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BKWSU, the business and money

04 Mar 2007

Not directly related to Financial Abuse topic, but more evidence in the change of policy regarding donations and finances, this time from the The Sir Dorabji Tata Trust . Tata are one of is not the biggest corporations in India. Interesting, it was Dorab Tata and his nephew Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha ...

Re: Medium wins channeling right

04 Mar 2007

Her? I was talking about a "him" actually. Tut-tut for a bit of nasty sexism there, Proy ... not all the BK boys are white as driven snow you know. OK. To put a serious twist onto this tamopradhan thread; what quantifiable difference is there between a BK that has had sex and a BK that has...

04 Mar 2007

I feel that Shivbap's classes should be highly respected and no mockery of precious gems of Godly knowledge should be made in His class, either by the PBK students who ask irrelevant queries most of the time; or by Krishna's soul who is answering the queries ambigiously most of the time. No argumen...

Re: mind control

04 Mar 2007

I agree, but does it not make it even more dangerous that they are in effect mostly "innocents", who do not know what they are doing? They mostly believe it is, "for your own good" I would say. Yes, there is the part when I tried to please the living Seniors, and the part where ...

Re: mind control

04 Mar 2007

I certainly recognise most of the methods outlined in the video as being used on me when I was a BK. Congratulations, Jannisder, for finding the clip. I would add though, and perhaps this is what John is getting at, that the "mind control" is not "conscious". By which I mean, ne...

Re: Mind Control Video

03 Mar 2007

Now, where have all these mind control ideas come from? Do they originate from Eastern teachings or is it through research of the American government or where? ... for all their wrong doings I would still not lump BKs with other alleged mind control groups. The truth is, I don't 'know' where mind c...

The KKK took my Baba away

03 Mar 2007

OK, by special request, going out to a magic little genie ( ... and with apologies to The Ramones Bhais ). This is cultural, you see ... part of the Western tradition. It might not translate too well. Just in case you are too old, or too young, or too Indian, this is to the tune of " The KKK to...

03 Mar 2007

You do have to remember that 28 years of Yagya history and the Murlis that went with those times is missing. 28 years is a hell of a long time ... You can say what you like about it being "God's Plan" but I am always amazed at the thought of them sitting comfortably, waiting out for Destr...

AdiDev video

02 Mar 2007

Someone has stuck a 4 part video of Adi Dev up on You Tube. Looks like a mix of that Yagya comic book version, some Hollywood footage and CGI. In Indian. Catch it before they take it down again.

02 Mar 2007

This is interesting ... another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Of course, who knows what is true when you are dealing with these people. The BKWSU PR guy also says that they do not accept donations, and they do not accept any donations from outsiders, but we know that is not true. See the article about...

02 Mar 2007

I know Suman and Surya, have visited them in Frankfurt. They did not go off together, are not married, do not live together. Sorry, I was thinking of Enrique and ... Isabel (?) of Spain. But may be they are not married either and just partnered up. Suman and Surya are the ones who run a cafe or som...

Re: video clip

02 Mar 2007

proy wrote:trust me, it is worth making an effort to see it.

Just wear a tinfoil helmet on your head and cottonwool in your ears when you watch it, otherwise the subliminal programming we put into the soundtrack will make you start to want to surrender your life to us and give all your money away ...

02 Mar 2007

Raja Yoga cannot be taught by a human being. Patanjali's Raja Yoga is in fact Hatha Yoga. Human beings can only teach Hatha Yoga. Raja means a king. Hatha means with force. Yoga is a nonviolent power of the intellect and it is called easy Raja Yoga. Patanjali was a sanyasi. By The Knowledge, could ...

02 Mar 2007

I get what you are saying bansy, but I am wondering how many Western based ex-BKs would have a desire to set up such a group; or whether on the whole they would feel that they are well enough out of such groups. It certainly has happened. I know of at least one such group but have no idea of how it...

02 Mar 2007

Baba via Veerendra Dev Dixit says that Gyan also passes through the stages of sato rajo and tamo. In the beginning seeds of knowledge are sown. Seeds have more power, then when there is expansion there is less power. The problem there is that you have two opposing theories; On one hand, it was said...

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