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Re: Do BKs treat agyanis as shudras?

26 Aug 2008

The reason for posting this topic is, I had seen in one of the ex-BK websites commenting BKWSU using the word Shudra. Now, I am not able to find the exact web page the one I had seen. But there is something in this address also- [ It is difficult to search ...

Do BKs treat agyanis (non-BKs) as Shudras?

25 Aug 2008

Some websites comment BKWSU negatively that, “BKs consider anybody other than BK as shudras, which is equivalent to an untouchable”. But BKs put their tan, man and dhan to give the spiritual knowledge in the world. Even though they have faith that only a very few people would accept The Knowledge th...

Re: BK mbbhat

17 Aug 2008

you think you are serving others, 2) the greatest humility is to let others serve you 3) it is more of a gift to let another give than it is to feel importance of giving I have not claimed that I am serving others. I have clearly said that I am playing my role in drama. It is correct to say, I am s...

Re: Give us our Daily Bread

17 Aug 2008

tried to read your post twice but did not find anything matching with the topic of the thread. I suppose you support this forum's campaign for freeing the Murlis under the captivation of BKWSU. Dear Arjun soul, I have not posted any topic so far (till 17-08-08). I am not reason for this topic. I re...

Re: BK mbbhat

17 Aug 2008

OK, green, continue. All the best. But I would like to point here one thing since this has happened three to four times with me. When the person (here ex-l) cannot reply properly, another person (here green) comes to rescue him/her. Anyhow, these all are just a small game in the drama. It is difficu...

Re: Questions for PBKs

17 Aug 2008

But then why do PBKs say Brahma Baba will not get any punishment!?

Re: BK mbbhat

17 Aug 2008

1) a deliberate misrepresentation of the other person's position which is easier to refute than the point they were making[/i]". 2) I cant remember jogging is ever being advised as a path to soul consciousness ... 3) This is said many hundreds of times in the Murlis ... as per "the highes...

Re: BK mbbhat

17 Aug 2008

1) You earlier told us you went jogging at Amrit Vela and practised being soul-conscious that way. Surely it would be less effort, leave the body and intellect more free, and be more rewarding karma ... to research the history and type up the Murlis instead? 2) I would class that clearly as 'number...


16 Aug 2008

When you say that you have not realized your own part so far whether you are Prajapita or not. Few months ago you said you felt like being Prajapita and now you write that you don't get such thoughts. So, how can you declare others as Silver-Aged Ram? Moreover Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has not claim...

Re: GodFather Shiv's teaching is for the soul of Dada Lekhraj

16 Aug 2008

Baba has said clearly in Murlis that, "tum sajaavon se chootne kee purushaarth katre ho = You do effort to get rid of punishment". Now, if you think Brahma Baba will not get punishment, don't you think his purushartha is complete in drama? ... you can give full idea. Dear Arjun soul, This...

Re: BK mbbhat

16 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul, I may try for what you have asked. But again I have already said you that my 90% effort will be to become soul conscious and 10% for the Yagya history, etc. Just see what happened here. Even though I was not wrong by any means initially, many people here misunderstood me. Now, if I a...

Re: BK mbbhat

16 Aug 2008

Dear ex-l soul, Please note that my intention was not to insult anybody. With spirit, I expressed my happiness. I had already admitted long back that I am really helpless to give you the history of Yagya. Because I do not know. But now, I am satisfied even if I do not come to know about the history ...

Re: BK mbbhat

16 Aug 2008

I have become a big issue here. That's OK for me. But I got a new point today. Members of this forum interact with each other without giving your personal details, where you have taken birth, how do you look like, your personal habits, etc. Nobody had asked/demanded this openly to another. Without d...

Re: Good-bye to this Forum.

14 Aug 2008

Chal Akela Chal Akela Chal Akela Tera Mela peechhe chhuta Raahi Chal Akela ... Thanks. Sanjeev. (sachkhand). I do not know how to react, but the above song is my one of my favourites. I would like to translate according to my capacity. "Walk alone, Walk alone, Walk alone ... The fair (crowd) b...

Re: BK mbbhat

14 Aug 2008

The reality is though, mb, that a BK follower not going to class, not being near a center, (dare I say it ...) not being female really has a very low to no status within the BKWSU machine. Is that not true? The ability to use IT does not a Senior Sister make. Nor does the ability to intellectually ...

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