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Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

26 Sep 2018

When I talk negative about this organisation people have only this explanation even the prime minister follows BK. Hello Rita, I'd be interested to hear your opinion about the type of individual, or state of mind, that is attracted to BKism. It is ridiculous for them to claim that "even the pr...

Re: Recent Cult Movies and Documentaries

20 Sep 2018

An entertaining, slightly 'noir', slightly comedic, multi-layered movie about cults that, this time, does not follow the usual themes ... ' Faults '. For a change, this time it makes a valid critique of the whole "cult expert" scene. A young woman is under the influence of a mysterious cul...

Re: What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

19 Sep 2018

I know naturopaths who’ve kept ”milking” patients for decades! They feed off the patients’ need. I'll leave this discussion open for others to respond to but I wanted to pick up on this element. Recently, I've come to wonder whether the entire structure of Freud's psychotherapy, and all its derivat...

Re: What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

17 Sep 2018

Academically, the Lalich research with a sample size of 65 participants is not a randomized clinical trial. It still has generated useful data to any individual young or matured age who just wish to get out of a cult and get on with their true life missions. It's a difficult problem with the soft s...

Re: What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

16 Sep 2018

For sure, there is a grand cycle in which many cycles are contained. However, the 5000 year timing by the BKs has not been validated spiritually and scientifically. The BKs' 5,000 Year Cycle of Time has not "not been validated spiritually and scientifically" ... it is so far off the regis...

Free Will: How When Humans are Hackable Animals?

15 Sep 2018

From historian Yuval Noah Harari's, the Myth of Freedom , an article about liberalism, free will, and the current threats to it ... and the dangers of fooling ourselves - and being fooled into thinking - that things are better — or worse — than they actually are. ... Brahma Kumarism having fooled pe...

What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

12 Sep 2018

Dr Janja Lalich: "What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?", a presentation following extensive research into the experience of the "Adult Children of Cult Members". Plenty of resonances here with the experiences of "Adult Children of Brahma Kumari Members [Cultic Group...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

01 Sep 2018

The wheels of Indian "justice" roll slowly on. The latest from the Dev Dixit case ... We read how the court had appointed the Institute of Human Behaviour and Applied Sciences (IHBAS) experts to visit the ashram and inspect, so they did and came up with ... ... ... well, nothing. In anothe...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

23 Aug 2018

The word was "almah" which does not, in itself, indicate whether the is a virgin, for which a different Hebrew word "betulah" is used. Basically, the translation to "virgin” is incorrect and misleading. "Maiden" would have been better. There's some mention of the d...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

22 Aug 2018

This morning, a leading radical nun, on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now, stated that celibacy was introduced into Christianity as a means of blocking women from inheriting priestly rights and powers from their deceased husbands who were priests. As a quick aside, yes. I also remember that a) many of th...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

22 Aug 2018

Will the BKs file a similar petition for the Dadis and center-in-charge officials? To the best of my knowledge, the Brahma Kumaris never made a formal, public announcement about the cover up of the child sex abuse at their Madhuban and New Delhi centres. Janki, Jayanti, I believe Maureen and others...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

22 Aug 2018

You are right. It's a terribly dishonest and conceited euphemism. Look at the example I gave above, 300 priests in one State. Can anyone really say they did not know what was going on? We have no idea what has gone on in India with the BKs but it seems all orthodox or fundemental celibate religion e...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

17 Aug 2018

Vatican expresses 'shame and sorrow' over Pennsylvania child abuse scandal; ‘ Holy See condemns unequivocally the sexual abuse of minors ’. It's insane ... "1,000 children by more than 300 Catholic priests" in just one State in the USA, Pennsylvania but allow me to call BS on “Victims shou...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

15 Aug 2018

I suppose the underlying principle is that religious leaders tend to see themselves as being better and above the law, and put the interests of their cult before victims' or society's? In short, they actually have no such spiritual values as honesty, integrity, humility, responsibility and so on. Fo...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

14 Aug 2018

Interesting footnote. The most senior Roman Catholic cleric convicted of covering up child sex abuse was ordered by an Australian court Tuesday to serve a one year sentence. The Australia archbishop has just gotten house detention for child sex abuse cover-up but the BKs leaders will walk free. Note...

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