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Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

06 May 2019

And so - as in another question to you - is such behaviour acceptable, what does the BKWSU do to protect the vulnerable and newcomers from exploitation, what and where is the system for access such protection, are the wrongdoers punished - and if so how - and are the victims compensation for their l...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

Are you ready to drop the mask, the BK facade ... to just join us as a equal and answer questions honestly, rather than just give BK answers? Can you speak from your heart or do you feel duty bound to "serve" us up BKism? In English, "princess" is not just used literally but also...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

That's interesting, I never knew prajapita was a made up word. It is clearly derived from their earlier description of Lekhraj Kirpalani as Prajapati God Brahma. Another word play or a simple spelling mistake based on ignorance? Prajapati was the highest god and the creator of the universe who, a ti...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

05 May 2019

What an amazing snapshot of the reality of BKism 'on the ground' as it were. Were they running a "Gita pathsala"? It means a sort of BK local sub-centre in a private house or apartment. Can you define "flirting"? This is also an accusation that has been made about certain BKs Sis...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

05 May 2019

Look, with regards vlakshmi, I would like to start over again with them and for us to try and be nice and reasonable. I don't want this to end up as a "Beat up a BK" episode. However, that reasonableness needs to matched by Vlakshmi too. They need to show they can be honest and reasonable....

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

05 May 2019

Kumari means princess & ... prajapati means husband? They have changed it. One question to you, Rita, and other native Hindi speakers. Does an Indian look at "Brahma Kumaris" and think princess or daughter? I think this is another typical con the BKs have carried out re-marketing them...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

05 May 2019

@vlakshmi The words explained by you have wrong meanings. Why haven’t you clarified them with your Sanskrit scholar friend? You are correct, Rita, and it is very concerning. Vlakshmi's definitions - and even conceptions of elements of BKism - are their own, and made up nonsense for the most part. A...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 May 2019

It would be a good thing is they could admit, "we have been wrong and we may very well be being wrong again, and we do not really know what we are talking about" instead of believing "We are the Masters of the Ocean of Knowledge ... our Knowedge is Supreme and Unlimited™, all others a...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 May 2019

This language has also arise because almost all of the Seniors were uneducated - uneducated in secular studies and uneducated in Hindu/Vedic studies - and BKism developed outside of any educated reference ... no peer review, no examinations etc. They were free to make up their childish word plays an...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 May 2019

Most of the BK writings are so baseless that there is no meaning of it and the usage of Hindi is not accurate. It is to confuse people. From my experience and continued study of BKism, I would say it is a specific kind of confusion. They have develop a language - words and concepts - to deliberatel...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 May 2019

Vlakshmi/Golden Heart, Your definition of BK Brahmins as being "BROAD-MINDED" is your own manmat. It's not BKism and it is not broad-mindedness as generally understood. It is your own definition pertaining to a belief in the 5,000 year cycle. "Broad in your terms" means believing...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

04 May 2019

BK food is far more nourishing and healthier, and makes me feel good than the ordinary food. Well, why are so many BKs so sick and obese that they had to start heart and diabetes programs for them? I am amazed by how offering rice and dahl to their god spirit might increases its nourishment value. ...

Re: I really want to help you - please read ...

04 May 2019

Baba has said many times about 100 times punishment for BKs. Next time when I hear, I will post it here. I am sorry but I am going to have to invoke a rule we have used before here ... No Murli quotes unless they are linked to the full and originally dated Murli. The problem is ... you have already...

Re: I really want to help you - please read ...

04 May 2019

A forest is not made up of one or two fallen trees. If you want to enjoy the forest, you have to look at the forest as a whole. I found a picture of the whole of the BK forest. What vlakshmi appears to be agreeing is that there is no punishment within the system for BKs "sinning" (never m...

Re: I really want to help you - please read ...

03 May 2019

I just wish the whole bullsh** about celibacy = purity = superior would disappear. With that would go hierarchy. Not having sex is no big thing, especially when no one would be willing to have sex with you, you hate your husband, or you're just too damned old to care any more. All of which together...

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