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27 Feb 2007

Gosh, I have witnessed so many wrongdoings! Yet, I feel hindered because of my love for some that are still in, as they may be affected by my decision to speak out. What to do!!! Its a higher form of love to speak out and document it all ... You love a kid ... you know there is abuse going on withi...

27 Feb 2007

I accept that we may not be able to answer all the queries of all the souls to their satisfaction, but at least ShivBaba has given us the freedom to share The Knowledge that he has given us with others, unlike the BK administration which neither wants to answer the valid queries itself nor allows s...

27 Feb 2007

arjun wrote:So, it is obvious that the BK course might have developed fully only in the 1960s after at least five pictures (Trimurti, Cycle, Lakshmi-Narayan, Ladder and World Tree) were prepared.

We also used to use the poster of the soul with three parts and the body as the car.

27 Feb 2007

This form of meditation (not all) is not beneficial to his circumstances ... there are others. Meditation should be used to benefit, to allow people to face and overcome difficulties, not to hide and get high. All part of the programming/hypnosis/psychic/contolling aspect I suppose. Good luck with ...

Re: Most beloved Shiva's presence in Sakar

27 Feb 2007

if one converted into PBK then BKs will curse like anything at that soul to their face Thank you for your sincerity. It is always good to see some truth on this forum. I too look forward to the response. For those of us that are standing further back in the West, it has been quite a shock to read o...

Re: Mr Green won't be around too much

26 Feb 2007

I have decided to reduce the time I spend here, as I see it the next logical step to my recovery. You do realize that if you leave us now your devotees will only worship your statue for part of the Copper Age ... And that special section of the Golden Age where all the holy anarchists poke fun at t...

26 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:The trustees of the group include Maureen but she gets her nose in as many pies as she can, always has.

Yeah, I heard that on the path of Bhakti, there is a statue of Jayanti as a Goddess ... but a Goddess with 3 ears.

Maureen is the third ear.

26 Feb 2007

No comments on this but the Brahma Kumaris make news on some other psychic detective's web pages, here; The Theosophical literature speaks of the Second Coming of Brahma and the emergence of his Lieutenants the Brahma Kumaris who will burn aw...

Re: Reading Murli before ever being to Madhuban?

26 Feb 2007

Have anyone heard of a young student, who has never been to Madhuban, reading Murli to other students and teaching the course? To me it is preposterous. It is a sign of how progressively and subtly the teachings of Raja Yoga are being corrupted. Me too ... and a few became BKs. My wonder is who is ...

26 Feb 2007

I met him once, with a small group. He struck me as being an extremely accurate soul ...He kept himself to himself. He sounds interesting. Its a shame there is not a culture within the BKWSU to take souls like that and really get down to the nitty gritty details with them. I regret being swept alon...

26 Feb 2007

He was the one who drew the 4 master pictures in the early days. I recall he was also the Om Mandali "official" policeman, standing guard against the Anti-Om Mandali party. Oh ... that is a great loss! As souls like him go, the hope of getting to the truth dies with them. I really hope th...

Re: BKWSU announce "taking leave" Dada Vishwa Rata

26 Feb 2007

Dada was around 90 years old. Just before lunch, Dada took some Isopgul (Ayurvedic medicine for digestion) which became stuck in his windpipe. Isopgul is for constipation. Perhaps they were put the medicine in the wrong end ... So, more travelling expenditure for worshipping one of their own then, ...

26 Feb 2007

The Yagya has been increasingly been dominated by elements which have violated Shrimat in general after Mama left her body and in particular after Brahma Baba left his body. What is the use of that deep peace, bodiless stage which is based on an artificial atmosphere including grand buildings, inte...

26 Feb 2007

I include this in the discussion. It is a typical quote from the BKWSU media manipulation team. Personally, I thought "incognito service" was the highest and the wisest and the BKWSU really ought to be advised not to pursue the media. Because it only highlights their nonense. I want to off...

25 Feb 2007

I wanted to ask an indepth question about the nature of The Cycle. Received wisdom from the BKWSU states that the World Cycle starts Pure, ends up Impure and then the World is Destroyed to make it pure again. The path from Pure to Impure in one downwards staircase. Therefore, each day we live is les...

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