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Hare Krishnas make it to King Charles' Coronation, not BKs?

06 May 2023

On May 7th, 2023, Prince Charles is crowned King of England and where ever else will have him. Interesting aside from the Order of Service , Visakha Dasi, the female president of the Hare Krishna Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple got an invite ... but not the BKs (who've previously invested considerable ef...

Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

04 May 2023

You're not engaging with us. You're talking at us, not with us. You posting here doesn't hurt or damage Shivani. Without evidence, it's all just empty accusations. What happened to you? What's your BK story? Why are you fixated on Shivani? It might help if you separate your tendancy to fixated, from...

Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

09 Apr 2023

tell me how to punish them. It's not your job to punish them. It's your job to get yourself free and build a different life. I agree with you that the BKs are dangerous, dishonest, and hypocrites. I agree with you that they are involved in psychic manipulation of people. But you need to ask yoursel...

Re: Trailinga swami lived to be 280 years old !?!

14 Mar 2023

It may also be worth adding that, from the contemporary texts of the time, although Lekhraj Kirpalani might have patronised holy men, as wealthy people did/do, there was no indications that he was a deep or devout student of theirs. He was committed to business until his "enlightenment". P...

Re: Trailinga swami lived to be 280 years old !?!

12 Mar 2023

Do we know any of Dada Lekhraj gurus? Sadly, no. And Virendra Dev Dixit had his theories proven mistaken as well. He did not know, PBKs couldn't/never tried to find out. The big question remains who was the one in Bengal that he paid a fortune to be initiated by, which triggered his spiritual awake...

Re: Lekhraj Visions

02 Mar 2023

I think the BKs are doing illegal migration to USA and Canada, has any one here information? Please inform. Yes, we found evidence of that before and have it on the site, via the BK leader Hansa Raval. She made false immigration applications to the USA claiming that high paid, male IBM workers (IT)...

Re: Lekhraj Visions

25 Feb 2023

John2 wrote:I read that Om Radhe chanting of Om caused the first trance state in a young female whilst Lekhraj was away on travels.

Where did you read that, and when was it dated to?

I thought Om Radhe was a late(r)comer to the Om Mandli.

Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

24 Feb 2023

naval wrote:she earned crores of rupees by selling me as an experiment and bought a flat of 5 to 6 crores in Gurgaon in 2020 while on me she used drone for the first time in 2017

How did she sell you?

Thank you.

Re: Lekhraj married Om Radhe in 1953?

24 Feb 2023

I don't know the specifics but something elsee to consider is HOW the members of the Bhaibund married each other at any time. It is likely that it was not done so formally as today. I do, however, remember reading of contracts between the families involved. 1920: Om Radhe is born. She joined Om Mand...

Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

22 Feb 2023

She is not out of the organisation. She conducting many programs, as a Brahma Kumari follower. But, yes, she does not ever speak about the core beliefs of BK ... It's a model that developed among Western BKs for public programmes, because hard core BKism was too crazy, and off putting for Westerner...

Re: Murli 1958 - 1969

17 Feb 2023

ATM, I don't know anyone but I have some Indian friends, so I'll keep digging ... is there an app for such things I wonder? It would be hopeless due to the special use of language in BKism, but it might give a rough draft that could then be "BK-ised". For a non-BK, such a translation job ...

Re: Murli 1958 - 1969

16 Feb 2023

On the basis of my direct experience, the PBKs are very "strict" about the representation of the Murlis (perhaps to avoid criticisms of tampering with their meanings?). For example, in the past, when I paragraphize the Murlis that we used to have hear to make them easier to read, they were...

Re: Brahma Kumari Shivani and Psychic Attacks

11 Feb 2023

I don't think you answered Pink's question.
Pink Panther wrote:Naval,

Why do you think is Shivani focused on you rather than other more influential people?

Please reply clearly, and in brief, if you don't mind.

Re: Jokes

10 Feb 2023

Three religious leaders share a table at an Ecumenical conference, [please fill in your own three but for now let's say it's a rabbi], a Roman Catholic and an independent Pentecostalist. The discussion turns to fundraising & living expenses ... To which the BK replies, "I have to work a fu...

Re: Average Age of UK BKs is 61

04 Feb 2023

And how they going to reconcile the suicide cases ... when BK indoctrinated in her mind that having sex is like falling from 5 storied building? Laws do exist, it's called " undue influence " and is further covered by coercive control , a crime under the Serious Crime Act 2015. but the pr...

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