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Re: I want to marry a Brahma Kumar

03 Jan 2019

Now I want to marry with Brahma Kumar. Please help me for finding a Brahma Kumar. Welcome Namrta6. I am wondering what changes in your life or understanding makes you want to marry now? Are you a surrendered Sister or living in a centre? After marriage, do you want to continue following the Brahma ...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

02 Jan 2019

One of the other big problems with all of this mystical stuff --- and that is not the same as saying none of it is true --- is that the proponents of it tend not to agree with each other, and their claims and predictions would often appear to be incompatible or contradictory with each others. For ex...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

01 Jan 2019

Traditional Judaism doesn't have hell, or even Satan as an evil adversary. I don't know which Judaism is the authentic or traditional one. I don't suppose they all agree which either. The freaky stuff tends to come up in the Talmud. I have to correct myself. It was Balaam who was boiled in semen . ...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

31 Dec 2018

The Avyakt Murlis have only in a few sentences, stated that Jesus did not die on the cross, a position also taken by Islam, with no details as described in the Koran. Whereas you are correct about the Koran stating that Jesus did not die on the cross, I question whether the BKs and the Avyakt Murli...

Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

31 Dec 2018

The BKs adapted the idea behind Values Education to use a front, an honourable looking cover for their core activities ... It provides an appearance of separation from their core activities that they could use to get into places - such as schools and colleges, to target children and young people whe...

Re: FOMO: Brahma Kumaris exploiting the ‘Fear of Missing Out

31 Dec 2018

Are the BKs a a cult or a religion? What is the different between a cult and cultists, and a religion and religionist? I'd probably say, one big difference is in the degree of their honesty and openness. I think it's a question of the maturity in their development. Cults and cultists tend to be more...

FOMO: Brahma Kumaris exploiting the ‘Fear of Missing Out’

31 Dec 2018

Millenarianists - cultists like the Brahma Kumaris exploiting one of the old and greatest fears in the world, the fear of the End of the World and Judgement whether Godly or karmic afterwards - are just exploiting perhaps the greatest "Fear of Missing Out". FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out, i...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

30 Dec 2018

What makes me sick is how the BKs sit down with all the multi-faith groups hiding their real thoughts about all the other religion's gods and leaders. Truth be, the BKs have very, very, very, very little to no knowledge of *any* forms of esotericism ... and *zero* interest in any "worldly"...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

30 Dec 2018

There's a saying in politics that people get the politicians they deserve, as in a nation's politicians are a reflection of the nature of the people who elect them ( hello Donald Trump ). With regards to religion, perhaps we should modify that to something like, "people imagine the prophets as ...

Re: Would Jesus Have Been a BK or Remained a BK?

29 Dec 2018

I don't know when, precisely, the BKs developed the idea of Christ being a separate soul from Jesus as they now believe. However, bear in mind that for the first 20 odd years of their cult, they believed that Lekhraj Kirpalani was God himself and had no alternative 'god spirit' within him. Therefore...

Re: BapDada Milan November 2018

29 Dec 2018

BapDada never came this entire season, old videos were played instead. That's a pretty big thing. It used to be their main draw, the raison d'etre of being a BK around which everything else hung ... going to meet "God" in person in Madhuban. They got you hooked to the discipline of the li...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

21 Dec 2018

"They seek him here, they seek him there" ... Virendra Dev Dixit remains able to outwit the Indian CBI it appears. Little to update ... it appears a few issues have been resolved "in mediation" and the court is looking to wrap things up by February of next year with nothing actua...

Re: Source of Value Education; who writes & how it is writte

14 Dec 2018

Just a quick reply for now ... Firstly, it should be called 'Values Education', not "value education" ... which, like so many BK projects is one of those giveaway clues. "Value education" is not even English. Surely if they were 'educational specialists', they'd realise that and ...

Re: 40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

13 Dec 2018

The probability is decreased when other factors are considered, including spiritual revolutions. Not to mention ... Who is going to get rid of the 7 bn human corpses, and the countless trillion animal corpses; how the bones will all decompose in time. The distruption of the disappearance of vast sw...

Re: 40,000 year old figurative painting discovered in Borneo

11 Dec 2018

10 Lakh followers spread across India will hardly make any influence on elections and votes, so there will be almost zero support from the political parties ... that is not a great reason for the political parties because there is no benefit for them. You raise good points and it is time to split t...

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