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Re: Dadi Janki's death

27 Mar 2020

Anyone knows what this will bring? Let us speculate. But, hey, before we do, can I just be the first to remind you to be happy ... and "Go Eat Halva"! (that famous Murli quote) Now, firstly, does that mean she was only an 83 birth soul and misses...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

25 Mar 2020

India is currently on a "total lockdown" for 21 days. A virtual curfew with public gatherings, including religious ones, banned and rules with up to two years in prison and heavy fines. It has already issued a ban on international arrivals and grounded domestic flights. The country's rail ...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

20 Mar 2020

Someone pointed out to me that while 200 deaths have happened related to CORVID-19 in the USA, during the same period 22,000 deaths have happened related to ordinary flu (with 50 million infected), which makes one wondered. Going back on topic to the BKs, Sister Mohini has voiced his wisdom that the...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

17 Mar 2020

Are the BKs panic buying and back into centres holding 6 month supplies? Something like this really brings out the worst in human beings. Apparently one of the key spreaders was a member of a South Korean cult who adamantly kept attending cult meetings, and not seeking treatment. Currently, for god ...

National Complaints Board: BK Taking Gold off the Record etc

06 Mar 2020

From: National Consumer Complaints Forum (India) Brahma Kumaris, India, Rajasthan Consumer complaints and reviews about Brahma Kumaris Pooja Mani Jan 31, 2020 Destroying families My mother has joined bramkumaries 5yrs back, after that my mother forced my Father and other relatives also to join bramk...

Re: Brahma Kumaris concept of ego

12 Feb 2020

BKs, on one hand, try to pretend that they are most merciful souls in the world and at the same time they become merciless ... BKism is just hotch-potch type system where ... [t]hey say it’s right because I am saying so ... Accepted. They are only the "most merciful souls" subject to thei...

Re: Brahma Kumaris concept of ego

10 Feb 2020

There is no more self-contradictory statement than to say ”I have no ego”. How about if the soul says, ”the ego has no I”? That was another habit they used to have, addressing oneself as "the soul". Instead of saying, eg, "I like white rice", they would say, "the soul likes...

Re: How cult leavers reorganize into two demographic splits

10 Feb 2020

Of course, within the BKs - especially Indian BKs - there is the idea that a certain amount of abuse is good for young/subservient followers; and I think that for those of us who came in with unrealistic spiritual archetypes in our minds, again we expected a certain amount of strictness and discipli...

Re: My ‘guru’ raped me, Brahma Kumaris devotee tells court

10 Feb 2020

I hope the BK Brother is thrown in jail. The punishment should be worse because he is a BK. In fact, the BKWSU should be demanding it. Seems like it's from seven years to ten years (in cases where "aggravated") to imprisonment for life, and liable to fine, in India. If, as a BK, he is lyin...

Re: My ‘guru’ raped me, Brahma Kumaris devotee tells court

10 Feb 2020

Please don't take it personally. Ego is a disease and almost all of us are under it's influence. This disease affects our objectivity and ability to see the truth as it is (depending on how much influenced we are). Kind of makes us partially blind to the accurate truth. I am not offended at all. Al...

How cult leavers reorganize into two demographic splits

08 Feb 2020

From Matthew Remski'a website: What Happens in the Next Generation On From a High-Demand Group? Those who leave or escape from high-demand Yoga groups seem to reorganize through two successive demographic splits. The first split separates out those who must ghost out of the industry altogether to he...

Re: Brahma Kumaris concept of ego

08 Feb 2020

Do they even clearly definite what they mean by "ego" ?

Re: My ‘guru’ raped me, Brahma Kumaris devotee tells court

07 Feb 2020

If it is my ego, then I happily accept that accusation. Unfortunately she is 1,000s of miles away and so there is nothing I can do practically. From this perspective, at best her suffering can only become a warning to others, and an encouragement to speak out. What will happen to her, and him, now? ...

Re: My ‘guru’ raped me, Brahma Kumaris devotee tells court

06 Feb 2020

Hi. I don't quite understand your position or point of view; and, of course, if there is any criticism of my reaction, I completely encourage and accept it. What's the official BK response? One might start with why the graphic interest in the prurient* details of the story on behalf of the newspaper...

Are BK males incels seeking female company or truly volcels?

05 Feb 2020

Incel is a new word, and an rising internet phenomenon. It means ‘involuntary celibate’ and although it's taken on a typically American influence among young, typically white, typically right-wing men who want to find a girlfriend, but can’t, I am wondering if there are not similarities, especially...

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