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BKWSU increase profit margins on service goods items

02 Jun 2008

Posted April 9th, 2008

BKWSU increase profit margins on service goods items. Centers forced to purchase minimum orders ... but “God’s spoken messages” remain under lock and key.

BK Tax
bk-tax-exempt.jpg (29.55 KiB) Viewed 3312 times
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"BKW sue" becomes "BKWS you"

02 Jun 2008

bkwsu-godinc-buy.jpg Posted February 22nd, 2008 “The Brahma Kumaris recognize the intrinsic spirituality and goodness of all human beings and share their understandings that ... this lifelong learning process is assisted by products from the Brahma Kumaris.” Hot on the heels of the domain name disp...

God licenses intellectual property from follower ...

02 Jun 2008

blend.jpg ... follower revokes contract? Posted February 20th, 2008 In a somewhat unique arrangement, for an organization whose principles forbids followers from discussing business with each other at their Brahma Kumaris’ Raja Yoga centers, an international management consultant and spiritual univ...
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Our Father ... Give us our Daily Bread

02 Jun 2008

5_bkwsu_slavetrades_1-2.jpg Posted October 25th, 2007 For BK followers, the channeled messages through the mediums of Lekhraj Kripalani or Hirday Mohini are considered to be God speaking to humanity. Lekhraj Kripalani is known as “The Father of Humanity”. Called Murlis, these are the key to not jus...
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God to visit BKWSU HQ India in Person

02 Jun 2008

jankifeeding-god-1.jpg Posted October 23rd, 2007 God, seen above being personally fed by BK Global Chief Dadi Janki, will enter into and speak through the body of Brahma Kumaris’ medium Hirday Mohini (or BK Gulzar) whilst visiting the BKWSU HQ in India on his regular annual visits. The dates given ...
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BKWSU = No members ... its official

02 Jun 2008

Posted October 2nd, 2007 From the; RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF Brahma Kumaris WORLD SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATION . Dated February 4 2000 by Mohini Panjabi – President. “This corporation is a religious institution organized exclusively for religious activities and educational purposes. It will op...
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Dead Center

02 Jun 2008

bkwsu_hanged2.jpg Posted October 2nd, 2007 It was BK Gayatri Naraine, representative of the Brahma Kumaris at the UN and UNICEF, that was quoted as saying of the BKWSU, “We don’t have dark secrets”. An opinion repeated by others which leaves BK watchers asking how informed the organization keeps it...

BKWSO San Antonio Registers Brahma Kumari Trademark

02 Jun 2008

Posted September 18th, 2007 In the continuing saga of prospective legal proceedings between elements of the BKWSU and the only independent voice within the Brahma Kumari community, BrahmaKumaris.Info (see below), it has been revealled that a private company ‘Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organizati...

BKWSU to commence legal action against BrahmaKumaris.Info?

02 Jun 2008

Posted September 11th, 2007 UPDATE ... complainaint revealled as Colonel Hansa Raval of BKWSO San Antonio. Attorneys filing amended proceedings. High level discussion held within BKWSU Internationally. On 12.24 pm Sept 10 2007, a National Arbitration Forum domain dispute was filed against the regist...
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Open letter to the BKWSU (I)

02 Jun 2008

Posted August 21st, 2007 A reply to emails from a director of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and her group of advisors, including BKs Gayatri Naraine, Judy Rodgers, Maureen Goodman, Neville Hodgkinson, Veronica McHugh and others, in which is set out a preliminary set of questions and ...
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BKWSU Mushrooms in Censorship and Secrecy

02 Jun 2008

mush.jpg Posted July 23rd, 2007 The leaked emails of a small group of BKs close to and including individuals involved in the leadership of the BKWSU go to illustrate how the hegemonic Brahma Kumari leadership is not only “economical with the truth”, with regards to outsiders and organizations such ...

Today India, Tomorrow the World; a 2,500 Year Rule

02 Jun 2008

BK-ghost.jpg Posted July 16th, 2007 With PR and political networking rather than aid or development as the cornerstones of their life of “service”, the Brahma Kumaris have considerable political ambitions. And it is this that their followers also fund, with their financial donations and free labor....

Murder, Sucide & Rape Allegations Rock BKWSU Panipat

02 Jun 2008

Posted May 24th, 2007 The death of a male Brahma Kumari follower at a Panipat BKWSU center in North India has been reported. Official investigations are set to decide whether it was murder or suicide following separate incidents of an alleged rape that led to a female BKWSU follower becoming pregnan...
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BKWSU Fakes History Again

02 Jun 2008

Posted May 24th, 2007 A close inspection of leading senior BK “Dada” Vishwa Ratan’s official autobiography and history of the organization’s earliest years, called “A Unique Experience”, reveals an attempt by the BKWSU to fake their history and cover up again. In great length and detail, “Dada” (eld...
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70 years of Broken Families

02 Jun 2008

Posted April 30th, 2007 Reports from Europe, America and Australia of heartbreak and more broken families due to individual members joining the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University have been registered on the support forum. In a common theme, the issue of money rears its head again, with follow...

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