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Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

29 Oct 2023

I, myself, have never been able to find a decent 'guru' in my life. It is not easy to have an innocent, faithful heart while being cheated again and again by charlatans and wicked people. Thank you for your concern but I assure you I have no intention of becoming one of their followers, just identi...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

28 Oct 2023

Where will all this stop? I tend to accept it as kind of evolution, i.e. that there are predators and prey among human beings, and that it is an "arms race" to see who can evolve the fastest; the predators to keep eating prey, and the prey to keep avoiding being eaten. But, in the case of...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

24 Oct 2023

Mystic is too lofty a word for these rascals (excuse my language). Just because a person has psychic abilities and is able to access spirits it does not mean he/she becomes spiritually elevated. There is another saying relative to spirits, I think it was from a Dzogchen Buddhist ... "Just beca...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

23 Oct 2023

I am reading up about Pirism in Bengal at the moment and, as an introduction, offer one summary from the Wikipedia . See also Pirism . Already we see elements that could translate into influences into BKism. Satya Pir Satya Pir (Bengali: সত্যপীর) is a belief system found in Bengal created by the fus...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

23 Oct 2023

Wow, that was new. If that is true, chances are he went to a Muslim 'pir'. I used to think all the references to 'farishta'/angels etc were added due to Christian influences but this would explain all the occult influence of this cult including why BKs almost never criticize Islam like they do othe...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

22 Oct 2023

If what ex-l has said that he went to some tantrik in Bengal region of India is true, it is quite possible that someone may have seen this desire in him and given him this power to connect to a spirit which was 'Satoguni' in nature (there are 3 'gunas' or natures/paths in tantra/Yoga/Bhakti or life...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

21 Oct 2023

A much shorter afterthought.

At the end of the day, either you are God or you are not. And if you are not God, but are lying about being God, then surely doesn't that count among the greatest lies or evils?

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

21 Oct 2023

How did he (Lekhraj) become so successful in brainwashing thousands of people so fast. Now, also they are spreading in the name of seva and social service. Who is behind it all? ... What is their ultimate agenda other than destroying lives of individuals? Many are saying that it's some plan of anti...

Re: Are the BKs Knocking On The Devil's Door?

19 Oct 2023

I don't know how old this forum is now. But have you revealed what actually running the BKs? Who is so called God Shiva which BKs are selling out to the people? What findings do we have by now? Why not still BKs are exposed? It was started in 2006 and there was another more secretive/contemptative ...

Re: BKWSU UK Banking Millions Every Year

12 Oct 2023

I don't know the answers. The big mystery for me is how do the Seniors or surrendered Sisters live and enjoy their international jet setting lifestyle, if they have no income. Or do they have? For example, did Jayanti Kirpalani keep her inheritance from her family to live off? (Remember there was a ...

Re: What is sakash according to BK?

04 Oct 2023

Lolz, I could do an entire podcast on why that spirit is so wrong. :D You should do, on Youtube. There's no enough properly critical material about the BKs up there. I do, however, worry that most people have a very short attention span these day, TikTok style, so you need to make quick 30 second t...

Re: What is sakash according to BK?

04 Oct 2023

Now, coming back to the point of sakash, it is important to note that there is a clear order of evolution of human consciousness which you cannot just bypass at your whims and fancies. So, for ordinary folk like us, first we have to do physical actions which gradually purify our heart ... Only afte...

BKWSU UK Banking Millions Every Year

03 Oct 2023

From the Charity Commission report, BKWSU UK are still banking millions every year tax free, their senior teachers somehow still managing to exist on zero wages, despite living an international lifestyle. 2021 - Total income = £4,961,925, Expenditure = £2,060,259. Profit = £2,901,666 2022 - Total in...

Re: New forum for BK/PBK followers

03 Oct 2023

No, he is not on this site and a few years ago he handed over the other site to, I believe, some BKs. Speak to "Golden Heart" and see if you can get a straight answer out of him. I don't know what happened to Shivsena. May be he finally let go. I thought he was a PBK and wanted to support ...

Re: What is sakash according to BK?

03 Oct 2023

It's the BKs' way of thinking they are doing something, being seen to do something "good", while doing nothing ad keeping the money for themselves.

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