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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

30 Apr 2020

A polite request to keep discussion referring to or centered back on BKism. I guess you guys must have personal blogs or something, or that there is elsewhere to debate such issues. For the sake of our primary purpose, I think we should err on the side of established sources. The USA does appear to ...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

25 Apr 2020

A touching story. Only a week or so after 100 year old BK Janki Kirpalani died, a 99 year old Thomas Moore (born 30 April 1920), informally known as "Captain Tom" and a former British Army officer, has raised over £28.7 million in aid of a genuine charity as a response to the COVID-19 pand...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

24 Apr 2020

Oh, and how exactly do the BKs believe all viruses will be killed off before 2036, ready for a pure, Golden Age? It appears there are plenty of idiots in other religions doing their bit to make this crisis worse, from Islamic Mullahs proclaiming not just that viruses will not spread in Mosques "...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

24 Apr 2020

The players behind the current pandemic have the aim of a vaccine and mandatory vaccination. Most vaccines are loaded with toxic impurities. The BKs love to travel lets see them line up with their sleeves folded or nostrils ready for the dirty/toxic vaccines for COVID-19! Two interesting problems f...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

21 Apr 2020

Meanwhile, BKs claim BKism increases inner immunity and "serves" the world just by thinking at it. In the UK, they went into a three week lockdown mid-March and, I suspect, are still in it. The lockdowns are damaging small to medium sized business of which they are one in general. Many wil...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

21 Apr 2020

Please, there is no need to. It's a little off topic related to a forum on the Brahma Kumaris and it is really not my interest area. Presently, I am reading and watching fairly large scale, militarized stand offs by what I would call the Idiot Right in the USA, supported by the Idiot President, who ...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

21 Apr 2020

First Noble Truth - **** Happens. Other Noble Truths - It is possible to minimise, even eliminate the ****. Madhyamaka version - Don't think that even if eliminated it won't come back because, well, see first noble truth. And the truth according to Zen - **** happens instantly? I don't what went wr...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

20 Apr 2020

The sort of thing I would like to know is, how much do the BKs financially benefit from each episode of scaremongering? If,for example, it is demonstrated that following each scaremongering they benefit from a 10% increase in donations, because followers are afraid the end is near and are suckered i...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

18 Apr 2020

Let us not forget that the WHO is part of the United Nations and the BKs have NGO status in the UN. There will be many red flags flying if we see any networking between the BKs and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation! Already happening ... come on, seriously, do you think the BKs can sniff the mo...

What is your opinion of this so-called BK organization?

18 Apr 2020

Seems like many Indians do see through the Brahma Kumaris, "No one has praised them for their cleverness. Unlike other religious groups who target the uneducated, this group is unique in trapping even the educated people in their net of frauds." Anonymous Originally Answered: What is your ...

Re: How leading BKs cover up minor sex abuse incident

17 Apr 2020

From another post in the same thread ... Note " A 7th grade girl left everything for BK and after 20 yrs, when she had major health issues was sent back home as they wanted her parents to take care of her. " Anonymous Originally Answered: What is your opinion on this so-called Indian organ...

Re: BKWSU Rebels Begin to Show Up

17 Apr 2020

Welcome and thank you for posting. Yes, we can imagine very well what having one BK family member means. Please allow me to dive in at the deep end here ... has the family ensured your mother's well being in the case of his death? Best check his will to make sure he is not giving the BKs everything ...

Re: How leading BKs cover up minor sex abuse incident

16 Apr 2020

What was she buying? How do they run their finances? Are there official bank accounts and records, or is it all just cash in hand and controlled by center-in-charges? Sarla Didi was head of Gujarat Brahmakumaris in Mumbai where they have a special VIP service centre, where is it, in upmarket Vile Pa...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

16 Apr 2020

Did you listen to it all? The way he speaks sends me to sleep. Short summary is, "the rich will get richer", which is no surprise. I am remembering Rothschild who raced back from Waterloo to make millions on false reports the British lost? But, at the end of the day, they are all just in t...

How leading BKs cover up minor sex abuse incident

16 Apr 2020

How leading BKs cover up minor sex abuse incidents. Interesting snapshot from a Quora report involving BK Mohan Singhal, BK Sarla bhen, BK Ge eta bhen. Reading between the lines, I suspect this must be a wealthy family they are courting. I also note the luxury to which they have become accustomed; s...

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