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Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

05 Feb 2020

It was not so much society to make me hitch up with my twin flame or soul mate. It was my personality. I am a ladies man or, as a young man, a magnet for girls and just had to settle down with a matching Sister. The BK life was too restrictive for me, a freedom loving person. Top marks for being ab...

Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

05 Feb 2020

Because I know celibacy is very important for spiritual growth Do you know, or have you been told, in essence, indoctrinated into the idea? Is it a true statement, or is just because the BKs' current ideas resonate with that prior indoctrination? is not learning to relate with others, and taking ca...

Re: My ‘guru’ raped me, Brahma Kumaris devotee tells court

04 Feb 2020

Thank you for posting this. The case is still going on. Interesting to see how strident the BKs are becoming while defending themselves. See also, Brahma Kumaris devotee had old tear in hymen, doctor tells court . Unfortunately, she took five months to lodge a report because she felt scared of going...

Re: Why do people adopt BK life?

04 Feb 2020

Thank you. I cannot say your response helps me to understand human or BK psychology but at least to accept it. Human beings are strangely compartmentalised and the various parts appear to be quite disconnected with others. When I was a BK, the leaders, the Baba, were all adamant that the Golden Age ...

Re: Why do people adopt BK life?

03 Feb 2020

How long have you been a BK, why did you join, and why do you remain?

Are you not concerned about the failures in the predictions, or the revisions in The Knowledge to suit the times?

Re: Brahmakumaris Matrimonial News: Khannas, Blandfords & ot

03 Feb 2020

Why would you like to be married?

What sort of life do you hope to live and why would it be better than, say, living in a Brother's bhavan with our BK Brothers?

Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

22 Jan 2020

The wearing of the eye liner, I was told, was to protect the eyes from exposure from dust. I think that's just a add on rationalisation made by someone who had no awareness of the original documents or the actual history. There was some "magical" or occult connection between the eye liner...

Re: Original 1940 Anti-Om Mandli Book found

15 Jan 2020

there is also facts not proven like Lehkraj starting Om Mandali in PAKISTAN. Pakistan will do whatever it takes to stop something like this. Hi Skyblade, welcome to the forum. Have you had interaction with the BKs? Best slow down on the speculation. The history of the movement is fairly well know. ...

Re: Dalit Students Commit Suicide at BK School Due to Bullyi

16 Dec 2019

In an entirely separate incident, a young girl in contact with the Brahmakumarij Center in Shihori committed suicide by burning herself to death, again, not the first time for a BK. The Father of the 25 year old deceased, Vardhilal Ganpatlal Thaku, has filed a complaint at Shihori Police Station on ...

Dalit Students Commit Suicide at BK School Due to Bullying

16 Dec 2019

A dalit student has committed suicide at BKs' Saroj Lalji Mehrotra Global Nursing College , part of the J Watumull Global Hospital & Research Centre, due to bullying a newspaper reports. It is the second instance of a student committing suicide in the college in the last five months. Read about ...

Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

14 Dec 2019

I agree. I think this is reflected in the way, the BKs are going after property of BK followers, taking money, wealth, getting a Will written in BKs favor etc. The other groups don't seem to do this. ... In direct opposition to Lekhraj Kirpalani's or "god's" original directions. It used t...

Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

12 Dec 2019

Good point. Also, even a leading Western BK (Charlie in Australia) admitted how it had become difficult to attract the same quality of followers as they used to. As in, the most were just unrealised "Bhagat souls" for whom BKism, as it is practised today, is actually intellectually easier ...

Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

10 Dec 2019

Yes, now that the Avyakt meetings are off, they have found a new ... way to milk the Bhagats But they are still calling it ... merely sitting watching a video ... "the meeting with BapDada" to attract the curious one supposes, and - as you say - to milk them of cash. They were clearly wor...

Re: A Pandemic of Sexual Abuse in the Yoga Community?

09 Dec 2019

I just watched the movie, 'Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator' about the rise and fall of the founder of Bikram Hot Yoga franchise corporation. One of the clips that stood out for me was him claiming to be the most spiritual person in the world. Another over the top self-fantasist masking a truly nasty ch...

Re: BKs Multi-Level Marketing has gathered strength

09 Dec 2019

I see a link to a much longer version of it, here; Invitation to March 2020 Teacher Training for the Foundation Course in ORC Delhi , and also a new dedicated website for it, " Angel of Shiva ". Note, "Please note that attending this training does not automatically qualify participant...

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