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Re: Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgki

14 Mar 2019

However, I don’t think the BKs are a new religion separate to "Hinduism" that have borrowed only the nomenclature from various other religions, unless by new you mean, a new blend . Hinduism itself is a variety of ‘blends’. Do you mean religions or sects within Hinduism, as well as outsid...

Re: Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgki

13 Mar 2019

To me, in the sense we are talking about, a cult is known by being not only an offshoot or variation of a more mainstream belief but it’s re-interpreted in such a way that the focus and attention is directed to the one who leads or proclaims it As far as "offshoots" go, I'd have to throw ...

Re: Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgki

12 Mar 2019

I have to agree with Neville on "Brahma Kumaris is not a cult", but not for the reasons he has put forth. In the old days, then Jagdish Chander was in charge of the PR, they used to call themselves as a "religio-political movement". As you say, in India this makes sense if you w...

Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

12 Mar 2019

She's a Right winger and playing for Right wing votes ... the BKs courting the Right wing yet again. She presents herself as a staunch Roman Catholic. It's just straight off the Right wing script ... they're bat sh*t crazy. Look at what she is saying, a young girl gets raped, she should go through p...

Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

09 Mar 2019

The day the BKs slammed their door in my face was the day other doors in mansions greater than the mansions of the BKs opened and welcomed me. And in that is the greatest lesson, and the greatest reward, relating to BKism. I almost feel we can close the forum on that note and put it on our front pa...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

09 Mar 2019

The saga rolls on with Indian intelligence department, the CBI, turning up at Virendra Dev Dixit's Kampil headquarters with the progress, news or result being ... absolutely nothing.

Virendra Dev Dixit is apparently still avoiding arrest on what appear to be entirely trumped up charges.

Re: Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani, aka Brahma Baba, married 9 year

06 Mar 2019

I cannot remember his second name. What was Denise's part in his death?

Re: Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgki

05 Mar 2019

BTW, what are the BKs this week? They are a religion, they are not a religion ... a World Spiritual University ... World Spiritual Organization ... an Academy ... a religio-political movement ... non-political ... they are Hindu ... they are not Hindu ... they are an NGO ... they are not an organisa...

Re: Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani, aka Brahma Baba, married 9 year

05 Mar 2019

It's been almost 40 years, I wish what happened to little Robert does not ever happen to another soul ... Denise truthfully explain her interaction with little Robert 72 hours prior to his horrific demise. We are headed a little off topic but you are referring to the suicide of Robert (name?) from ...

Re: Dada Lekhraj Kirpalani, aka Brahma Baba, married 9 year

04 Mar 2019

Narayan. I believe he died last year. I had not heard about that. If so, it's a great loss to the hope of historical accuracy. He lived with/looked after Lekhraj Kirpalani's other daughter, who left the BKs and had cancer, Surya Kumari was it? I suppose she is dead now too? To some extent his silen...

Re: BK Controversies

02 Mar 2019

Today I found out that Brahma Baba married his wife when he was 18. Guess how old his wife was? 9 years old. That's right ... it was told in a Murli class and no one seemed disturbed by this. Wow, so you are saying their sexual relationship started when Lekhraj Kirpalani was 21 and she was 12? Let ...

Re: BKs not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgkinson

02 Mar 2019

I understand your position oldbk, and it may be correct. Are there any true gurus left? It is true that the word is somewhat tarnished, in religious use, purely by the activities of those portraying themselves as gurus to a Western audience but, as Gupta points out, it is also used positively for an...

Re: BKs not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgkinson

01 Mar 2019

Is he a bench scientists, who develops and experimentally tests hypotheses? His great contribution to science was in the field of AIDS denial , arguing that HIV was not related to AIDS in his book 'AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science; How a Virus that Never Was Deceived the World'. When an ar...

Re: BKs not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgkinson

28 Feb 2019

Meanwhile, never missing to how much she gets paid per word to wash the family's linen in public in Right wing tabloids, ex-wife Liz writes The loneliness and endless regret of being a divorced grandmother: LIZ HODGKINSON is that 'discomforting modern phenomenon' Sitting at the kitchen table, a pens...

Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK guru Neville Hodgkinson

28 Feb 2019

Apparently, the Brahma Kumaris is not a cult says BK Neville Hodgkinson. Gosh, I am glad he cleared that one up for me. But when precisely did it stop being a cult? Neville Hodgkinson is perhaps more responsible that most BKs in the West for redifining BKism and making it suitable for the English sp...

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