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Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

30 Oct 2019

What punishment does the above sinful acts of the so-called deity souls deserve as per BK-law of Karma? Will BK-Shivani Answer this in public ...? Ah, well, you see ... the BKs' lawyers wrote a exception to the Law of Karma that states that BKs, and especially BK leaders, are exempt from the reacti...

Re: [Campaign] Murli requests from BKs to BrahmaKumaris.Info

25 Oct 2019

Thank you for giving us a vision of the current level of mentality within the BKWSU. This topic was started years ago when the BK leadership kept the Murlis "under lock and key", i.e. only available from password encrypted servers on a daily basis, with BKs not allowed to take Murlis out o...

Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

22 Oct 2019

I know once a Mata surrendered her hard saved money to the BK centre and unfortunately the money is lost by BK in-charge Sister. She remained calm and put the blame to the Mata, saying your money was rejected by Baba, may be because it was not pure/ not earned by legal means. You see, this is the v...

Re: Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

21 Oct 2019

Those who are privileged don't have a clue. To be saddled with debt of $250,000 with compounding interest that is not even yours is a very heavy burden. I hope the victim of this deceit has managed to find proper counselling and support. Nope. They don’t have a clue. It's worse than not having a cl...

Defrauded $250,000? BK Shivani says, "It's your karma"

21 Oct 2019

So this is the best you get if you ask the BKs advice. A friend rips you off for $250,000 and does a runner to India ... the BK Shivani's answer? "... Consider this as good. Something better will happen for you now. Since it is a divine universal law – whatever you give out, you will get back ....

Re: Influence of Memories: BKism as Lekhraj Kirpalani's Unre

18 Oct 2019

A quick footnote. It is too much to ask for someone to be able to make a "grand theory" in a single post on an internet forum ... and my idea is still a work in progress for me, however ... but ask yourself what the core DNA of the BKs still is, their core values and positions on life and ...

Influence of Memories: BKism as Lekhraj Kirpalani's Unresolved Psychology

17 Oct 2019

Carrying on from State of scientific research into meditation & consciousness . I was just watching a documentary called ' Hunting for Hedonia ' based on a book called ' The Pleasure Shock' by Lone Frank about the controversial work of Dr Robert Heath, a neuropsychiatrist/surgeon who researched ...

Re: "This is my first text here", Oceanlam

10 Oct 2019

OceanIam wrote:Anyway, soon will be sharing a video of BKs trying to burn a lady alive on road.

Really? That's a new low for them.

Re: BapDada Milan November 2018

10 Oct 2019

The fraud continues... How can this be LIVE, when Dadi Gulzar is in the hospital and it is a "re-run"? The BK leadership has established its right to redefine language to whatever is most expedient or useful, and to be unchallenged as it does so. BKism has become the Art of Expedience. It...

Re: "This is my first text here"

08 Oct 2019

Try going to the forum you want to start a topic in.

Under the title should be a button saying "New Topic". Click it and post.

Sorry, we had a problem with spammers and so registration was turned to "Admin approval" for some time so they could not spam the forum.

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

03 Oct 2019

Does the BKWSU provide access to the overall accounts to followers? This would be the JOKE OF THE DAY ... very funny. Glad to make you laugh ... only I am guessing no one but the inner circle is. Someone came on here and said something like the BKWSU has enough cash and gold reserves to survive 12,...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

29 Sep 2019

Do you think they "believe" any more? Do you think the inner circle believes any more? Do you think believing is a requirement for accessing the inner circle? Or is it all just about "bums on seats" and keeping the income stream coming in? Does the BKWSU provide access to the ove...

Re: Meditation, ‘yogic agriculture’ - BKWSU

24 Sep 2019

Raja Yoga meditation is a form of meditation that is accessible to people of all backgrounds ... Meditation is a state of being in that place just beyond every day consciousness, which is where spiritual empowerment begins.

It's also total garbage from a Gyan point of view, is not it?

Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

24 Sep 2019

With the distributed franchise model of the BKs, similar to that of McDonald's and other fast food restaurants ... You mean, individual and franchising holdings, with some autonomy, serving up the same product wherever in the world you are, within an overall brand image? And a commission going back...

Re: Birth of Krishna Revised to 2036, Invest in Sound Cloud

18 Sep 2019

They will form and run the world government. Have they told Putin and Trump, Israel and Iran yet? In just 7 years with zero experience in actually governance? It shows you how insane they are. The cult has hardly moved on since the Om Radhe days when she expect the world to come and surrender at th...

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