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Re: Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris HQ

21 Nov 2018

My take on it is that it is about the BK leadership having to prove or convince to the following how important they - the leadership - are. It is all part of the confidence trick ... "convincers". Some bizarre "proof" that the cult must be god and god's work. But when you analyse...

Re: Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris HQ

20 Nov 2018

You got to love the levelling power of social media.

From, here, in reply to the post above with the local Bhili woman (who the BKs use for all their hard labour like breaking stones and making roads but otherwise look down upon).
#itsmarlamaples wrote:I viewed this angel from afar as I was capturing the magnitude of this land… I was taken by her beauty and her smile… her elegance and the energy that she exudes ... We waved to each other and who would know, we soon would become fast friends... another blessing day in #India
#.afflict wrote:bullsh** staged she looks like she wants you to leave her the **** alone because she knows you're just some dumb rich white ***** who doesn't give a **** about her. You aren't fooling anyone
#marlys.caro wrote:Marpla please stop embarrassing yourself
#djy0467 wrote:a complete joke ..

#brahmakumarishq wrote:It's your home
#fva24 wrote:Probably smells like unwashed armpit
#mandibear08 wrote:where did you get that top? So gorgeous

Re: Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris HQ

20 Nov 2018

And blonde. Don't forget the power of "wheaten" colour in India. Check out the posed selfies with sh*t poor Abu locals and her helping out in the kitchens at Abu . marla-selfie.jpg Marla, still stuff of the gossip columns , and what with all the high fashion, leather jackets and fancy rest...

Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris Indian HQ

19 Nov 2018

Who is Marla Marples and why are the BKs putting her on their VIP stage along with 'B list' Indian politicians? Good question. I had no idea. marla-maples-bikini.jpg Turns out she is famous for having sex with the current president of the United States, Donald Trump, while he was still married to hi...

Re: BapDada Milan November 2018

19 Nov 2018

I did see these changes coming, when they said their server crashed and "old" data was lost. NO BACKUP ... seriously ...? Their IT team had an "Ah-Ha moment" ... and they discovered a high tech answer to making more historical revisions. I always thought it was a shame - regardl...

Re: BapDada Milan November 2018

19 Nov 2018

What are doing ... replaying "BapDada's Geatest Hits" from previous years? Nevermind, soon with video technology, the Brahma Kumaris will be able to have a virtual BapDada saying whatever they want. Just like have been doing for years with Gulzar ... but on screen only. A computer controll...


19 Nov 2018

A quote from article referencing the event, and an ex-member of the Jonestown cult
“We weren’t a cult, we were a social movement,” one survivor made a point of telling me. “We were revolutionaries.”

Sounds familiar?


19 Nov 2018

Well, had the bombs started to go off, the BKs would have cheering and waving as the rockets were launched. It was only a couple of years too late after their 1976 prediction of Destruction. And, yes, they would have been queuing to have their picture taken with, and tie a rakhi on, any of the polit...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK & destroying our family

14 Nov 2018

The BK Murli often says, "This is the only shop in town" - a phrase that carries different implications; One, do not go elsewhere, they have inferior or non-genuine product, Two, and more importantly - spirituality is a transaction . This should be underlined and is well supported by the ...

Re: 40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

08 Nov 2018

The Bhaibund Sindis were famous for - generally - not giving a sh*t about education, but only caring about business. Money making. They bought their "intelligence" in like a commodity, the Amils who ran the accounting and secret codified communications necessary for trading internationally...

40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

07 Nov 2018

Surely if your "God" gets one thing so wrong, and is so unable to explain it away ... on top of all the failed predictions of the End of the World ... it raises doubts about what else he is getting wrong and is clueless about? He may be the BKs' god spirit, but can he really be the suprem...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

04 Nov 2018

Some of the excuse the BKs will use and teach your Father are things like the folllowing. As a rule, they just employ clever word play: a) "No one forces anyone to come or to stay". Except, perhaps, for the case of the young virgins (kunyas) in training, this is true ... but onl at face va...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

02 Nov 2018

My Father wakes up at 3-4 am, does his meditation, gets ready and goes to office around 7. Then he comes back around 8-9 pm. I wonder if he really goes directly to the office, or goes to the BK centre on the way. Have you ever offered to walk with him to the office, or to meet him after work to see...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

02 Nov 2018

I do think one of the big differences between when we were BKs and now ... is us. Other ex-BKs and the internet across which we can communicate. I think we and what we have discovered can act as a more powerful "detergent" breaking the film, or delusion, of BKism by little more than firm b...

Re: My Father losing himself for BK and destroying our famil

01 Nov 2018

How did you recover? When was your realization and how did it struck you that you are being under bad influence and under some evil control? Did your family help you? I left long before the internet. There was no help, no information, no exposés of their wrong doings, no research into their histori...

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