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Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

17 Sep 2019

Note the last sentence from the earliest post. The MOOLA , the biggest attraction for the BKs !! I notice that far from the old Shrimat "we don't ask for donations", there is a Paypal donation request link. I have to say the whole thing looks so scrappy to me, I cannot even work out if it...

Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

16 Sep 2019

It's terrible and disgusting. The blatant audacity of it all. With Janki, Jayanti and all of the senior monkeys in "Rama's army" sitting back knowingly, absolutely fine what is going on, while the middle management and junior ranks make up another layer of sh*t to go on top of the pile. Th...

Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

16 Sep 2019

As part of these new developments, the BKs usurp Google's trademark with their own BK Google search . I cannot imagine that will last long as soon as Google finds out about it. Even more shocking is ... they even say something nice about the still fugitive Virendra Dev Dixit !!! And usurp his "...

Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud now!

16 Sep 2019

On what I understand to be the official Brahma Kumaris website, the birth of Krishna has now been pushed back to 2036 and with a new correlation that Krishna Janmashtami (birth of Krishna) happens 100 years after Shivjayanti (birth of Shiva into Lekhraj Kirpalani). This is, of course, yet another ne...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

15 Sep 2019

But, but, but ... if the law is we reap what we sow, is not the size of harvest just the fruit of our good or bad karma? I am still trying to imagine the response of Farmer Weekly magazine to the suggestion of OMing over your seeds before you plant them. Plus, what we have not addressed yet, is how ...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

14 Sep 2019

the appreciation of the gift of life (why it's called ’the present’ ;-) ) ... All the rest is fluff, ribbons and wrappings. And, yes folks, the big thing about the present being a present is ... you cannot take it back to the shop and get a refund for your money, so you need to appreciate it in the...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

12 Sep 2019

I think for years we fooled ourselves trying to believe there was something "deep" or mystically significant to be found in the Murlis when, in fact, they were just stupefyingly boring and repetative. To me, this latest strategy, along with the perpetual whittling down of the text, is a fu...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

11 Sep 2019

So it's just a 10 minute class to play before reading the stripped down Murli? Why do they bother having centre-in-charges any more? All they need are Robo-BKs playing recordings. Like a BK Siri or BK Alexa unit. "Alexa, read me today's Murli". "Alexa, what is the meaning of seed stag...

Re: State of scientific research into meditation & conscious

10 Sep 2019

Here's an interesting development that's going to challenge the spiritually minded, including myself, who have hard time believing that consciousness can develop "from the meat upwards" rather than enter, occupy and operating it as a soul or ghost in a machine. Lab-grown ‘mini brains’ prod...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

09 Sep 2019

Oh, I forgot the other benefit, "something to tell the UN about" or "something to tell people we've told the UN about" (even if no one listened to us). I still wonder why it did not work remotely? Why should soul power be limited by geography? What is the "Murli experiment&q...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

09 Sep 2019

" yogic agriculture" (nonsense) Do you mean BK Seniors are saying BK yogic agriculture is nonsense? Or that yogic agriculture is nonsense? One element within BKism criticising other elements within BKism is nothing new. We were told some Seniors were very critical of SpARC , their quasi-s...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

05 Sep 2019

In this case, they also did their usual thing of tabling a non-BK to speak at one of their events in order to fluff their ego up, and make them "cooperative" while putting on a more broader facade. Liza Zogib of DiversEarth Often you find at these events most of the audience is actually BK...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

05 Sep 2019

So they are claiming BKism can overcoming all of the world's environmental problems ... just in time for the world to be destroyed by a nuclear war and natural disasters that will sink 4.5 of the world's continents? Explain the benefits of that to me? Do not hesitate to Meditate on material things. ...

Re: Open for Business - Again

05 Sep 2019

Can you translate that into plain English? How about ... "Guest retreats" ... Useful upper middle class non-BKs that they are trying to seduce/impress? Inducement to BKs, "you can only get a single room if you bring in an important/valuable/rich mark, in which case you can stay on as ...

Re: Child Abuse & the BKWSU VI

02 Sep 2019

I note the Brahma Kumaris have not signed up to the The National Redress Scheme in Australia which provides support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. The National Redress Scheme provides support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. The Scheme: acknowl...

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