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Re: 40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

09 Dec 2018

What do you mean, "After Gulzar Dadi's ill health, followers go in the range of 28-30 K"? Followers are leaving BKism, or followers are going to Mt Abu? From what I know, with my limited info from practicing BKs, they are expecting major upheaval in next 1 or 2 years ... I can personally c...

Re: 40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

08 Dec 2018

Welcome and thank you. I think you really got it here: Rather, Hinduism itself is spread so thin that the common man accepts anything what you say if you ensure to include the right words. Yes, you are right. It is as simple as that. A simple matter of using the right tokens ... added with the willi...

Re: Unethical Hypnosis in Destructive Cults

06 Dec 2018

Although an old paper, the topic interested me for its title, "Unethical Hypnosis", differentiating itself from ethical hypnosis. What could be the difference between Unethical Hypnosis and ethical hypnosis? For me, the first and most important aspects would be a) whether the subject of vi...

Unethical Hypnosis in Destructive Cults

06 Dec 2018

From: The Manipulation of Spiritual Experience: Unethical Hypnosis in Destructive Cults (1984) Abstract: The process of cult and mass therapy indoctrination may involve repeated inductions of trance-like states of consciousness similar to hypnosis. Environmental (milieu) control, social manipulatio...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 Dec 2018

I feel that, these documents are not understandable. I have gone through some of the old documents. It just keeps on repeating same words and sentences in different ways. Yes, absolutely. Except they are not "finding their own logical meaning" ... there's nothing "logical" to it...

Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

02 Dec 2018

Correct me if I am wrong but I believe this conflation of Krishna & Radhe with Lakshmi and Narayan is a uniquely BK confection. I think so. Is it not just another case of them grabbing every "bestest" marketing term or idea, from every other religion out there, in order to attract the...

Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

01 Dec 2018

The easy answer is, BKs don't believe in astrology or cosmic time. They use a very few astrological references metaphorically, but is it. Omen of Jupiter (for which they mean their god spirit), or something, and that is it. The BKs have been preaching the start of the Golden Age in 2036 for decades....

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

01 Dec 2018

Looks like their God does not even know basic language. Always communicating as if he is illiterate. Who writes this kind of language? You raise a good point, especially for Western BKs for whom Lekhraj Kirpalani's limited and repetitive "stream of consciousness" utterances were polished ...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

29 Nov 2018

I don't know a more poetic way to say it ... but with the BKs, there is what they are say to others, and what their actions *really* say about them. The BKs have spent decades refining their external message to sound good and trigger the right responses, including have other people defend them ... b...

Re: Will the Brahma Kumari cult end by 2036?

29 Nov 2018

What are they trying to communicate to followers? They are not "trying" to communicate, they are very clearly and specifically 'succeeding' - not just to communicate what they want but in indoctrinating their followers too ... achieving a total separation of individual family members from...

Re: What is a ”soul” anyway?

28 Nov 2018

When I was a BK, I had more than a few encounters with Hindus and Sikhs etc, where we - as BKs - would mention the atmas and oceans of light - other pre-existing terms or concepts the BKs purloined, reinterpreted, conflated with "soul" and remarketed - and they would go (approx), "yes...

Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

25 Nov 2018

I am following brahmakumaris for 4 years and want to marry someone who follows BK. Following Brahma Kumaris, <----- that way Marrying someone, this way -----> Why not just leave BKism behind, and do whatever you like? I hope you find happiness with a Sister who also wants to leave the Brahma Kumari...

Re: Marla Marples' invitation to the Brahma Kumaris Headquar

22 Nov 2018

I have not lost my soul consciousness watching the hot pictures of Ms. Maples. May be I am not impressed; she is not my cup of tea. If I saw her at a party I would not even speak to her ... There are American Sisters, who are more sexier, with greater beauty of body and spirit than Ms. Maples. They...

Re: Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris HQ

21 Nov 2018

India replies ... ( and, no, it's not me leaving these comments ). Trump’s ex-wife Marla Maples seeks spiritual solace in India Marla Maples is learning Raj Yoga Meditation at the Bramhakumari Spiritual University in Mount Abu, Rajasthan. Published: 07th October 2018 Reply What a joke. One fraud bei...

Re: Marla Marples' Sponsored Visit to Brahma Kumaris HQ

21 Nov 2018

More from the Marla-verse that the Brahma Kumaris are tapping into. In an interview with the New York Post earlier this month, Ivana admitted that she still blames Marla for the end of her marriage and is not willing to let bygones be bygones. '[Marla] asked to apologize to me in the Daily Mail in L...

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