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Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

It strikes me this is the BK model, pure and simple. Oh, and the ashram is out of funds, so they want your money to pay for their toilet roll. My highly conditioned brain says that Shunya is not interested in highly intellectual minds, whom he appears to care is mediocre intellect (under the conditi...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

Amoo Date: April 04, 2020 12:25AM In terms of your positive look on 'they did favour to me', I do not see the reason to interprete that way, as they asked me not for my benefit but for their benefit; no benefit creating any non existing positive favour in their end. Anyone who has spiritual bone of...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

During my stay at Sat, Cov19 got serious, Shunya and the residents, at least in my eyes, appear to celebrate that finally Shunya's apocalypse agenda physically arrived ... After a while, his teaching loops its agenda of apocalypse It was definingly disappointing scene watching Sat was stocking up d...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

It seems the apple does not fall far from The Tree ... although he has a wife and maidservants now. And charges $100-125 per session in US cash for personal sessions. garuna Date: January 08, 2020 09:44AM Since 2015 I have met or talked to more than ten people who have been under the influence of Sh...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

As I wrote in another topic recently, "You can take the BK out of the BKWSU; but can you take the BKWSU, out of the BK". garuna Date: January 04, 2020 08:35AM I have spent several weeks at Sat Yoga ashram with Shunyamurti and his followers. At first I was very impressed by the energy of th...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

He's still teaching very close to BKism, with regards to Destruction , just more elegantly and educatedly presented. He even states that " Only 8 make it ... only 108 manifest without suffering " which is pure BKism. zizlz Date: December 23, 2019 02:11AM Thanks for that link. I rewatched a...

Re: Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

Robert re-sells his BK involvement as, ten years of vowed association with a Brahmachari ashram in India Although he spent almost all of that time, except holidays, in San Franciso, California. Independent discussion on appears insightful and picks up on the connection between what...

ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

15 May 2020

See also, Sat Yoga Instutite . ex-BK Robert Shubow, who is now a self-proclaimed guru running his own Sat Yoga Ashram in Costa Rica , calling himself Shunyamurti, resurfaces on Robin Ramsay's 'More About Brahma Kumaris' website, see; Memorial Maha Samadhi Tribute: To Raj Yogini BK Dadi Janki . Rober...

Re: Humans search for God bring families misery instead of b

14 May 2020

There's an old Arab saying I like, I don't know if it comes from Islam or not, but ... Trust in God ... and tie your camel down You don't walk across a desert and go to sleep at night "trusting" your camel to remain where you left it. Trust in your god ... if you must (I'd argue it is a ne...

Re: Humans search for God bring families misery instead of b

14 May 2020

There is preponderance of trickster gods in many traditions, most obviously in polytheistic systems but also, consider the figure of Satan in the Abrahamic traditions Of course, and one would have to include the Krishna who Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs modelled his character on in the early days, ...

Re: Humans search for God bring families misery instead of b

13 May 2020

Any wise seeker of the ultimate in the field of Spirituality or in Religion, I would say, ends his seeking ... Apparently even women are seeking these days too, so perhaps we should adopt "end their seeking" and other neutral pronouns such as humans, one, they and their? Unless you want t...

Re: Why do the Brahma Kumaris not tell source of BK philosop

11 May 2020

Anonymous I went to the Brahma Kumaris for 3 years and I agree with all criticism. For me it did not work out at all because I started hearing voices in my head from ghosts who are with Brahma (or Prajapitta Lekraj). The Brahma Kumaris wants to end this world with violence and then steal all the so...

Re: Why do the Brahma Kumaris not tell source of BK philosop

11 May 2020

Mathuraiyar Mannan They must be banned before they corrupt the innocent minds. It is very dangerous to allow such group to prosper. At least let them not have a Hindu tag. BuddhaFan This is a place where rape victims, std women , poor widows and females rejected by their families go. They rule the ...

Why do the Brahma Kumaris not tell source of BK philosophy?

11 May 2020

From a discussion on Yahoo. Nothing changes it seems, but many appear to be aware of the BKs. It is perhaps hard for Westerners to appreciate the scale of the conceit and audacity of claiming that their teachings are the true Bhagavad Gita, never mind "based on the real Bhagavad Gita", to ...

Re: Humans search for God bring families misery instead of b

11 May 2020

Theists use that these days to be ecumenical, between denominations or across religions ... Mainly expounded to unite theists in the face of atheism or agnosticism From having spent a couple of thousand years using their tribal gods as an excuse to murder each other off, there are now so few of the...

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