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Re: The Admin who runs the website called BK PBKs info,

27 Dec 2023

I cannot see the post or member who you are referring to with that link as I am not a member. Can you copy and paste it here? I see Arjun still posts there. I don't know if it is the same person who used that account here, but you could try asking him. It's a very sad situation. Some years ago, I to...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

20 Dec 2023

I don't want to sound arrogant but I understand Indian society better than you both in present times, as well as historically speaking ... Perhaps so, but I am not just referring to court details but also the religious materials that they themselves produced. You cannot build an age of truth out of...

Re: The Four Horseman of the Non-Apocalypse

20 Dec 2023

A person of lesser character, who did not have it in him to sacrifice neither himself nor even an iota of his personal wealth/belongings/lifestyle for the freedom of his country ... who was looking for an easy way to satiate a deep rooted inferiority complex of not getting a 'sufficiently high' sta...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

17 Dec 2023

( I'll aways preface this but admitting that I don't know if anything is true, but I am attempting to report what was said and done accurately ) I once knew a healer who specialised in breaking psychic chords or attachments. Actually, there are many and different approaches to do so, but she was dif...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

16 Dec 2023

I strongly believe that whatever spirit possessed Mr. Lekhraj did not do it because it wanted to satiate its desires through his body or his followers bodies. I think its a different, far deeper game than we can guess or imagine sitting in the comfort of our homes. Your second sentence is the big $...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

14 Dec 2023

Most Western experiments that have taken place take it for granted that spiritual experiences can be induced by altering states of consciousness by use of such chemicals mainly because ... I just wanted to make one thing clear. When it came to drugs, herbs, and alcohol etc opening people up psychic...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

12 Dec 2023

Now comes a more interesting question that is what makes a person get more experience than other in channeling type relationship. I believe there are two types of people ... Good post, very clear and helpful. As a quick observation, I'd throw in a third unrelated influence, e.g. those under the inf...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

03 Dec 2023

"Did you have any meditational experiences, visions etc?" No ... Never. Amazing. How disappointing. And yet you still stuck it out for years? Did you ever teach the course? You see, there's another angle on the whole BK experience. When you are in, no one really expresses honest sentiment...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

29 Nov 2023

How the BK meditation (Remember Baba ... while doing all works or while sitting) works? What is the psychology or mechanism behind it? is there any real spirit whom they call God Shiva behind all this? Did you have any meditational experiences, visions etc? I remember once when I was coerce to go a...

Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

27 Nov 2023

Has there been any update or more details, or a response from the headquarters or leadership? Apparently, one of the victims mentioned in the suicide note. " [The other BKs] bought a flat with the money. Several others died by suicide which was covered up by them ". So what happened to Bab...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

24 Nov 2023

Then again, do the multitudes of ancient gods & demons that have ever been named, believed in, experienced by people in the time of homo sapiens, any of those gods created when a tribe, a priest, a shaman "breathed life" into them, do they still exist after those tribes themselves bec...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

16 Nov 2023

Yeah, imagine the influence of spirit mediumship to be some kind of psychoanalytical equivocation? Then that is what you'll understand your experience to be. An interesting question for spiritualists to answer is why has the power and influence of the BK spook weakened or diffused to the degree that...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

12 Nov 2023

Imagine yourself as a channel of divine energy? Then that is what you'll understand your experience to be. I think the conclusion that Human and I had gotten to, is that it or they aren't "divine". Which is more the point. We had the experiences being told that they were, when they are cl...

Re: BKism: Spirits, super consciousness or psychology?

10 Nov 2023

That's the crux of it. Not real "knowledge" just mental plugs to stop people thing, questioning and, especially, questioning their authority. There is no meditation here. None whatsoever. A bit of autohypnosis to calm the mind and make it more open and submissive, may be? Certain, meditat...

Re: Karma. Why did Islam Invade Bharath and Give Sorrow

08 Nov 2023

some ignorant people, who think of themselves as spiritual, blame rape victims, cancer patients etc for their tragedies and suffering by blaming it all on their karma. Well, that definitely includes the BKs concept of it. In the West, they argued that what happened to the Jews in WWII was their own...

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