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Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

01 Nov 2018

OK, let's look at problems created ... To which I'd like to add a sort of subtle nihilism, like a creeping cancer that is going to destroy his future, based on the beliefs that; the whole world is impure and about to be destroyed by nuclear war and natural disasters, that all of the rest of humanit...

Re: The Vatican

01 Nov 2018

What the issue is about is abuse of power ... Well, relative to religion - in both the case of the Vatican and the Brahma Kumaris - the attraction of an existing powerbase, a high status within society with which to abuse is part of the equation. And, if you were to draw a Venn diagram of "sex...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

01 Nov 2018

Quick reply ... He appears to be in the phase where the BK Sisters are encouraging him to "wean" your mother and family off him by putting up an act and compromising slightly for the sake of face, eg by taking only a little food, withdrawing his physical love and, typically, telling him no...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

31 Oct 2018

Also, you need to play the game like the BKs do ... with their subtle "drip feeding" of adherents. But drip feeding him to keep bringing him back into reality. Does he and your mother still have a sexual relationship? Were they affectionate, does she/will she miss that? Does he still eat y...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

31 Oct 2018

It sounds like you need to quietly speak to supportive people at his work as well. Again, with the promise of confidentiality until you have a sufficient understanding of BKism, their philosophy, the terminology, and the tricks or manipulations they use. It may be that if you can combine concerned f...

Re: The Vatican

31 Oct 2018

Perhaps, from our point of view and to keep it BK related, perhaps we can look at the great disconnection within the Church ... how it deifies the female or female archetypes (Mary and other saints worship) and yet subjects them to a second class while acting as a cover for such activities that woul...

Re: The Vatican

31 Oct 2018

But what is really going on in the Vatican? An awful lot of mainly homosexual pedophilia, it appears. It is amazing how State after State, country after country, announces crackdowns and exposés of priest being caught up in child sex abuse, often involving 1,000s of children. It's so *way* beyond a...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

30 Oct 2018

It's one alternative depending on what you and your mother want out of the situation. The BKWSU is rigidly hierarchical. Your Father, for all his delusion and the flattering of the local center-in-charge, has absolutely zero status in the organisation. He can be chucked out at their will. If it look...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

30 Oct 2018

By the way, a child of a leading Western BK member wrote a book about growing up with a BK Father, it is " The House Is Full of Yogis " by Will Hodgkinson. It is not anti-BK but does expose their craziness a little. The Father, Neville Hodgkinson is a leading Public Relationship leader wit...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

30 Oct 2018

ooks on Bhagwat Gita and Ramayana and make some effort to talk to your Father about these philosophies. To be honest, right now I would not even do that. I would not engage with him on anything religious or combatative to BKism. All it would do is invite a long lecture on BKism;s views and encourag...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

29 Oct 2018

Sorry, I missed that. Yes, although each centre operated with some degree of autonomy, it is general their practise to have a meditation and class at 7pm, and to repeat an abridged, whitewashed version of the morning class to those who are not committed enough to make it to Morning Class. Their teac...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

29 Oct 2018

OK, that is unfortunate and will not help. What happened ... you read things on this website, told you mother, and then she blurted it all out to him? There are two additional things to consider to anything you might learn by reading what is on this forum. Firstly, BKism is not Hinduism. It is cleve...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

29 Oct 2018

OK, I can only afford time to give a short response right now ... and you will need to study up on BKism and prepare for what you need to do before taking action, therefore the best thing to do in the short term is to say nothing and do nothing that will 'rock the boat' with him. And that includes t...

Re: Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder

25 Oct 2018

The people, particularly the children, are now suffering the later stages of what is called Resignation Syndrome - whose early stages are not unlike Depersonalisation Disorder but which progresses into a kind of passive slow suicide. "Traumatic withdrawal syndrome", or resignation syndrom...

Re: Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder

25 Oct 2018

They will never say , ”Dear so-and-so, you came to find a way to deal with your grief, and it seems you have done that. You do not need to come any more". They will do and say whatever is necessary to keep the enculted serving the cult and to keep the truth of their power over the enculted per...

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