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02 Mar 2007

Personally, I have never ever listened to the Murli with it's references to omnipresence (as cited in the earlier post) and thought for one minute that the BKWSU once taught omnipresence as part of it's doctrines. Therefore the way that we interpret the words attributed to God seems a very, very im...

02 Mar 2007

When asked about the dinosaurs he could not give any opinion as he hasn't worked it out yet and instead tried to offshoot into the bible and God making the world in 7 days as an argument. I am not ready to go and speak to the people at the center. My feelings at their abuse of people are too intens...

02 Mar 2007

This is probably better in a Rememberance thread, so it can be moved, but it seemed relevent to the above. Some BKs remember Shiv through Brahma Baba, some remember Him as a point of light in the Soul World, some remember Him through Gulzar Dadi and some totally ignorant ones remember their gurus wi...

Re: Revised Knowledge

01 Mar 2007

I heard that Jagdish Chander Hassija once asked Brahma Baba, "What if we find that something of Gyan is wrong?". Brahma Baba's answer, the story went, was "Then, we'll have to change the Gyan." The BKs have certainly been open in stating that their spiritual belief system has ch...

01 Mar 2007

The stories about Sita, Savitri reflect one major trait of a generalized character of an Indian woman. Baba via Veerendra Dev Dixit says they are like cows. Innocent. You’ll find them wherever you left them. The rest of your post wanders off topic, rather like a dog that is not chained to its kenne...

01 Mar 2007

Simple minded answer: BapDada is pulling senior's ears and they obviously don't want others to know! The whole issue about privileges is very hot and personally sickened me over and over again. Do you remember the VIP dining room in Madhuban where more sophisticated kind of food was been served whe...

01 Mar 2007

Dear Bro, there is no Lathi charge at BapDada meet as you posted, I used to go all times this month including going to BapDada meetings. So do not accuse this way. I certainly would not say a "lathi charge" but I would quote the shock that a then leading and highly respect Western BK, one...

BapDada's private meetings with the Seniors

01 Mar 2007

Almost every year, after the official season of Avyakt BapDada is over, there is a meeting between Avyakt BapDada and the senior BKs at Madhuban, Mt. Abu where other BKs are not allowed. Even the transcript of that Avyakt Vani is not released. We can get authentic information about such unofficial ...

28 Feb 2007

there should not be any reason why Avyakt BapDada cannot answer some of the important questions that are arising in the minds of almost every Brahmin soul? Or may be Avyakt BapDada is ready to answer, but his guards/custodians are not allowing souls to get their doubts clarified from BapDada. I agr...

Re: Live Long and Prosper

28 Feb 2007

bansy wrote:What is the obsession for souls wanting to live long?

From a BK point of view ... attachment. Everything is the fault of attachment.

From a lokik point of view ... a surplus of local oil resources that the Americans might want to kill you for.

Re: those in it those out of it

28 Feb 2007

My main concerns being the rewriting of Murlis and Yagya history and that the ones who were there at the beginning and would know are dying off. Get ye to India, John and write it all down. There is no one else to do it. You have the outline now and know what to look and ask for. You are our Indian...

Re: BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

28 Feb 2007

Here is a more simple explanation of the new laws over fraud as a crime; link . Interestingly, " failing to disclose information " is ground for fraud if it was carried out "dishonestly". Perhaps one could argue that one was defrauded £100s or £1,000s Pounds on the basis that the...

28 Feb 2007

Hi ex-l and primal.logic, great launch of a discussion into an area that needs to be aired. Feeling is that all aspects of both posts serve only to move things forward. Whether it be on the basis that we begin to understand the ramifications of the posts we make; become more appreciative of the inf...

Re: BK criminal liability re: tax fraud

28 Feb 2007

Some postings have been made re: BK finances in the UK. I have tried to put it altogether so as to demonstrate the deliberate deception employed by BK Seniors in order to gain an illegal financial advantage worth millions of pounds - read: tax fraud. This scam is so stunning it is surreal and just ...

Re: The Cycle and Science

27 Feb 2007

If you take The Tree you'll see that branches emerge. Each branch has his golden silver, copper and iron periods. So Hitler and Stalin's rule too Baba via Veerendra Dev Dixit gives the example from the Indian history of a soldier who in his lifetime managed to become an emperor. Something to be tak...

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