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Bacon gives free course meal to the BKWSU

23 Feb 2007

This is interesting. Bacon signed a licensing agreement with the BKWSU. Has he signed a licensing dal with God Shiva for the use of God Shiva's intellectual property? International management consultants originally developed SML to assist those leading others through turbulent times. The programe ha...

23 Feb 2007

You have been an incredible help to me ... thanks. So do you think if I went and said from one head Sister to another (and remember in the medical field I wear that title) that we had incredible sex and their hypnosis did not work they would kick him out?? 8) not that I would do that but its a real...

23 Feb 2007

Just out of interest, is he, or has he actually been going to Morning Class every day or has he just been sucked into some service front and picking and chosing his depth of commitment? Maybe this forum, and the benefit you have derived from the short time spent on it, is the Universe's way of makin...

23 Feb 2007

Since Dadi Janki arrived in the UK with only a suitcase, the BKWSU was set up is a charity to alleviate poverty! • Does anyone know if she brought any money to distribute and where it might have come from? Recently we discussed about how the Ahmedabad center was unique as it started directly by Lek...

Re: reply

23 Feb 2007

No religion has ever asserted the multiplicity of god”. Actually, that is not true. There are plenty of polytheistic religions. And plenty of religions that think that their God is The God. The BKWSU included. I think the problem is Sakshi, you think that you have a right to sit on a Guddhi here. T...

22 Feb 2007

It says that Baba got a hut constructed in that garden. It says that the hut was very simple and a reminder of the ancient art. I suppose on one hand they think it is a matter of respect and importance to build an impressive one ... On the other, it is their taste and level of consciousness express...

22 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:Anyone, what's the direct opposite of forgiveness in one word ?

May be resentment ... or accusation?

22 Feb 2007

As evidence of Janki Kirpalani's further step towards Guru-hood, which is entirely contrary to Gyan but encouraged and milked by the BKWSU for whom she is their star player, see; where she is listed amongst the good and great. Paramahamsa Hariharananda Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Dadi ...

22 Feb 2007

And mischievous too. I remember how this "scholar" of Vedanta heaped ridicule on Shankaracharya's interpretation of "aham brahmaasmi" (I am Brahman). She argued that if "I am Brahman" then why I was still searching for happiness. She told me that the real meaning of Up...

21 Feb 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:Please wait and watch ...

Is she going to do miracle or some magic?

Its more painful than listening to Frankie Howerd ... but a good example of good old fashioned Hindu-style BK logic unravelling.

Sakshi, you makes Sister Sudesh (God bless her soul) sound like Brian Bacon ...

21 Feb 2007

The following is an excerpt from Journey of Souls describing the nature of the afterlife from chosen at random as it reports on or subscribes to a fairly universal understanding/belief/experience of soul worlds outside of BK Knowledge. Understand/belief/experience that str...

Women Who Love Too Much

21 Feb 2007

Book : • Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood This book should not be called "women who love too much" but 'people that love too much' and is described as "the book that explained why relationships can be addictive". Many people are sceptical at self-help material that appear...

Re: Hi, I am new and would greatly appreciate some guidance p

21 Feb 2007

What can I say or do? Hi Di, OK ... in at the deep end then? I, too, empathize at the difficult situation you find yourself in. A situation that sounds doubly difficult because of your partners involvement with the BKWSU. It sounds like you have gone through a difficult time enough and paid a heavy...

21 Feb 2007

Just as in your case, I also had approached BK to learn vedanta. I was introduced to a Senior Sister who was a "scholar" of Vedanta. I was told that first I needed to purify my mind before I learnt Vedanta. It was only after I was deeply into BK that she told me that Vedantins had actuall...

Re: nectar

20 Feb 2007

We were often told not to eat breakfast before coming in to class. This was based on something Dadi Janki said to the effect that the Murli is more important than breakfast. Probably so that you can give the money to the Kripalani Klan rather than spend it on Cornflakes and soya milk ... I have nev...

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