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Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

28 Feb 2019

As one BK I spent time with in London for whom I have great affection once said in a deadpan delivery to Denise in Madhuban, in my presence, after a ”history" class where many learnt for the first time of the family connections among the Seniors ... We have not had a song for a while, so ... h...

Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

27 Feb 2019

Of course, having now watched the video I realise it does not make any attempt at being historical at all. It's just yet another advert. What I find a little unethical is that it largely uses the images of non-BK, or at least non-pukka BKs, at their public events looking like and doing all sort of s...

Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

26 Feb 2019

Yes. The BKs courted individuals in Guyana who were placed in power by the Rockefellers and other Americans, specifically Mr. L.F. S. Burnham ... They were also supported by members of the Sindhi. For the BK inner circle it has never matters *how* or *where* you got your power or wealth, it is only...

Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

26 Feb 2019

I have not watched the BK version yet, so I cannot comment, but can you be specific about who in the Guyanese ruling class the BKs courted and found patronage from? Are you saying, the BKs' foothold in the Americas was via Guyana, who was the original contact? Some Sindhi there? I question any direc...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

24 Feb 2019

Now I am married with a kid and very happy about my decision. Please feel free to ask me questions. Why did not you invite us to the wedding? No cake even? How could you be so heartless! :sad: Congratulations, it's a big thing that you've done. It's not easy and it still requires a lot of strength ...

Re: 3 Recent BK Publications in Peer-Reviewed Literature

23 Feb 2019

I would also add that many research investigations funded by pharmaceutical companies claim to be evidence-based, but when carefully analyzed are close to the bottom of the evidence-based pyramid. Indeed, there was that huge controversy about SSRI drugs (anti-depressants) that were hailed as "...

Re: 3 Recent BK Publications in Peer-Reviewed Literature

23 Feb 2019

I have to differ. I prefer the practice of evidence-based medical science ... I think you missed my nuance, although I cannot speak for what Gupta meant. I meant more that there is deliberate misuse of the term for what it not truly evidence based. Of course, one of the big problems is, there is no...

Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

22 Feb 2019

This is very much relevant to the Indian community both in India and abroad. How would you say the BKs look to you, both at home and abroad? I am thinking that that always offered a little flavour of "Mother India" and that was part of the attraction, the Indianness of it. Comforting for ...

Re: 3 Recent BK Publications in Peer-Reviewed Literature

22 Feb 2019

I am heartened to read that you, as an academic, are affirming conclusions that I, as an uneducated lay individual, came to a long time ago ... that the "evidence-based science" slogan has merely become a mantra for a different sort of voodoo practioner. Pretty much exactly the same people...

Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

22 Feb 2019

Aidan was not a scotsman he was from, I think Worcestershire ... I think Stuart Hepburn, a Scotsman, went to the Americas, maybe to help start stuff in Mexico? Thanks. Yes, that's is who I am thinking about. But much worse than testes, he actually 'grew a beard' which I think was part of his final ...

Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

22 Feb 2019

Hence the maliciousness of all the fear inducement involved within BKism about "leaving". There's an old 1960s peace slogan that went something like, "What happens if they make a war, and nobody turns up?". As in, what happens if some elites go to war but ordinary people don't tu...

Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

21 Feb 2019

I remember an Australian Ken passed through on the way to South America but wasn't there a Scotsman, Aiden perhaps who went there first? I am pretty sure it's on this site somewhere but I've forgotten, so much information has passed through. I may be confusing two characters but wasn't he also a woo...

Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

20 Feb 2019

The service in the USA commenced before 1978 or 1979. You are, of course, correct. I don't suppose the movie mentions Hansa Raval marriage to Simon, we presume in the first place to defraud US immigration, but that grew into a more full "wordly" relationship. As is the seed, so is The Tre...

More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

18 Feb 2019

Watch the BKs' exhibit their historical revision sanskar yet again, whitewashing the history of their American evangelism: Planting a Seed of Change​”​ on the occasion of 40 years of Brahma Kumaris service in the USA . Has America changed in the last 40 years? Have the BKs had anything to do with it...

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

18 Feb 2019

First they tell you not to watch other movies and television programs, and then they releases a movie. You're right to raise that issue. In the first, I suppose it was all about controlling what adherents thoughts and not feeding rational doubts and questions that the leadership, including Lekhraj ...

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