris and Spiritualism

03 Feb 2009

ex-l wrote:There is also a danger that in putting one's self in the position of "being able to understand it all", one is being a little too precocious

Thinking you know anything at all is apparently a pretty tenuous position ...

Re: Hullo from Terry

31 Jan 2009

terry wrote:Hey Frisbee! Out for a spin?

Let's discus silly wordplay later, now I am gahn dahn plug ;).

Re: Hullo from Terry

31 Jan 2009

frisbee wrote:could there actually be a baby in there somewhere?

Thanks terry, I guess I meant "could THE baby actually be in there somewhere?" The BKs have always claimed to have THE baby, not A baby. One would hate to throw out THE baby with the bathwater. :-?

Re: Hullo from Terry

31 Jan 2009

Again thanks to everyone for the eye-opening site. It has confirmed things I thought and felt for a long time and brought me a good deal of peace. Having browsed a fair bit and applied "collyrium" (love that word, thank you Jagdish) what has finally become plain for me is: (1) The fact tha...

Re: Honour Roll - suicide

24 Jan 2009

I wonder how BB would feel seeing the immense suffering and harm his religion has caused? Of course we know how people like the current leadership would feel, i.e. not feel. How would BB feel given that he was apparently a bit sensitive?

Re: Brahma beer

23 Jan 2009

True true - so many are lager than necessary. Perhaps the cure is to vinash off a bottle of "Total Destruction".

Re: Brahma beer

22 Jan 2009

"Effort Bitter" ? Or even...

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Re: Hullo from Terry

21 Jan 2009

Thanks alladdin and thanks all - thanks especially to the heavyweight, hardpunching ex-l for awesome work. Great to find the forum.

Re: Hullo from Terry

20 Jan 2009

Thanks terry for showing us what it really means to be "ex-" ! The rest of us do well to remember the words of that other wise old man Mr Miyagi -
Mr Miyagi wrote:"Walk road. Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe. Walk middle, get squished just like grape."

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