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07 Mar 2007

You see, it could be that, if you did not behave like a squeaky clean BK when Dadi tightened everything (no doubt after hearing about sex abuse cases) then your ass is out the door, and the "yes" people who marched to her tune are now getting the benefits. You see, you are a sinner becaus...

Policing the BKWSU

07 Mar 2007

Someone mentioned this on the forum somewhere. Please move to the right topic. Thanks. Zen and the art of enforcing law and order Independent, The (London), Sep 28, 1999 by Justin I'Anson Sparks in Amsterdam IT MAY seem surreal to imagine a British Bobby laying aside his helmet and assuming the lotu...

Re: Abortion - * sensitive *

07 Mar 2007

Can someone remind, according to BK, at what month/week of the foetal status does a soul enter the womb? I cant remember any specific date, just the general statements above. But ... I can specifically remember the Senior Sisters in London, Jayanti et al, advising one Sister that had got pregnant j...

07 Mar 2007

I have to say I am uncomfortable with this as well. On the whole site, there is only one reference to the BKs, that's a thank you to Dadi and others at the centre with a web link to the main BK website. Even though she's obviously been helped by a lot of BKs in putting the whole thing together. I d...

06 Mar 2007

How the rest of the world see us. From Brahma Kumaris One of the reasons for this is the Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University, the headquarters of which are in Mt Abu. Purporting to combine all the religions of the world into one spiritual philosophy, this multi...

06 Mar 2007

Peter Jones You know what, I am absolutely terrified to keep a conversation with you or ask you a question. I am worried that you are hypnotising us. I worried that I am going into some hypnosis and say I want Relax Kids. I am struggling to find out why I am giving you the time of day because I don...

06 Mar 2007

When both say that there would not be human habitation beyond the Indian subcontinent in the Golden and Silver Ages, then where is the need to search for dwelling units beyond Earth? Well, it looks like another example of the Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya buying status with their followe...

Re: Dadi Janki a pundit?

06 Mar 2007

"Here there are no gurus, these ladies are just our elder more experienced Sisters which we respect but are NOT encouraged to worship. RajYog is very different from Bhakti marg, we are not followers or devotees of any human. We teach you how to empower yourselves by creating a direct link with...

06 Mar 2007

I do teach meditation however and if someone in the position of your husband had come to me; wanting to know if cutting off from his family and relationships was the right thing to do, I would have said no. Just out of interest, do you teach BK Raja Yoga meditation inside the system or outside of t...

06 Mar 2007

Involvement with NASA??? Overstated as usual. The BKs organized and sponsored the event. I cannot see what the direct connection with NASA is at all but they were designing space cities for 10,000. May be he is going to design the Golden Aged palaces? Out of respect for the BK section and "pos...

Starting them young, BKWSU youth in service

06 Mar 2007

I pulled a post out of the BK news section, I don't want to spoil the energy over there, and spent 5 minutes analysing what was going on. Knowing the BKIVV media maniplation virtues, I do not trust them or their news releases further than I can ... File under "Starting them Young", a foren...

05 Mar 2007

How do you feel about the community that has developed around A part of me is cautiously conscious and concerned, that I/we could well be being used by other spiritual influences (by which I included not just spooks but collective consciousness and "egregores" (to hark...

05 Mar 2007

Can any PBK please throw some light on these ambiguities between answers given by Baba and the Murli points and the conventional teachings of Advanced Knowledge? shivsena, I follow your post because of their acuity and close references to the original Murlis. But can I ask you an honest question? •...

Re: Are healthy exercise and the BKs mutually exclusive?

05 Mar 2007

any documented reason for this in the Murlis; or whether it was another adopted cultural thing. Any thoughts? I specifically remember one Murlis quote saying that one should "always run on service" and enjoyed taking it literally ... only to be told off and put down by older BKs (that cou...

05 Mar 2007

The story I heard was that her child died young, and I doubt the money came from her husband as the story goes she ran away from her husband in the middle of the night or something. Here's a laugh for you. A few weeks after she was accused of being the no sex guru breaking up marriages in the Mail ...

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