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Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

03 May 2020

Medical Colonel Hansa Raval is a Dr, she was a pathologist in the US Army and one of the first BKs in the USA. She abandoned her infant child when she left her husband to join the BKWSU, but then had a relationship and, arguably, a false marriage with another male BK, we presume for the sake of a vi...

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

02 May 2020


the BKs have basically got you on a street corner peddling a soft drug (not knowing what it in it), in the hope that some of your clients will crave a harder drug, for which they will have to go to a BK crackhouse to get direct.

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

02 May 2020

Therefore, in BKspeak, what they really mean by "immunity" is 'faith in the Baba', underlined by a superstition - for which there is plenty contradictory evidence - that it will protect you from everything from a viral infection to the effects of nuclear radiation? I suppose the obvious re...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

01 May 2020

I am a damn West Indian, a West Indian American. If we are going to argue over anachronistic terms, what's a "West Indian American"? A Gujerati American? In contrast to an "East Indian American" who might be a Bengali America? Strictly speaking, I was not calling you anything at...

Re: Corona and/or Krishna: Which Corona?

01 May 2020

There are things I go through that are uncomfortable, but there are lessons to learn from these, so I can come to the understanding of what the benevolence is. You mentioned that people having the possibility of time about thinking more deeply what is going on. I see this as the benevolence of Covi...

Re: Corona and/or Krishna: Which Corona?

01 May 2020

I tend to think Gupta knows better than most of the true rigours of real science and I'll be the first to criticise the problems with the medical/pharmaceutical world (the first being, who pays for what science, and what science is not done that should be done because it goes against their interest)...

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

01 May 2020

maruthis wrote:Thank you all for sharing your experiences and perspectives in such detail. I truly appreciate it.

Thank you. Just out of interest, which elements of BKism are you teaching and how much exposure to their teachings and lifestyle have you had?

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

01 May 2020

Yes, the technique is effective. But ... There are two different things here, a) a technique being effective, and b) a technique having an effect. I think I would argue that BKism fits within the latter, but is a chimera with respect to the first. Yes, it has an effect, but different effects on ind...

Re: Neville Hodgkinson's son Tom selling BKism via The Idler

01 May 2020

Why would they simply not teach that we all share the same One Consciousness (without its contents) and there is no intrinsic difference in our innate spiritual makeup ... Don't give them ideas ... they soon will. A big part of the con, as we're seeing in a different topic where they have a therapi...

Corona and/or Krishna? Brahma Kumaris Covid-19 & Coronavirus

30 Apr 2020

There are many valid and interesting discussions to be had about American culture and its problematic system of healthcare, and the fringe reactions to it, but I am concerned that it does not have a direction connection to BKism and to indulge in them is to bury other more directly related conversat...

Re: Neville Hodgkinson's son Tom selling BKism via The Idler

30 Apr 2020

Will Hodgkinson is a music journalist for a Right wing, Murdoch owned newspaper - the parents, like the BKs, always did tend to the Right politically and both work for the Murdoch owned newspapers - so may be he'll get this Sly & The Family Stone reference. Perhaps instead of a "Family Affa...

Neville Hodgkinson's son Tom selling BKism via The Idler

30 Apr 2020

Wrapped in a deliberate and most disingenuous fraud, the sons of the British BK PR supremo Neville Hodgkinson's are now selling BKism to their audiences ... for £42 a shot . I wonder who gets what money off that? Weren't the BK teachings all meant to be "always free"? And is involvement wi...

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

30 Apr 2020

The Buddha himself in the KALAMA SUTTA has said: If you want genuine spiritual awakening/Enlightenment you must free yourself from all dogmas, everything that comes on your way!! Thank you for your post, Arcane, and independent verification of our findings. I am sorry that it has affected your fami...

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

30 Apr 2020

With regards to the idea of a "disclaimer", we don't need one. We have a hugely accurate track record in exposing the crimes, frauds, and falsehoods that the BKs have invested in covering up, and have promoted worldwide. The BK so called meditation practise is a dangerous hook that should ...

Re: Thoughts from a concerned counselor

30 Apr 2020

However, a few of my patients have stopped accepting any sessions where I use the Brahma Kumaris technique, citing the website. I do understand that this organization has had a controversial history and it is probably important for their followers to know about this. However, at the same time, it s...

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