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Re: Karma Philosophy made Simple

31 Aug 2008

Topic No. 04) Why status of deities come down even if they do not commit sin? The purity of anything decreases when mixture is added to it. Soul is more powerful than the body. Because body is perishable and soul is eternal. Any soul descending from Paramdham will be pure (without mixture). This is...

Re: Karma Philosophy made Simple

31 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul, To explain karma (actions) and thoughts, one should begin from basics which may be boring. So, I will select some topics and then go deeper. TOPIC No.3) Why is there punishment in drama when everything is fixed? a) Every soul when descending from Paramdham, first gets jeevanmukti (li...

Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

30 Aug 2008

1) Why then does it tell the Charity Commission that it was set up "to promote Hinduism" and why in eligious leaders in Birmingham ... Dadi Janki presented as a "Hindu representative"? 1) Are you sure that BKWSU had itself declared that Janki as Hindu representative or the autho...

Karma Philosophy made Simple

30 Aug 2008

Topic No. 01) Blaming a BK is a Sin The burden to society is bad habits. A nonvegetarian person consumes more from nature than a vegetarian person. A BK tries to get rid of bad habits. For a person who does not believe in karma philosophy, smoking, drinking, taking drugs are the MAIN bad habits. Mo...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis (non-BKs) as Shudras?

30 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul, When I write on topic Karma Philosophy, most of these topics will be covered automatically one by one. Thank you for having so much interest with me. I have clearly mentioned before that if a BK commits lustful action, he is Shudra and also had mentioned that RIGHT NAME FOR GOOD BKs ...

Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

30 Aug 2008

1) How can a BK read then many times if they do not have a copy in their hands? 2) When I state "proportionately", I mean that if you are only 30% nashtamoh, then share 30% of the Murlis you have. But, surely, as one of the top 2,000 souls of all time, you must be higher than 30%. So let'...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis (non-BKs) as Shudras?

30 Aug 2008

The above quote is correct. When one is soul-conscious, he is in Sangamyug (Brahmin), else he is in Kaliyug (Shudra). Very simple. Baba has said this in Murli and every BK will agree with this. This is why I am saying it is wrong to accuse BKs in this matter (the term Shudra). But BKs do not commit ...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis as shudras?

30 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul, I had said that violence due to one caste on the other, not family matters like husband killing wives, or rape cases in society, etc. I will comment even about these matters slowly, one by one. India should become poor in the end. It is also a drama plan. This will make people of Ind...

Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

30 Aug 2008

You have headed 'off topic'. Is Brahma Kumarism Hinduism? Yes or no? I agree that Brahmakumarism is not Hinduism. Since the points are related to the same matter, I posted here itself. Even in my thread, "Do BKs treat agyaanis as shudras, I had accused you that you were off topic. But later I ...

Re: Why Brahma Kumarism is not Hinduism

30 Aug 2008

I am not against anybody. But would like to add something. Common things between BKs and Hinduism:- Both believe in Karma philosophy to the highest possible extent. Both believe in rebirth. BKWSU believes Hindu scripture bhagavadgeeta is yaadgaar of Murli. BKs are the best followers of Gita in terms...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis as shudras?

30 Aug 2008

Yes, BKs, your Brothers and Sisters in this world are shudras. Dear Souls, Baba has said, "You were Shudra before" and "You are half caste now". So, BKs are the worst shudras in the drama. And they are half Brahmins as they are purusharthis(incomplete). A BK while giving Gyan to...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis as shudras?

28 Aug 2008

1) I could name you 100 cults all of whom would love to meet anyone who is willing to listen to their members evangelise. 2) Do you remember the name for ex-BKs? "Lower than the lowest of the low". 3) If the Shudra starts to question, or puts up logical argument and evidence (or is an inf...

Re: BK mbbhat on access to Murlis

27 Aug 2008

Well, sure you could do it on a proportionate basis? For example, if you are only 30% nashtamoha, why not just donate 30% of your Murlis to these BK Brothers and Sisters. As I underline, it is not to "This forum" ... it is to these BK Brother and Sisters and others. There is a saying that...

Re: Do BKs treat agyanis as shudras?

27 Aug 2008

1) the basic reason for this is non-acceptance of food prepared/offered by them to Brahmins. 2) but I do feel embarrased at facing such direct comments or indirect gestures (that I am treating them as shudras) when I myself have not gained victory over lust and other vices. 3) There are many BKs/PB...

Re: BK mbbhat

26 Aug 2008

Baba has explained very clearly ... If you cannot go to any centre, you can at least ask for the Murlis to be sent to you and read them. There is no harm in that. ... why would you not help these poor Brothers and Sisters of yours? Definitely I will provide some Murlis to this forum. Baba has said,...

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