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Re: photos

08 Feb 2007

I wonder if anyone can recognise Heidi from any of these photos. Maybe her picture could go in the "Roll of Honour"? Honor? The woman was whacky in my opinion, albeit that it appears she was set up on the Tenerife UFO cult suicide stunt ... she did not even manage to top herself. To me, t...

Re: BK meditation - New Age Stylee

08 Feb 2007

Actually, some of it is quite good. It qualified some experiences I used to have when I start BK Raja Yoga in the section about the astral/etheric body. But it is not BKWSU Gyan. I cant see the connection. This originated from the BKWSU Headquarters site in India ... Now that you have listened, tell...

08 Feb 2007

It would be so helpful to have all these things documented, Murli re-writes, 7 day-course re-writes, history re-writes, any changes to the main pictures. Here is another "official" BKWSU response; " reference to material from BKWSU published & purchasable books, teaching aids or ...

Re: Hindi Course

08 Feb 2007

Of course all that is supposed to be kept secret - at first they say you can have your own god, be a Jew a Catholic, whatever. A Catholic woman in the class went nuts about it. Something like, "I thought you were talking about the concept of the one loving God, now you are telling me you met g...

Re: Scotch

08 Feb 2007

Instead of the single malt or the vodka. Lots of good free advice on there about legal matters. I must admit, beyond how best to handle attorneys (put everything in writing, always document what you have said/agreed to do/try agree aprice upfront not let them run up a bill), I cannot offer any furt...

07 Feb 2007

An interesting written quotation from one of the BKWSU IT Team in London, working on the Wikipedia article, who critises the translation of some of the PBK Avyakt Murli/Vani quotes, in a typically patronizing manner, as "poor" without offering any "official" version. In it Simon ...

Re: Medium wins channeling right

07 Feb 2007

They are bound to have to be virgins, so that counts out the Western Sisters. (***** that I am to suggest such a thing ...). ;-) Yeah, how could you ex-l. 8) You know, if the BKWSU were REALLY smart - which I don't given them credit for being - they would chose known non-Indian, non-Hindi speaking ...

06 Feb 2007

After a wonderfully enlightening month or so posting and reading the inputs of souls on the the site I am just about to go 'incommunicado' for a week or so. Have fun and more power to all of your elbows so that the good work keeps keeping on. Hasta la vista. You are not going off to the 'Brahmos Ku...

06 Feb 2007

I still have an old Avyakt book from before BK publications was set up as an independent business from the BKs. On these books and tapes it clearly stated that these can be copied and distributed free to anyone ... oh, the days of Shrimat! In short ... the BKWSU are absolutely bollocked then. At th...

06 Feb 2007

Oh ... Janki is a President too !!!! It must be their latest wheeze ... a bad case of "too many Chiefs and not enough Indians"? Dadi Janki, President , The Janki Foundation for Global Health Care Just out of interest, do you no...

Re: Who is allowed to teach the 7 day course

06 Feb 2007

I think it is only Sisters and Matas who can give the 7-Day course. You have become a PBK John and ought to change your group! In my day ... anyone that the center-in-charged liked. It was entirely random. I was not formally checked out, trained up or anything. I went from teaching at my local cent...

Mind Control made Easy ... How to run your own Cult.

06 Feb 2007

Mind Control made Easy ... How to run your own Cult. ... 2405&hl=en

06 Feb 2007

This one if for Mr Green ... NOT FOR BKs OR PBKs! An ex-BK's Story - "My sister-in-charge's junior Sister ..." I was attending the BK center happily. My center-in-charge had been teaching Murli class to me for over a year, and so we decided that I should surrender and become married to Bab...

Re: Medium wins channeling right

06 Feb 2007

A Sister-in-Charge of a BK centre in the south of England told me that the BKs are training up 3 or 4 mediums to replace Gulzar if necessary. She told me they are being trained in New York. How fascinating ... Indian or Western? This forum is more interesting than your average center morning class ...

Re: Follow the Money

06 Feb 2007

I can only repeat what the (Australian) Sister told me. She said, " I have just come from a personal meeting with Dadi Janki and she said there is no money in the bank." My own interpretation at the time was that the BKWSU bank was what was meant, which is obviously BS. When I said this (...

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