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Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

09 Apr 2019

It has always seemed odd to me, the ways in which the Murlis would trivialize the roles of the majors players in world history, while elevating some of the BK top brass to highest eminence, and there are no demonstrated credentials to validate such highest eminence. I always go back and look at the...

Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

03 Apr 2019

The rains haven’t fallen last year and this has meant that our Brothers have had to source water from 10 different places just to keep up with the needs in Shantivan ... all Double Foreigner’s to drink only bottled mineral water and also brush their teeth with that ... Double Foreigner's ... I note...

Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

03 Apr 2019

I’ve never seen that part of that interview with Sheila before. I found it interesting that 'Ma Anand Sheela' was born as Sheela Ambalal Patel. Just like the BKs, he used a Patel as his business manager. I am thinking of Jayanti Kirpalani's apprentice, Manda Patel as I write. Looking at the intervi...

Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

03 Apr 2019

Ashoka clearly has to be one of the greatest rulers the world has ever known ... and yet he does not even figure as a blip on the BKs' radar. Neither he nor any of the world's other great rulers, philosphers, intellectuals and so on. The BKs have their "Tree of Humanity" ... again, from th...

Re: New timeline for the Golden Age

03 Apr 2019

I found this info on Osho's views about Brahma Kumaris. Hope it helps truth seekers in this forum. We very rarely see Indian spiritual leaders expressing their true views on other organizations. One amusing fact about Osho Rajneesh, who was famous for his collection of Rolls Royces, is that - like ...

Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

02 Apr 2019

Once I was told by a Sindhi merchant, a BK, that many Sindhi boys and girls do not pursue careers in medicine and surgery. Correct, however, it is not fair to write "Sindhi" but rather the emphasis should be on the "merchant" part. When we write Sindhi with reference to the BKs ...

Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

01 Apr 2019

No profession is more honourable than living in a centre as a professional delegator. That is less ”royal”. Oh, except for the profession of being a cultural critic. I am so royal, I don't even have to do BK Raja Yoga any more. I've just delegate that to the BKs under the Kirpalani Klan to do ... a...

Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

31 Mar 2019

They have an awkward euphemism to explain it, don't they? Something like "karmic accounts with the body". Or suggest that "the body" has its own karmic accounting system separate from the soul's. That is to say, she's still perfect inside ... but only the outside is faulted and s...

Re: The End of the World is Coming: BKs Buy More Property

25 Mar 2019

the difference is only a matter of time, when you get to the next stage. That would be skipping classes, Amrit Vela, and looking for answers outside of the BK system - like this forum. Still not ready to accept the reality - yet. The impression I get from many of the Neo-BKs is that they never got ...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

24 Mar 2019

Baba tells how how he went to see the film 'Saubhagya Sundari', which led to 'thoughts of marrying' and 'this and that'. May be it was true though ... But for marrying Om Radhe? A true "love marriage", instead of the loveless marriage to the mother of his children, his ex-child bride Jaso...

Re: Madhuban and BapDada Milan Experience

22 Mar 2019

son_goku wrote:prevalence of mobile phones means much of the audience is talking/messaging/or taking pictures.

Amazing ... so unclassy.

Is mobile phone use even sattvic? :shock:

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

21 Mar 2019

But, as you say, "anything goes if you just remember Baba while you do it".

And, if it does not ... well, "that's your karma".

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

21 Mar 2019

"could you take this large heavy suitcase packed with unknown items to Madhuban with you?" What was in your suitcase, did you ever look? For the trust few, bags of ' cash-cash ' was part of the courier run. I don't know if the changes to Indian tax/charity law has made a different to the ...

Re: More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

21 Mar 2019

How about, Religions: Have lots of land and properties, and sustainable income derived from them. Cults: Are still in the process of attaining them through any means, fair or foul. Was Remski writing about particular groups or is his stuff based on wide ranging research? I think it is wide ranging r...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

20 Mar 2019

I've stepped away from BK life, gotten married and am happier than I've been in a long, long time. Wow. Congratulations ... but why weren't we invited to the wedding? ;) Oh, BTW, once you are back from work, do you mind driving me to the airport, cleaning my house ... erm, I mean the centre ... the...

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