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Court finds BKs not educating & operating for profit

04 Apr 2020

An old case I had not come across before that illuminates not just the efforts the Brahma Kumaris go to gain money, but also avoid paying taxes on it. It also underlines the Brahma Kumaris latter Noto bene, " After discussing the various decisions of the Apex Court as well as various other High...

Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

04 Apr 2020

Elsewhere I wrote, For me, the entire inner circle are corrupt. They sustained a lie about their history. They maintain lies about their various revisions and modifications. They close ranks and cover up endless malfeasances within the organisation. And given the extremely strongly likelihood it is ...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

04 Apr 2020

... it becomes what is called "riding the gravy train" - those on it get the best handed to them by virtue of simply having a seat. And those who have remained on it the longest, get the best seat? I don't know. Obviously, in the background, there is an inner circle who decide things. The...

Re: BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

03 Apr 2020

I remember Ratanmohini conducting lectures for the double foreigners 30 plus years ago ... The 3 Sisters do have value for the organization; their wisdom and mediumship can be invaluable. The question being, wisdom in doing what? Ratanmohini is about 95. If we take 11 in 1937 ... then 18 in 1944 wh...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

03 Apr 2020

Official statement.
Thanks to BapDada that the Brahmin Family is under the protective canopy of BapDada in the present critical times of COVID-19.

Dadi Janki has also ascended to the angelic region which indicates that it’s time for the world drama to restart.

BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini & Ishu

03 Apr 2020

In their habit of "showing respect" to the most elderly, rather than the most effective or whatever, the BKs have announced new figureheads; Ratan Mohini and Dadi Ishu. I don't know them. Gulzar (aka Hradyamohini), I understand, is pretty much senile now so one wonders how she can administ...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

03 Apr 2020

Thank you for your extended and valid account of Janki. Yes, that one memory, the "Good Soul" one, is probably the most outstanding of my BK experience. Of course, I am pretty sure *she* did not believe what she said to me either!!! It was just so empty. We've documented & discussed J...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

01 Apr 2020

I spent some time in a centre where Janki was based and attended many classes and annual rituals she presided over, both formal, ie Morning Class, and informal, ie small intimate groups of a handful of people. The truth is, although I played along with the game of "showing respect", so bel...

Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

31 Mar 2020

Thanks to BapDada that the Brahmin Family is under the protective canopy of BapDada in the present critical times of COVID-19. Yeah, and how many times have we heard that one? "Not a hair on your head will be touched", Baba is like a loving mother cat ... until BKs start dropping dead, th...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

31 Mar 2020

An update from Jayanti. Looking at the video above, how on earth can she say, "It was a very peaceful, quiet, deeply spiritual and very moving ceremony ... people sitting on the lawn all around observing social distancing of 3 feet at least, and others watching from a distance". Of course,...

Re: BKs fear mongering on Corona virus pandemic

30 Mar 2020

This is the English translation. Thank you for posting. Please allow me to translate the inner meaning, "With all the gold and jewelry, one won’t be able to buy a drop of water ... so give it all to us now, before it is too late". Pretty much a repeat of what they said in 1976 ... and in 1...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

29 Mar 2020

I apologise for being a BK back to the BKs but this is the "shooting" phase for the next World Drama, whatever happens in the Confluence Age is supposed to reverberate and happen back for the next 5,000 years. is not that even the filthy, ignorant, vicious Kali Yuga governments are providi...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

28 Mar 2020

Slick production. Increasing vague. Lightning fast treatment of her early days. Myth established. No controversies touched upon. Not surprisingly, they *still* push her as "was declared the most stable mind in the world by the scientists of the Medical and Science Research Institute at the Univ...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

27 Mar 2020

Her funeral was livestreamed, and **** me, what a pandemonium it was by the looks of it, complete with still labelled plastic bottles of ghee. I am sorry folks but, to be quite frank, I think she was an old crapbag much responsible for the damage & mess that the BKs have caused to 100,000s of fa...

Re: Dadi Janki's death

27 Mar 2020

The media team are working it, Dadi Janki, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, the World’s Largest Spiritual Organization, Died at the age of 104 but the most they will get are Tweets back from politicians at this time. Janki had travelled 29,000 miles last year. What will it mean for regime change? Is Jayanti...

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