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Re: State of scientific research into meditation & conscious

21 Jul 2019

Are these scientists who believe in "the soul", as the BKs present it, as a starting point? You name check "quantum physics", but would an attempt to fit "the soul" into that framework not just be a further extension of materialism, rather than accepting to be some othe...

Re: State of scientific research into meditation & conscious

20 Jul 2019

What or where's the current state of art/argument with regards consciousness, or "soul", its creation or existence? Or is it still a taboo area and a question of faith? I always thought it was the weakest/most difficult argument science had, to theorise that consciousness somehow magically...

Re: State of scientific research into meditation & conscious

18 Jul 2019

I have not taken time to listen to all of the audio yet but rate of expansion in studies and papers jumped out at me. When we were BKs, there'd literally be just a handful of them and they were definitely way out there in "crank science" territory. The other thing was a throwaway line abou...

State of scientific research into meditation & consciousness

15 Jul 2019

From: The Science of Meditation: A Conversation , Sam Harris speaking with Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson. The authors have done both science on the subject and an meta-analysis of other works. Interesting to note they mention the existence of about 6,000 papers on the topic of which 60 they...

Re: Experiences of those surrendered, living at the center?

07 Jul 2019

I do recall Sudesh, forbidding an prominent Indian-American BK Sister from conducting morning meditation because the Indian-American Sister was experiencing her period. How would she even know? I ask that to underline how far the BK leaders go in crossing adherents' personal boundary lines . It app...

Re: Experiences of those surrendered, living at the center?

05 Jul 2019

There are a few non-BK papers about the topic. What comes up a lot is how even talking about menstruation is a taboo, eg Menstruation related myths in India: strategies for combating it , Suneela Garg and Tanu Anand. J Family Med Prim Care (2015), and Exploration of the foundation of menstrual taboo...

Re: Experiences of those surrendered, living at the center?

05 Jul 2019

During periods, one was not allowed to offer Bhog ... I offered Bhog especially when I had my periods :). I don't think 'Baba' got angry at me. I can imagine Lekhraj Kirpalani was blushing a little ... Accepted things used to be much more orthodox and disciplined. You decide whether that was better...

Earned Dogmatism Hypothesis

30 Jun 2019

Self-proclaimed supreme and global Masters of the Ocean of Knowledge™, the Brahma Kumaris might do well to consider the 'Earned Dogmatism Hypothesis' [Ottati, Price, Wilson, and Sumaktoyo (2015)]. The Earned Dogmatism Hypothesis is that social norms entitle so called experts to behave in a closed-mi...

Re: BKism vs Hinduism

27 Jun 2019

Do you think there has been a change in the quality and nature of the male adherents supporting the Kumaris now? It's purely an anecdotal impression for me but in the early days, they attracted a hippy, new agey, traveller type (of Western males). Now I get the feeling there are a lot more nerdy, IT...

Re: BKism vs Hinduism

25 Jun 2019

OK, I'll stand corrected and suggest "intellectuall lazy", as in not checking the facts. How would you better define them? Middle class social climbers? Fantasists, egotists? Is it a big thing for them to think of themselves as the true "Brahmins" or "rajyogis"? Somethi...

Re: BKism vs Hinduism

24 Jun 2019

History is generally always complicated, extensive and messy and it's clear that Lekhraj Kirpalani liked and offered simplistic order and symmetry in his thinking. One might ask why? The problem is, people, we all as BKs, invested ourselves, our sincerity but also our egos, in believe that it was al...

Re: Murli Experiments Begin on July 1

22 Jun 2019

HEAD's UP: Murli Experiments begin on 1 July Murli Experiments’, an innovative addition to each day’s Murli, will be starting from 1 July. If nothing else, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University's persistent inability to use apostrophes properly, is evidence enough for me that they are neith...

Re: BKism vs Hinduism

22 Jun 2019

It's all demented, idiotically simplicist ****. I am sorry for being so blunt but it really is. It is irritating because it starts with a huge fallacy, a fallacy Lekhraj Kirpalani himself goes on to state is false, and gets worse from there. Question: If there is no such religion as HInduism, why wo...

Re: Self Help makes you feel worse?

10 Jun 2019

Why do astronauts not have similar experiences in zero gravity?

Re: Self Help makes you feel worse?

09 Jun 2019

I've never tried flotation tanks because when they existed, there was a business fad for them a while ago that's kind of moved on to something else, they were beyond my budget ... but I'd like to. I see the logic in reducing brain/neural stimulation simply caused by the effects of gravity/old age et...

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