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Re: Family of 11, Possibly BKs, Commit Mass Suicide

06 Jul 2018

The BKs will be breathing a sigh of relief. We had noted before, and heard other reports of individual suicides within BKism here. Could it happen to family within BKism? You could imagine a family that has lost everything to the BKs, home, property and money because some vulnerable elderly member h...

Remains of 11,000 Year Old Temples Found in Turkey

05 Jul 2018

"God", via the Brahma Kumaris, came to teach humanity that the world is only 5,000 years old, and nothing existed before 2,500 years ago, except for India ... and a few islands in the middle of huge oceans. Göbekli Tepe is located in the Germuş mountains of south-eastern Anatolia. This sit...

Re: Delay in marriage

05 Jul 2018

however, the grooms I met do not earn much Part of the feminist revolution also included the possibility of women being the dominant partner or primary earner in a family. In fact, it's nothing new and has been happening all through history. Perhaps you should look for a man for other qualities tha...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

30 Jun 2018

I believe that you really do love her, and that you are a good husband. Does she love you back equally now, or have all her affections been channeled to their Baba? Has the local centre-in-charge or Did taken the place of you are her "husband", giving her orders (Shrimat) and telling her w...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

30 Jun 2018

So the real problem is, your wife has become a BK, and is refusing sex, and you are not. The "few things of Brahmakuaris" are 'the few thing'. I doubt they belong to the BKs. You asked a question which is, "can I follow BKism without following celibacy?" The answer is no. No, fro...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

29 Jun 2018

OK, my apologies ... it's your wife who is the BK convert? Unfortunately, that's a very typical equation. Try and get her out of it and away from them as soon as possible. The Brahma Kumaris are very skilled at separating husbands and wives, destroying families and taking families' wealth and proper...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

29 Jun 2018

The only problem is ... it can lead to divorce. Now guide me what can be done. It will lead to a divorce and a great deal of unhappiness and conflict - for you and them. You have no right to do so to your wife and family. It is not just wrong to attempt to force, manipulate or coerce others into a ...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

28 Jun 2018

There can be social ill effects of observing celibacy, East or West. One of the wisest sayings on the subject that I have heard goes, "A woman will forgive you for making a pass at her, but she's never forgive you for *not* making a pass at her". I encourage individuals to study the histo...

Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

28 Jun 2018

Is it possible for me to be BK WITHOUT FOLLOWING CELIBACY? No, not at all. And bear in mind celibacy within BKism includes no masturbation too. From a BK point of view, your question demonstrates a total lack of awareness of what BKism and what the BKs believe, and possibly a tendency towards a sor...

Re: Health Issues, Retirement

28 Jun 2018

ex-l, As Premkumar starts with an Om Shanti and asks the question in that way ... Oh, So Premkumar is a BK or semi-aligned BK and really asking, "how do I encult my Father more?" The answer being that the Father is sort of passively resisting, saddened at his family being sucked in and fe...

Re: Health Issues, Retirement

27 Jun 2018

What spiritual advice can we give to him? To paraphrase Pink Panther's response to another recent topic ... Don't get involved with the Brahma Kumaris because all they will do is take the family house and money off him. The honest answer is, that is just what happens as one gets older. There are no...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

26 Jun 2018

Why cannot he just drishti his way out of it? A key note within BKism, of which PBKism is just a subset, is the rush of adherents to make excuses for their gurus and god spirits faults and failing ... one presumes to plug up the holes in their own 'faith bubble' and stop it from deflating. An expre...

Re: Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Stri

20 Jun 2018

Reinventing the wheel, i.e. tax avoidance, is the never ending game that began with the invention of civilisation ... The BKs, of course, won't ever own up to the fact they are playing the same game. A key turning point in my understanding of BKism, was learning more about the culture of business c...

Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Strikes

19 Jun 2018

From The French Revolution at '' ... obviously not respect for paying Indian taxes then? Earlier on this site, we discussed changes in the legal structure of BK France and, in general, have often raised the obscure, or rather obscured, nature of power within BKism. Legally, ...

Re: The BKs are finished

19 Jun 2018

What was that? You got a promotion and a pay rise? Mmmm... Would you like to have a meeting with Dadi ? " | The bigone these days is, "What was that? Your worldly parents died and left you all their property and estate? Mmmm... Would you like to have a meeting with Dadi? Apparently the go...

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